MnDOT Contract No. 00169
Scope of Work
Exhibit A
Scope of Services for Soils Analysis and Materials Design Recommendations (MDR)
State Project (S.P.) 1703-70 TH 60
Approximate Reference Point (R.P.) 53.9 to R.P. 58.5
Construction of 2 additional lanes
Alternative bid type project to include a minimum of one bituminous and one concrete design.
This contract is for subsurface investigation work to be performed for State project involving construction of two new lanes on Trunk Highway (TH) 60 between Mountain Lake and Butterfield. The project limits are from 3450’ west of Cottonwood County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 8 to 4050’ east of Watonwan CSAH 2 (approximately 4.5 miles). This project will also require some work on the existing two lanes, such as removing the inplace wide shoulders to construct a narrow median shoulder, cross-overs and turn lanes.
The subsurface investigation shall include the following, in accordance with the State Pavement Design and Geotechnical Manual:
1. A study of preliminary plans, documents and available subsurface investigation information
2. An on-site inspection of site conditions
3. Planning the test boring and sampling program
4. Obtaining land owner permission for property access (including compensation for crop damage, if impacted)
5. Clearing utilities
6. Performing soil borings
7. Measuring ground water levels
8. Obtaining preliminary and final survey information
9. Preparing a field boring log and final boring log
10. Preparing a plan and cross section of borings
11. Writing a “Materials Design Recommendation” letter
Soil Classification
Every sample taken by the test boring and sampling program shall be inspected visually, and field classified, and given a description. All soils shall be classified according to section 3-2.02.01 and Fig. 3-2.1 of the State Geotechnical Manual. Each layer and/or sample shall have a description pertaining to color, moisture content, relative density, and relative consistency. Organic soils shall be described as indicated below.
Percentage of Organic Matter / Description2-5 / Slightly Organic
6-10 / Organic
11-25 / Highly Organic
>25 / Peat
Soil described as peat shall also be identified in section 2-1.0 (16) of the State's Geotechnical and Pavement Manual
Boring Frequency
For boring frequency and depths see the Geotechnical & Pavement Manual section 4-1.02.03. District Materials Engineer may make adjustments to these testing rates. An exception to the boring depth in this section would be if soft or unsuitable soils are encountered at a depth of greater than 25’ below proposed grade, Contractor should stop boring and contact the District Materials Engineer for further guidance. Soil R-Value testing will be provided by State, at the frequency in the Geotechnical & Pavement Manual table 5-3.2.
Progress Meetings
Once the contract is initiated, plan for approximately four progress meetings. Some topics of discussion will be the progress of borings, materials being found, any problem areas (i.e.swamps), and a draft Design Recommendation Letter.
Utility Coordination
Utility locates will need to be performed on an area basis and not on proposed borehole locations. When a new locate has been called in, notification to the District Materials Engineer will be required. This will allow for utility location information to be gathered by the State for use by Detail Design in the plan design.
Electronic Version of Boring Log
Contractor shall propose a method of providing an electronic boring log, using the abbreviations in Table 3-2.15 of the State’s Geotechnical and Pavement Manual Section 3-2.05. The purpose of the electronic boring log is to allow MnDOT to review and verify unsuitable material depth, and then to provide project designers with a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) file of the unsuitable material bottom. This TIN file will then be used for earthwork quantities. Contractor may propose to create this TIN, or provide electronic boring log in accordance with the procedure below so MnDOT can create the TIN:
Soil boring information will be collected using Trimble G.P.S. and State’s “Soils Data Dictionary.” The Soils Data Dictionary is an application that is used to collect soils strata information using a Trimble ProXR (or comparable Trimble G.P.S.) data collector. Paper field notes are optional. Abbreviations for soils terms, as defined in Table 3-2.15 of the State's Geotechnical and Pavement Manual Section 3-2.05, are built into the “Soils Data Dictionary.”
Data from the data collector will be uploaded to Trimble Pathfinder Office. Output files (.ssf), will be given to State (no more than once per week) and within 10 working days. State will provide the consultant with: (1) data files that may be uploaded to either Bentley Systems InSitu or GEOPAK GeoTech tool. (Both products overlay Bentley Systems MicroStation CAD software). (2) Summary reports of field data collected for each auger hole which will include G.P.S. (Northing and Easting) and strata information.
