Governor Action plan


Chair of Governors: Maggi Armitage

Date last reviewed: 03/04/16


Brooke School

September 2015

Conducted by Mary McKay, WCC Governor Services

To help the governing body focus on the essentials, the following priority actions are recommended:

1.  School Improvement: Establish a more systematic approach to engaging with the improvement cycle in particular school self evaluation and monitoring of the school’s Learning Plan ensuring pupil progress is accounted for, recording in summary whether the SLP is being implemented in a timely way to achieve the agreed targets. This should include using the available performance data more systematically and analytically to confirm the gb’s view of the performance of subjects, year groups and groups of pupils. See section 1.

2.  The gb organisation should be reviewed with the aim of streamlining the committee structure and ensuring that all groups are reporting in writing to the gb, making them fully accountable for the work they are doing on its behalf.

Also minutes must provide evidence of the gb fulfilling its duty to promote school improvement and in doing so secure accountability for the school’s ongoing performance. See section 1 and 3.

April 2014 July 2014 December 2014 April 2015July 2015 December 2015 April 2016 July 2016 December 2016

1 School Improvement

What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
a) School Self Evaluation (SSE) Ensure gb participation in reviewing and approving the SSE, so that governors feel a shared ownership of the school’s evidence based judgements. Use this opportunity to interrogate the evidence which supports the key gradings i.e. pupil achievement, quality of teaching, personal development behaviour and welfare, leadership and management, and with safeguarding.
It will also confirm that the Improvement Plan/RAP is properly focused. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / New SSE format used and shared with Performance and Standards Committee – HT created headlines for FGB headteachers report.
New Format shared with P&S during Autumn Spring term and minuted with strong challenge, support and questioning on all aspects evidenced.
New format now completed a year cycle and governor engagement, as shown by minutes has been enhanced.
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / As a result of the changes to the SSE and SLP governors feel better equipped to understand the development of the school towards milestones and achievement of school priorities. There has been increased incidence in questioning in meeting and increased challenge, support and information gathering as shown by the minutes of the meetings.
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
b) Evaluating the SLP Develop a system to review the impact of the SLP. At agreed milestones during the year, monitor progress against each key area in the Plan using HT reports, committee conclusions (if that is the new arrangement), data analysis of groups of pupils as well as link governor reports. The timing of these milestone points must be linked with internal management processes ensuring that meetings happen when the termly performance data is available. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / New format of SLP created by HT and SLT, due to be shared with FGB on the 8th December 2015
New Format shared with P&S during Autumn Spring term and minuted with strong challenge, support and questioning on all aspects evidenced. Governor training on using SOLAR to inform questioning and support completed and attended by 50% of the governing body.
New format now completed a year cycle and governor engagement, as shown by minutes has been enhanced.
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / As a result of the changes to the SSE and SLP governors feel better equipped to understand the development of the school towards milestones and achievement of school priorities. There has been increased incidence in questioning in meeting and increased challenge, support and information gathering as shown by the minutes of the meetings.
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
c) Monitoring Quality of Teaching HMCI, Sir Michael Wilshaw, summarises this action for governors:
“The quality of teaching is the single most important factor in the quality of the school. It is your job (i.e. the gb’s job) to know how good it is and where the weaknesses lie.”
To ensure the school’s judgements are in line with Ofsted’s expectations, governors should look for an insight into the wide range of evidence used by the head and other professionals to assess and promote quality of teaching. Ask yourselves if this information is so important shouldn’t it be reported directly to the gb? / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / Report into appraisal linked to teachers pay and appraisal outlined for Governors and will be used for the first time at 8th December FGB. Report then to be added as a standing order on the P&S committee on a termly basis based on previous terms judgments.
Governors now use a range of strategies to inform them of school development including school visits, more precise meetings and more detailed head teachers reports as well updates from senior leaders on a weekly basis.
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / The development of the governor committee have enabled a greater degree of information gathering by the governors. The development of governor visits has also allowed governors to gather first had experience of the school development. This is most evident in the safeguarding and health and safety meetings.
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
d) Minutes Ensure minutes record the questions which demonstrate that governors hold the school to account for pupil outcomes, including any agreed follow-up actions and arrangements to evaluate further impact/progress. They should also include reporting on school visits. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage – FGB / Maria Page
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / Minutes from Autumn term 2015 committee meetings show increased challenge and support and have been highlighted along with points for action
Minutes from the sub committees, Spring 2016 show increased challenge, support and questioning.
Minutes from the sub committees, Summer 2016 show increased challenge, support and questioning.
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / There has been increased incidence in questioning in meeting and increased challenge, support and information gathering as shown by the minutes of the meetings. Minutes from resources and finance and standards are far more detailed and well shared at the FGB meetings on a termly basis by the chairs of the committees/
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
e) Training Governors recognise the importance of training but have a sense of frustration about how they can access training which reflects their work in a special school. Customised in-house training which ensures there is this understanding and helps the gb’s more effective engagement with school improvement would be a useful support for all governors, Establish with all governors expectations about attendance at training and add to the Code of Conduct. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / Whole governor training used on the 22nd September governor meeting based around completing school visits. As a result of training there has been an increase of 100% on governor visits from the similar period last year
Governor training completed on using SOLAR to inform questioning. Training included in Health Safety committee, P&S committee and safeguarding committee
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / External training has been provided by WCC on completing governor visits. As a result of the training governors are developing a wide range of measures to gather evidence, as well as looking to an enhance and more detailed head teachers report.

