KoÇ School JMUN Conference

26-28 March 2009

Official Registration

*Please summit the following information to by February 13th.

Any questions? Please send an email to Kristen Moreland at


Contact Person:

Contact email:

Step 1: Please select your country from the following list:


Burkina Faso


Costa Rica





Russian Federation


United Kingdom

United States


*South Africa

**MUN rules state that a student may not represent his or her own country. For that reason, we have ‘extended’ South Africa’s membership for our conference

First choice:

Second choice:

(countries will be assigned on a first come, first served basis)

Step 2: Delegation Registration

(Note: the student who will serve as your Ambassador may serve on any committee)

Millennium Development Goal Committee / Delegate
1)  Eradicate Extreme Poverty and
2) Achieve Universal Primary Education
2)  Promote Gender Equality and
Empower Women
4) Reduce child mortality
5) Improve Maternal Health
6) Combat HIV / AIDS, malaria and
other diseases
7) Ensure environmental sustainability
8) Develop a Global Partnership for
9) Security Council

Step 3: Any special needs we should be aware of?

Step 4: Payment Information

**A fee of 50TL per student must be submitted via wire transfer on or before Friday, February 27th. This fee will help cover the cost of meals, the final celebration, the transportation of our guest speaker and additional materials to make the conference successful.

School banking information :

Alıcı adı : VKV Koç Özel İÖO ve Lisesi

Banka adı / Şubesi / Kodu : Yapı Kredi Suadiye Şb. (933)

Hesap No: 29244455

Please include the following information when you pay for the conference. It is important for billing.

Name of student (If your students are transferring money individually)

Name of school (If you are transferring the money for the whole group)

Açıklama : MUN-J

Pre-Conference Expectations


·  Before the conference, all Delegates should be quite familiar with their agenda items. There will be some research time allotted during the conference, however, more time will be needed in order for all debates to be fruitful, and for all students to have the best experience. The time at the conference will be used mainly to prepare resolutions and policy statements.

·  Delegates should not neglect researching which other countries share the same view as their assigned country, as well as which countries oppose them. This will also make the debates stronger.

Country Introduction Power points

·  As a Delegation, your students are to prepare a power point that introduces their host country to their committees. Each Delegate will present this power point in his or her specific committee; this means you will need 9 copies of the power point either on disk, USB, or emailed in advance (must be received by Tuesday, 24 March) to Kristen.

o  Geographic location (show on a map)

o  Cultural description (religion and / or ethnicity)

o  3 things that are notable about this country

§  interesting historical facts and / or figures?

§  a special proverb?

§  famous leaders and their impact on the world?

·  Presentations should be about 3 minutes long, and students should be prepared to answer basic questions and the information they present.

Special Instructions for Ambassadors

As part of the second day’s opening ceremony, we would like each Ambassador to prepare a 1-2 minute speech describing how his/her assigned country is affected by the Millennium Development Goals. This speech should include:

·  The Ambassador’s name and official country name

·  A description of the biggest problem that this country faces

·  What this country hopes to achieve as part of this conference.

Here is an example:

Merhaba! My name is Kristen Moreland, and I am the Ambassador for Turkey.

As a member of the United Nations, and now as an Honored member of the Security Council, we hope to gain the support for our admittance into the European Union, while doing our best to help our Global friends succeed in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

Unfortunately it seems EU is divided about Turkey’s membership. Certain countries think that Turkey should not become a full member because of economical, social and cultural reasons.

Although Turkey’s economy may not be as strong as most EU countries, it is one of the world’s fastest growing economies and full of prospects for the near future. Turkey does have a functioning market economy and thus it remains to be an attractive area for foreign investors. The recent flow of interest from foreign companies is a good indicator of this. With its increasing young population and rising middle class it is also an indispensable market for most European goods.

Regarding the Millennium Development Goals, Turkey is most strongly invested in Goal number 3: Promoting Gender Equality and Empowering Women. With this, improving maternal health and reducing child mortality are directly linked. In addition, there are many people in our country living in poverty, and we commit ourselves fully to achieving the end of poverty by 2015.

Turkey is a bridge between the East and the West and Asia and Europe; a country ideally situated to provide insight and assistance to promoting Global partnership. We are privileged to have the opportunity to participate in this conference, and we wish you all fruitful debate.

KoÇ School JMUN Conference 2009

March 26-28

Official Program

Outside of the conference room / Arrival
Folder distribution and review
Snacks will be available at this time
General Assembly in Conference Hall / Welcome
Committee Introductions (mini presentations by committees)
12:00-12:40 / Lunch
12:45-2:00 Classrooms / Meet your committee members
Country presentations in committee
Conference Room / Regroup in the conference room;
Final announcements for Friday
2:15 pm departure
General Assembly in Conference Room / Welcome
Ambassador speeches
Review the day
12:00-12:45 / Lunch
Classrooms / Committee Introductions
Policy statement overview
Question / answer session on the topics
Library, computer labs / Research / Finalize policy statements
Classrooms / Back in committee to review policy statements / submit resolutions for review
Conference Room / Daily overview
Final lobbying (in the conference room)
Intro to debate (skit)
10:30-10:45 / Break
Classrooms / MUN Language game
Practice debate
Debate on issue #1
(Break at chairs’ discretion)
12:45-1:30 / Lunch
Classrooms / Debate on issue #2
2:45-3:00 / Break
Conference Room / General Assembly: Presentation of Passed Resolutions
5:30-8:00 / Party (dinner and dancing)
Elementary School Main Hallway

KoÇ School JMUN Conference 2009

March 26-28

Agenda Items

Committee / Research Issues
Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger / 1.  Raise the proportion of own account and contributing family workers in total employment in Latin America.
2.  Reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day in Southeast Asia
Achieve Universal Primary Education / 1.  Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling in countries which are living below the poverty line.
2.  Increase the literacy rate of 15-24 year old women and men in East Africa.
Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women / 1.  Increase the proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments in the Middle East
2.  Increase the ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education in all member countries.
Reduce child mortality / 1.  Reduce the mortality rate of children under 5 in Sub-saharan Africa.
2.  Improve amount and delivery of immunizations of children in the Middle East.
Improve Maternal Health / 1.  Decrease the high risk of dying during pregnancy or child birth in Sub-saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.
2.  Work to train and provide skilled health care workers to assist with delivery and care during pregnancy.
Combat HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases / 1.  Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS in Subsaharan Africa.
2.  Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria through treatment and education in Southern Africa.
Ensure environmental sustainability / 1.  Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
2.  Achieve significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers who live in LEDC by 2020
Develop a Global Partnership for Development / 1.  Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries and small island developing states, specifically the Middle East and the African region.
2.  In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable, essential drugs in developing countries, specifically in South East Asia.
Security Council / 1.  Situation between Israel and Hamas and the Palestinian National Authority.
2.  Situation in Zimbabwe