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Governmment of West Bengal
Finance Department
Pension Branch
Hemanta Bhavan : (Top Floor)ll
12, B B D Bag(East),Calcutta-700 001.
No.517-F(pen)Dated,Calcutta,the 21st april,1999.
. Subject: Grant of Medical Relief to the State
Government Pensioners/Familly Peosioners
Consequent upon revision of Medical Allowance to State Govt.employees, the question of revision of medical relief to State Govt.pensioners has been under consideration of the Government.
2. After careful consideration of the matter the Governor has been pleased to
decide that the State Govt. pensioners including holders of family pension/ad-hoc family pension/ ex-gratia pension and extra- ordinary pension,who are now getting edical Relief of Rs.30/- (Rupees Thirty) only per month shall get Medical Relief at the rate of Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred) only per month. The amount of extra-ordinary pension and family pension Where divided amongst eligible recipients the said pension shall be treated as single unit and the monthly medical relief shall be disbursed to them in equal share.Where a pensioner is employed/re-employed in Govt./Semi-Govt./ Non-Govt..body/institutions,etc.and is in receipt of medical allowance,shall not get medical relief sanctioned herein.In case of pensioners who are in recipt of more than one pension,the medical relief of Rs. 100/- per month will be available with one pension only.
- This benefit will also be admissible to the (i) pensioners ( including widow
Pension holders) who draw their pension sanctioned under French Pension Rules,(ii) pensioners of the undivided Government of Bengal and the pensioners of the erstwhile East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) Government who migrated to West Bengal and are receiving pension under “Provisional Payment of Pension Scheme”.
- This order shall take effect from 1. 4. 1999 and will be admissible on pension for the month of April, 1999 payable in May onwards.
5. For the payment of medical relief sanctioned herein the Principal Accountant General (A&E). West Bengal will issue authority to the Public Sector Banks in Calcutta and Accountant Generals of other States.
6.The Treasury / Sub-Treasury Officers will give effect to this order without the authority of the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal.
7.The charge is debitable to the head “2071-Pension and other Retirement Benefits”.
8.This benefit will not be admissible to pensioners guided by All India Rules.
Sd/- A. Ghosh,
Joint Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal.
No. 517/1(7000)-F(Pen) Dated, Calcutta, the 21st April, 1999.
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :-
1)The Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal,
Treasury Buildings, Calcutta-700 001 (with 500 spare copies).
2)The Manager, Reserve Bank of India (Public A/Cs.Deptt.),Calcutta.
3)The Manager, Reserve Bank of India (Public A/Cs.Deptt.). Mumbai,
(with 65 spare copies).
4)The Accounts Officer,West Bengal Secretariat.
6)The Treasury Officer,------
to give effect to this order without the authority of the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Calcutta –700 001.
7)The Commissioner,------
8)The District Magistrate / District Judge,------
9)The Sub-Divisional Officer,------
10)The Superintendent of Police,------
11)The Principal, Industrial Training Institute, ------