- Name: United Citizen's Alliance (alt: Interstellar Network of Planets)

- Totalitarian

- Not so much malevolent as arrogant and lacking in judgement

- NATO in space

- Sort of a United Federation of Planets meets the Alliance from Firefly.


- Name: Order-Keepers

- Three types of military personnel aboard Overlook Station:


- Rent-a-cops

- Employed by Overlook management. Answer to Sida.


- Standard Alliance soldiers, receive their checks from the government

- Stationed mostly in the Military Sector aboard Overlook

- Plentiful as stormtroopers, but without the armor and bad aim


- Marine-types. Always higher-ranking. Lead the soldiers.

- Not many around. Heavily armed, armored.

- Humans/humanoids modified to become half-machine

- Stealthy, powerful, equipped with the latest technology

- Heightened senses

- One hand is robotic, with two opposable thumbs (ala Cylons)

- Standard biobot gear:

- Regulation blaster (that shoots mercury?)

- Electrified spike

- Superheated gas shotgun

- Energy loop (lightsaber-y laser chainsaw) attached at forearm

- Digital laser

- Body armor


- All evolved from humans at one point


- Standard, earthlike humans

- Major religion: TENANTRY

- Monotheistic

- Vague prophecy of Chosen One: The Tenant

- The body is a temporary house for The Tenant/god


- Thick, alligator-like skin. Vaguely reptillian.

- Generally larger, more muscular than humans

- Dominant species on several planets, all united

- Altorian culture

- Altorians: Alligator-skinned, tentacle-dreadlocks. Scar over right eye due to religious ceremony involving the removal of one dread.

Altorians: Longer lifespans, dreadlocks over one eye at birth

TORI - gasheye

- cut tentacle from above one eye: religious ceremony

a large, alligator-skinned race with a deep sense of honor and nobility.

- Altorians: Everates - Polytheistic. Focus on honor, chivalry, brotherhood, and reincarnation. (Loyalty to fellow Altorians grows from here?)

- Nawns: Near-human. Bigger eyes, slightly bigger brains, smaller mouths, near no nose. Sort of like if Shirley Manson were an alien.

- Nawns - No Religion. Focus on science and reason. Think Vulcans with emotion.

- Siddh: Squid people. Sort of like Abe Sapien, but unable to leave the water

- Siddh: Unnamed - Something to do with water. Something Taoist-like.

-ZOMbot = Zeta Organic Machine


- 100,000 years ago, in another galaxy, on an earthlike planet, a global holy war wiped out most of civilization and rendered the planet useless. The dominant species (human) split up into groups defined by their religions, traveled to other solar systems, and colonized other planets.

Over the course of thousands of years, the different peoples adapt to their environs and evolved into different species, subspecies, etc. Many civilizations grew and expanded, while others withered away.

The holy war passed from historical fact to legend to myth and was eventually dismissed as a fairy tale. Interstellar travel was abandoned for thousands of years by most civilizations while they planted their roots on their new home planets. Over time, various scientists rediscovered the technology and developed it.

Some peoples ventured out into space with a sense of entitlement and, having forgotten why everyone else left the planet, set out to explore other worlds.

They got along with some planets (ala the Vulcans in Star Trek) but not so much with others (like Klingons).

Some are still close to human, but with, like, bigger eyes and tiny noses. Others adapt to rough, swampy environments and develop tough alligator-like skin and can walk on all fours quite quickly (gallop, sprint, dog-like).

Each different species, of course, has a different ideology based on the religious beliefs they stemmed from. They also all have various technologies and designs/architecture, though it has been blended a bit in the less xenophobic societies.

This brings us to present day.


The planet of Altoria IV is populated by Altorians - a large, alligator-skinned race with a deep sense of honor and nobility.

A group of humans land on Altoria IV to reap its riches and subjugate the Altorians. Unbeknownst to them, there's something on the planet that turns them into zombies. It's transmitted through bites and scratches. The standard zombie rules. Since the Altorians have the thick alligator skin, they're immune to the zombies and use them for menial labor.

The humans have, by this point, established an interplanetary, faith-based, totalitarian government. They find out about the Altorians using humans as "slaves" and, ignoring the argument from zombification, declare war on the Altorians.

Meanwhile, on another planet, an 11-year-old human girl witnesses her parents being gunned down by a Jabba-esque crime lord's minions. One of the goons takes pity on the girl, named Miranda, and convinces the others not to kill her. Instead, they take her prisoner and return to the crime boss' place. The girl is put into servitude.

