GOSHAWK CALLS SURVEY FORM – 2010 Site no if known AOT
Site name Grid ref of site:
Nil records are important – please record each visit made, even if the results are negative
2. CALLSVisit date / time / Listening location (grid ref) / Start time of calling / Duration / Type of calls / Approx distance / direction of calls / Any Goshawk Sightings
Please attach a photo or sketch map of any nesting area, with grid references
This survey form covers stage 2 (calls). Separate forms are available for stages 1, 3–4 (signs, display, breeding) if you are only able to carry out some of the survey, or if access problems prevent the completion of every stage. An ‘all-in-one’ form is available and best used when monitoring an AOT or carrying out all the stages for a new site.
Code definitions:
Codes are listed below in order to minimise the effort involved in completing the survey form, but feel free to complete the form in ‘full’ if you prefer. If using the codes, pick those which most closely match what you find for each category.
Call codes / Goshawk codes / Other raptor species codesC / single call ‘kek’ / AF / adult female / SH / Sparrowhawk
S / series of alarm calls ‘kek-kek-kek’ / AM / adult male / GI / Goshawk
W / wailing call / IM / immature male / BZ / Common Buzzard
B / food begging by female / juvenile / IF / immature female / KT / Red Kite
U / age unknown / HY / Hobby
K. / Kestrel
HZ / Honey Buzzard
Habitat codes
CP / conifer plantation, plus age / size / DP / dense planting
DW / deciduous woodland, plus age / size / OP / open planting
MW / mixed woodland, plus age / size / MO / mixed or areas of clearfell / openings
L / Larch / CC / closed canopy
PI / Pine – Lodgepole / Scots / FC / fragmented or open canopy
SP / Spruce – Norway / Sitka / DU / dense understorey
BR / broadleaved – please specify / SU / scattered or no understorey
PW / private woodland / no or limited access / AK / actively keepered
FC / Forestry Commission / no or limited access / NK / not keepered or unknown
OA / open access or extensive footpaths / DI / Disturbance, indicate low, medium, high
Species: please identify calls to species where possible or list as unknown. Recording of Goshawk calls and confusion species are available.
Sightings: please record which raptor species are seen / heard, particularly Goshawk sightings for all call surveys, and other raptor species for signs and display surveys.
Listening location: it would be helpful to record which locations prove fruitful, particularly those which are accessible.
Start of calling / duration: this may help judge the most profitable times to listen (and minimise early starts!). Please include actual sunrise time to compare.
Direction and distance of calls: may prove useful in order to pin down likely occupied areas for later searching.
Please add anything else you feel may be relevant – interesting behaviour noted, interactions with other species, best watchpoints, access problems, possible persecution / disturbance issues etc. Details on the plumage or distinguishing features of individual birds are particularly welcome. Detailed descriptions of the woodland in general and the nesting area in particular would be very useful to build up a picture of what Goshawk prefer or can succeed in locally.