Private Property Access Permission
State will make every attempt to have landowner access permissions secured by February 1st, 2012. In the event that landowner permission cannot be obtained, the drilling schedule may be adjusted accordingly. It is expected however, that absent significant delay the Contractor will reallocate resources in order to meet the remainder of the completion dates. If drilling can be completed by April 11th, crop damage payments of $.25/foot impacted can be avoided and landowners will be more likely to allow property access. If crop damage payments are required by landowner, Contractor shall track movement of boring rig with GPS to calculate the
Borehole Survey Information
Preliminary and final survey information shall be included for each borehole. Preliminary information shall include a horizontal and vertical tie into permanent structures (include sketch). Final survey information shall include station-offset information, northing and easting, (Universal Transverse Mercator) UTMs coordinates, and elevations. Elevations may be obtained from a TIN which State will provide.
Soils Profile
The soils profile will need to contain the following information at a minimum: alignment stationing, existing ground, proposed finish grade, the grading grade, subcut depth, muck excavation, and borings plotted with individual strata depth, ground water conditions and material type.
Design Recommendation Letter
A “Design Recommendation Letter” will need to be written. The guidelines for the letter are in Chapter 6 of the Geotechnical and Pavement Manual. The letter should focus on designing the new construction with one concrete and one bituminous option that meet the requirements of State Technical Memorandum No. 09-12-MAT-03. The proposed pavement options shall meet the RigidPave and FlexPave program criteria.
The Geotechnical and Pavement Manual specifies several sections that are less critical to pavement design needs. These areas, listed below should be de-emphasized or omitted where possible:
6-3.0 1.A.2 Proposed Alignment Changes
1.A.5 Proposed Interchanges
1.B.1.b.2 Concrete Pavement
1.B.2 Site Topography
1.C Geologic Information/Survey
1.D.1 Deflection Measurements (FWD)
1.E.3 Deflection Measurements….
1.E.4 Surface and Subsurface….
1.F Project Analysis
1.H Turf Establishment Soils
2.B Foundation Surveys, Analysis and Recommendations
2.C.1.d Shrinkage Factors
2.C.2.b Special Treatments
2.D.1.a.1.d Saw and seal
2.D.1.c Ramps, Loops, Climbing Lane, etc.
2.D.2 Rehabilitation
2.E Erosion Control and Turf Establishment
2.F Aggregate and Borrow Sources
In order to meet the District’s preferred schedule the following deadlines are required from the date of notice to proceed:
Boring Layout as soon as possible
Early Drilling Completion by 4/1/12 (avoids crop damage, preferred by landowners)
Late Drilling Completion by 7/1/12
Electronic boring information and drawings by 11/1/12
60% Draft MDR by 11/1/12
90 % Draft MDR by 2/1/13
Final MDR by 4/1/13
Plan for providing up to 2 weeks of review for each deliverable and additional time to make revisions as needed. The boring layout review period will be 3 working days. Soil boring R-values shall be submitted 2 weeks apart, no more than 20 at one time, with 60 calendar day period after submission to perform testing and receive a report.
Deliverables shall consist of the following items:
1. Boring Layout (Microstation format)
2. Copy of each day’s soils data dictionary file (or other electronic record of boring data)
3. GPS records of crop disturbance (if applicable)
4. Minnesota Dept. of Health Borehole Sealing Records (if applicable)
5. Plan view of soils borings in Microstation format
a. Note depth of organic soils at each boring
6. Cross sections in Microstation format with soil borings plotted to the nearest 25’ interval
7. TIN or electronic version of boring log (for MnDOT to create TIN)
8. Materials Design Recommendation letter that meets the requirements noted above, presented in Microsoft Word format.
Roadway Safety
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Prior to starting work on State projects, notification shall be given to the District Materials Engineer. In addition, the Consultant shall be responsible for providing proper temporary traffic control when working on State right-of-way. Consultants should obtain and follow the guidelines in the State Field Manual entitled "Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts".
Data Provided by State
· Microstation files with inplace topography, alignments, profiles, proposed roadway geometrics and available R/W information.
· Preliminary cross sections at 25’ intervals (for the purpose of plotting soil borings upon)
· .gpk file with proposed alignment and profile information.
· .TIN file with available inplace elevation data
· Landowner’s permission forms along the project with addresses and phone numbers
· Available soil boring data
· Historic project construction plans for inplace roadway
· Traffic forecast
· Applicable soil boring/CADD drafting standards
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