Over the course of several years, Miranda moves up the ladder in the crime boss' favors and becomes an accomplished goon herself. The guy who rescued her still does jobs for the crime boss, but he also freelances as an accomplished bounty hunter. Miranda still harbors a great loathing and resentment for the boss and plans to exact her revenge when the chance arrives.

The plan comes to fruition, Miranda escapes, her mentor dies, and the crime boss is killed by someone else. Miranda can't have her revenge. Fueled by her rage, she sets out earning herself a reputation as a bounty hunter. During this time, she has an illicit affair with a high ranking human officer, Captain Sida. They get caught and split up. She goes back to her normal life, while he is drastically demoted to security chief at a space station in the Altoria sector (due to his wife having friends in high places), and they agree to maintain a friendly professional relationship.

- Cold war w/ Altorians

-The government is involved with the zombie project to figure out who caused it.

- They keep the zombie's existence low-key, hoping to capture its inhabitants and use them as slave infantry?? (may be irrelevant now after changes we have made)

- "Project Zeta"

The Station:

A large, octagonal space station divided into eight triangles radiating from a central hub. Each triangle houses something different. Its government, but not military, although it does have a military outpost. Other wings include R&D, recreation, medical, correctional, business, government, and housing. It has a strong automated defense system composed of surface-mounted cannons and space fighter bots.

- Overlook is located between two planets out in the middle of nowhere.

- Station Name: Overlook Station

- Station has automated defenses along the way

Miranda Wright - (human, female) - Cocky, smartass, badass bounty hunter. Sort of a cross between Milla Jovovich and Han Solo. Prefers to work alone. Our Protagonist.

When she was a preteen, a local crime boss sent a pair of goons to dispatch her family for whatever reason. She witnessed her parents' murder from a hiding place, but was captured by the goons when she tried to escape. One wanted to kill her, as per the boss' orders (to kill the Wrights), but he other took pity and ended up killing the first goon. Goon2 took her back to the crime boss' place where she served under him/her in horrible conditions over the course of several years.

During this time, the goon secretly trained her in combat techniques whenever he was around. He also worked as a hired gun/bounty hunter/assassin. Once Miranda was old enough and able enough, the two plotted escape. She made it out. He died at the hands of the crime boss. Miranda, of course, swore to avenge his death. Unfortunately, this was never able to happen because the crime boss was killed in an accident of some sort.

Alone and filled with rage, Miranda went out on her own, making a name for herself, and eventually meeting Sida. They had a brief but sordid affair. He thought of her as a mistress. She thought of him as a fuck buddy. When they were discovered, Miranda wasn't effected because she's outside the law. They broke up shortly thereafter, because she was too much of a free spirit. They agreed it'd be best if they remained friends. Now she's a professional bounty hunter.

- Miranda's ship: Z1G-e Starduster

Admiral Noubelle - (Altorian, male) - Leader of the resistance. Strong, noble, strict code of honor. Knows about zombies. Think Worf meets Malcom Reynolds. The Reluctant Sidekick.

Strong, noble, and possessing a strict code of honor, Noubelle was a low-ranking officer in the Altorian navy at the start of the war. Over the course of the conflict, Noubelle was repeatedly honored and commended for his bravery and brilliant tactics against the Alliance. He eventually became the leader of the Altorian Resistance. The Alliance saw him as a subhuman terrorist leader. There is a large bounty on his head.

Chief Sida - (human, male) - Head of security for the Station. Dreams of one day becoming a great leader for the Republic. Strict, argumentative, knows the station better than anyone. The Poison.

Armand Sida was the third of five unremarkable children in an unremarkable high-ranking family within the Alliance. Like the rest of his unremarkable siblings, Sida was educated by the military, for the military. He married a lady from an influential military family, and, as a result, was promoted to the rank of captain aboard the capital ship Persephone. It was during this time that he first met Miranda.

Over the course of a few months, a relationship between Sida and Miranda blossomed. Sida tried, and ultimately failed, to keep the relationship a secret from his wife. She walked in on them one night while he should have been on duty. The next day he was demoted and sent to work as a security chief on the Station. He still fancies himself an officer, though he's little more than a rent-a-cop. He and Miranda still run into each other regularly, though they're on friendly, yet strictly professional, terms.

Private Willip - (human biobot, male) - Enlisted soldier who would rather not be. Naive and foolhardy. Willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, which he does, repeatedly. Or at least the bot part. The Boy.

