Google Earth Project Names:______Hr ____
Earth Location:______Google Earth Plate Tectonics Project: ______/28
On the back of this sheet, record what YOU did to help complete this project! Put yourname/initials on your part.
Essential Question 2: What is the evidence of location and interaction of tectonic plates?
Learning Targets: I can...
- Understand that ocean trenches, mid-ocean ridges and mountain ranges are due to the volcanic and seismic activity at plate boundaries
- Understand that major geological events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and mountain building, provide evidence of the location and slow movement of tectonic plates
Enduring Understanding:In groups of one or two...
Select one of the Earth locations below, or suggest an alternative. Use Google Earth to explore this area. (No more than 3 groups per location). Divide up the work load among the group members.
- Iceland
- Japan
- Africa (eastern side)
- Aleutian Islands
- California (west coast)
- South America (Peru/Chili area)
- India (northern region)
- Sumatra
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Press the START button and go to All Programs. Select the Google Earth file and then the Google Earth program. This may take a few minutes.In the Layers menu (bottom left), click the triangle to expandthe Gallery. Then check the box forEarthquakes, also Volcanoes. Then click the triangle to expand Oceans. Check the box for Explore the Oceans.
Checklist: Evaluate the chosen area and take notes for the following four items.
Record your findings in the data table on the back of this sheet and who found it.
___ Volcanoes: Number of (Many or few?) and patterns (Clumped, scattered, or in lines?)
Last eruption? Where? Details?See my Teacher Page for websites of up-to-date info.
___ Earthquakes: (Many or few?) and patterns (Clumped, scattered, or in lines?)
Last earthquake? Where? What magnitude? See my Teacher Page for up-to-date info.
___ Zoom into observe & record any nearbyland features(Islands? Mountains?Trenches?)
___ Use a plate boundaries mapto find the names of the specific platesthat are interacting at your location .See my Teacher Page for a map.
From your observations above, determine the following, and record in the data table:
___ Thespecific type of plate boundary
___ Theevidencefor your decision of the type of plate boundary
___ Participate in an oral presentation of your findings to the class in a format of your choice.
You must use at least one visual. This may include Google Earth.
Data Collection Table
Points earned / Focus / What does this mean? / Data/evidence collected / Who worked on it and the date.Volcanoes / -Number(many/few?)
-Patterns?(clumped, scattered, lines?)
-Last eruption details-when, where
Earthquakes / -Number(many/few?)
-Patterns?(clumped, scattered, lines?)
-Last EQ-details, when, where, magnitude
Land features / What features are here? (islands, mountains, trenches…)
Specific Plates / Use a plate boundaries map to find the names of the specific plates involved at your location.
**From your observations above, determine the following:
SPECIFIC type of Boundary / Convergent, divergent, or transform & type of crust involved here
Evidence / What were the 3 BEST pieces of evidence for you to conclude on the type of boundary answered above?
Present your findings / -EVERYONE must be a part of the presentation.
-One visual is needed, this may include Google Earth
______ / Comments: