Regular Meeting - 7626- March 24, 2014
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District held at 5:00 P.M., Monday, March 24, 2014 in the Board Room of the Port of Lake Charles located at 751 Bayou Pines, Suite A, Lake Charles, Louisiana.
In attendance and constituting a quorum, were:
John L. LeBlanc, President
Elcie J. Guillory, Vice President
Barbara M. McManus, Secretary/Treasurer
Daryl V. Burckel, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Dudley R. Dixon, Commissioner
Michael G. Eason, Commissioner
Walter M. Sanchez, Commissioner
Also Present:
Bill Rase, Executive Director
Mike Dees, General Counsel
Louis Colletta, Assistant General Counsel
Richert Self, Director of Administration and Finance
Channing Hayden, Director of Navigation/ Security
Todd Henderson, Director of Operations
Dan Loughney, Director of Marketing and Trade Development
Donald Brinkman, Director of Engineering, Maintenance and Development
Michelle Bolen, Executive Administrative Assistant
Mr. LeBlanc called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. and asked Dr. Burckel to give the invocation. Mr. Dixon led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. LeBlanc made a statement reminding the Public of the Port’s procedure for the Public to address an agenda item to the Board.
1. Approval of the February 24, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Mr. Guillory offered a motion to approve the February 24, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Eason seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
2. Submission 2014 – 014 authorizing the Executive Director to execute an application letter to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board to establish a Foreign-Trade Subzone for LEEVAC Shipyards, LLC and/or its subsidiary LEEVAC Shipyards Jennings, LLC in Jennings, Louisiana and to execute any and all other related documents in connection therewith.
Ms. McManus offered a motion to adopt Resolution 2014 – 014 to authorize the Executive Director to execute an application letter to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board to establish a Foreign-Trade Subzone for LEEVAC Shipyards, LLC and/or its subsidiary LEEVAC Shipyards Jennings, LLC in Jennings, Louisiana and to execute any and all other related documents in connection therewith. Dr. Burckel seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
3. Submission 2014 – 015 amending the Zone Schedule for Foreign-Trade Zone 87 and submitting the same to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board for approval.
Mr. Guillory offered a motion to adopt Resolution 2014 – 015 to amend the Zone Schedule for Foreign-Trade Zone 87 and submit the same to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board for approval. Mr. Eason seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
4. Submission 2014 – 016 authorizing amendments to the Zone Schedule for Foreign-Trade Zone 87 from time to time and submitting any amendments thereto to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board for approval.
Mr. Eason offered a motion to adopt Resolution 2014 – 016 to authorize amendments to the Zone Schedule for Foreign-Trade Zone 87 from time to time and submit any amendments thereto to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board for approval. Dr. Burckel seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
5. Submission 2014 – 017 authorizing the District to enter into a professional services agreement with Meyer & Associates and Lanier & Associates.
Mr. Dixon offered a motion to adopt Resolution 2014 – 017 to authorize the District to enter into a professional services agreement with Meyer & Associates and Lanier & Associates. Ms. McManus seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
6. Submission 2014 – 018 accepting the lowest responsive bid for spare parts for the Koch ship loader.
Ms. McManus offered a motion to adopt Resolution 2014 – 018 to accept the lowest responsive bid lowest responsive bid for spare parts for the Koch ship loader. Mr. Eason seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
7. Submission 2014 – 019 accepting the contract of Pat Williams Construction, Inc. as complete for the Railroad Improvements and Ladder Tracks at City Docks; Port Project No. 06-CIP-08 Phase III, State Project NO. 578-10-0026 (321).
Mr. Guillory offered a motion to adopt Resolution 2014 – 019 to accepting the contract of Pat Williams Construction, Inc. as complete for the Railroad Improvements and Ladder Tracks at City Docks; Port Project No. 06-CIP-08 Phase III, State Project NO. 578-10-0026 (321). Mr. Dixon seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
8. Sabine Site 1 A Beneficial Use Project Briefing Note
The Briefing Note concerning the Sabine Site 1 A Beneficial Use Project was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
9. February 2014 Financials Briefing Note
The Briefing Note concerning the District’s February 2014 Financials was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
Mr. LeBlanc stated that before they continued, there is an item he wants to bring to light. The City has been dealing with the Mardi Gras Boardwalk issue and the Port had shown some interest in possibly looking at that property as well. He wanted to know if they wanted to explore the option of going to the City and still showing interest for that piece of property. Mr. Rase stated they still have some interest in doing that. The problem is the Port has an office building that they are getting ready to construct and are hoping to go out for bids in June. They would not have a whole lot of time to decide. It would be one of the anchors that he thought might be useful to the City as far as a construction project that is ready to go and can be put out there right a way in order to encourage others to join in. They are probably going to talk to the City over the next couple of weeks to see if there is any interest. But, quite frankly, if they cannot move quickly, they need to put the building down and get started as staff is in temporary quarters now. It is time to move forward. They do have some interest and they will talk to the City over the next couple of weeks.
Mr. Sanchez stated that no matter what the Port does with the building, it is good for the Port to try to reach out to the City to see what the Port can do to try to help with that aspect. Mr. Rase stated that yes the Port does think that. He feels that if one has a project ready to go that could be standing there in a year and a half, it would be very beneficial to the overall opportunity for others to join in.
10. Monthly Staff report from Director of Administration and Finance.
The Director of Administration and Finance’s Monthly Staff Report was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
11. Monthly Staff report from Director of Navigation and Security.
The Director of Navigation and Security’s Monthly Staff Report was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
12. Monthly Staff report from Director of Operations.
The Director of Operations’ Monthly Staff Report was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
13. Monthly Staff report from Director of Marketing and Trade Development.
The Director of Marketing and Trade Development’s Monthly Staff Report was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
14. Monthly Staff report from Director of Engineering, Maintenance, and Development.
The Director of Engineering, Maintenance, and Development’s Monthly Staff Report was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
15. Monthly Staff report from the State Port Lobbyist.
The State Port Lobbyist’s Monthly Staff Report was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
16. Monthly Staff report from the National Port Lobbyist.
The National Port Lobbyist’s Monthly Staff Report was rendered to the Board and is on file in the Executive Offices.
17. Executive Session.
Ø Suit filed by Lake Charles Stevedores and Tom Flanagan as owner against the Port of Lake Charles – Suit No. 2013-001091.
Mr. LeBlanc asked for a motion to enter into Executive Session. Mr. Sanchez offered a motion to enter into Executive Session. Ms. McManus seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The Board entered into Executive Session at 5:17 p.m.
The Board returned from Executive Session at 5:57 p.m. No action was taken in Executive Session.
18. Other Matters which may properly come before the Board.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. LeBlanc asked for a motion to adjourn. Ms. McManus offered a motion to adjourn. Mr. Dixon seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:57 p.m.
All discussions held on the above items were recorded on Compact Disc Number 1, and filed in the Executive Offices of the District.
Please note that when the votes are shown as unanimous, it is the policy of the Board that the President does not vote except in the event of a tie vote by the rest of the Board and/or unless otherwise indicated.
JOHN L. LEBLANC, President
BARBARA M. MCMANUS, Secretary/ Treasurer