2. Statutory Responsibility

What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
a)  Statutory Requirements At review point ensure it is minuted that governors are satisfied that practice in the school is consistent with the principles of policy. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / Minutes from Autumn term 2015 committee meetings show increased challenge and support and have been highlighted along with points for action
Minutes from the sub committees, Spring 2016 show increased challenge, support and questioning.
Increased number of school visits recorded by governors during the summer term
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / There has been increased incidence in questioning in meeting and increased challenge, support and information gathering as shown by the minutes of the meetings. Minutes from resources and finance and standards are far more detailed and well shared at the FGB meetings on a termly basis by the chairs of the committees/
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
a)  Pupil Premium Ensure report is readily accessible on website. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / Pupil premium has been accessible on the website for three years, demonstrated previous reports from 2012 – 2015. Reports can be accessed by clicking on the ‘How good is Brooke School” tab. along with sport premium and year 7 catch up premium.
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / This report has been available along with the sports premium and year 7 catch up premium for the past 4 years.
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
Financial responsibilities i) To be clarified, updating and agreeing revised terms of reference. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / All terms of reference updated during Autumn term 2015 and provided to FGB on 8th December for ratification
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / As a result of the review of the governing body meetings, there is a more streamlined set of meetings now, allowing for greater governor visits to school. All governors are now representative on the FGB and a committee as well.
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
Financial responsibilities ii) The gb must decide on how it will delegate its financial duties and how it will secure accountability for what is being undertaken on its behalf. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / FGB have delegated it’s financial responsibilities to the Resources and Finance committee and ensured that the committee is well skilled and appropriately experienced to carry out those duties. Terms of reference have been identified and will be ratified by governors on the 8th December.
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / There is an increase expertise on the finance committee with two financial specialists and one HR employment solicitor. This has provided a greater informed challenge plus a wider skill set for the governors. This has been reflect in a enhance discussion and challenge in meetings.
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
a)  Financial responsibilities iii) The gb’s legal duty to ensure that money is well spent should be reflected in a regular reviewing of the benefits of investments e.g. What have been the benefits and impact of recent development e.g. upgrading of premises, the development of The Ark and Flutterbies and the new partnership working with schools. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / SBM to complete investment records for the new initiates and head teachers report to identify impact of new provision in termly report. This has already been evidenced during the Autumn term meeting
Minutes from the sub committees, Summer 2016 show increased challenge, support and questioning.
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / There is an increase expertise on the finance committee with two financial specialists and one HR employment solicitor. This has provided a greater informed challenge plus a wider skill set for the governors. This has been reflect in a enhance discussion and challenge in meetings.
What are we aiming for and when will it be achieved?
What will be the impact of this? / Staff lead?
Governor Monitor?
d) Performance Management Confirm there are arrangements for the required annual reporting by the HT on the implementation of the Performance Management policy and the contribution this policy is making to teaching and learning. / S: Chris Pollitt / Vanessa Lamb / Hannah Toner
G: Maggi Armitage - FGB
What have been the milestones to achieving it? / Report into appraisal linked to teachers pay and appraisal outlined for Governors and will be used for the first time at 8th December FGB. Report then to be added as a standing order on the P&S committee on a termly basis based on previous terms judgments.
Have we achieved it? What has been the impact? / As a result of the changes to the head teachers report there has been an increased awareness, along with first hand information from school visits by governors.

3.  Governance Organisation – structure & processes