Willip was born to an average family. He enlisted in the Alliance military as soon as he was old enough, partly because he though it'd be cool to have robotic implants. He's never been out in the real world, but recently, he's become curious and doubtful of the Alliance's position. He maintains a dour dispositon, and he's awkward around girls, especially Hermione. He's 19 or 20.

Hermione Dyse - (humanoid female) - Discovered in the mess hall, cowering in fear. Watched her family succumbn to the zombies who overpowered the soldiers who tried to rescue her. Technical genius. The Girl.

An A student with a gift for technology, Hermione spent as much of her life as she can remember on the Station living alone with her father. She was always a bit of a recluse, unsure of herself about most things she wasn't terribly familiar with, but - forced into the position - she can be an effective leader. She maintains a sunny disposition and thinks Pvt. Willip is kinda cute. She's her species' equivalent of 17 or 18.

Rex Suruasusej - (human, male) Rich, arrogant jackass

The weasely pretty rich boy who's too good for you. Rex graduated from a prestigious university, and he will let everyone know this, whether or not he's asked. He's a stereotypical amoral 1980's-type businessman who got where his connection and his dad's money. He owns a private space yacht with 2 concubines - one alien, one human.

Brianne Lysandra - (human, female) Bitchy blonde concubine

She is 2-3 years younger than Rex, has served him as a concubine since she was 13, and thanks to him has developed an unearned sense of entitlement. She is the senior of his two girls and never fails to remind Marinne of her seniority and her humanity.

Brianne wears almost see-through outfit w/ blurred/mosaic'd areas to hide her naughty bits, but she's basically wandering around nude.

Arylla Smoobs - (humanoid alien, female) Alien concubine

She is about 10 years younger than Rex and serves him as his alien concubine. She's "employed" by him against her will and is the subject constant harassment by Brianne. She's not a fan of her situation in life but doesn't see any other options.

Lon Wulpho - (humanoid alien, male) Bruce Willis type, but in a bad way

Lon fancies himself a man of action. He's really just a regular guy who's seen far too many Bruce Willis movies and sees the zombie outbreak as a perfect opportunity to put himself in the role of an action star.

Josiah Cutshaw - (human, male) Space redneck (Travis' life partner)

Recently wed to Travis. Josiah is on his honeymoon. Josiah is the outgoing, obnoxious one. He originated on [an earthlike planet] and grew up in a very conservative Tenentrian (neo-Christian) family. His parents disowned him when he came out, and Travis is his world. He drinks, too. Stronger of the two, both stronger willed and larger in stature and muscle mass. Man of action. A hands-on killer.

Travis Cutshaw - (human, male) Space redneck (Josiah's life partner)

Recently wed to Josiah. Travis is on his honeymoon. Travis is the quiet, reserved one. More cerebral, though not overly intelligent. He's the weaker of the two, both physically and emotionally, and is a crack shot with long-range weapons (sniper).


Upton Speide - exposition guy who gets impaled after giving relevant info to Sida and joining in the fight in the Prison Sector

Zombie Mike - former scientist who gets zombified before the action starts, explodes the core

Doctor Dyse - Hermione's dad, was main researcher for Project Zeta. Responsible for the outbreak aboard Overlook after some researchers under his control get bitten by Bitey Joe. Killed by said researchers/Asian grad students.

Bitey Joe - spy who was bitten and the original patient zero. kept in a padded cell in the prison sector. Secretly kept alive for Dyse's research purposes (and sedated by Dyse to prevent him fighting back.) Killed by Sida and Speide.

Barabus - Big-ass prisoner guy. Kills for fun.

Prick at Desk - Disposable asshole. Killed by Barabus.

Other Biobot - Killed in Entertainment sector. Used for exposition.

Zombie Rules:

Zombism is transmitted from Zombie saliva or other bodily fluids when it enters the bloodstream and causes anemia. That, in turn, causes the person to bleed to death, which causes the latent zombie "virus" to take over and bring them back.

If you could stop the bleeding in some fashion (cauterizing the wound, etc), you'd be fine until death of some other sort.

They're driven completely by the brain. Heart stops beating, blood stops flowing. No involuntary breathing.

Only lower brain function. Most basic functions: To feed, to breed.

Victims of biting contagious after short gestation period, before or after zombification/death.

Medulla oblongata must be destroyed in order to stop zombie. Only muscles still connected to brain can be used. Some brain may be destroyed without killing zombie, just not the motor control. Can cut off the head at the bottom of the neck, it would still be alive, but only jaw and eye movement.

After zombification:

Sight/Hearing - same

Touch - severely diminished - feel no pain, don't know their own strength.

Taste/Smell - heightened, can find the humans

Zombies can't run