GOODAfternoon Staff and Students

Today is


Here are your ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Please stand for the pledge of allegiance. (PAUSE)

The following colleges/universities will visit Wheaton High School to speak with interested juniors and seniors:

Thursday, Oct 20th at 10:45am Pennsylvania College of Technology

at 1:pm University of New Hampshire

Please see Mrs. Hammond Davis in the College and Career Center in Room 1003 for a pass to attend.

1. All Seniors who would like SAT prep, the sign up is on Mrs. Polischeck's door-room 1000W... the November and December tests are quickly approaching.....

2. Buy your piece of history!!! The Honor Society is selling bricks from the old Wheaton High School for $10.00 supplies are limited!!!

3. The national honor society is also selling brick pavers for one of the walkways around new Wheaton... watch the Wheaton website for more info!!!

If you are one of those good people that care about saving the world, then join the GREEN TEAM in room 3211 every Tuesday at 12:20. It only takes a few to make the world a better place. All new members are invited.

International Club meets on Wednesdays at lunch in room 2111. We’re planning our Dia de los Muertos celebration for October 26th. Please come help us and learn about this Mexican celebration.

Students, do you want to practice for the SAT, ACT, and AP Exams? If so, go to the public library website and click on the “For You” tab at the top of the screen and then click on “Teens”. Then click on the “Getting Ready for College” tab. You must have a library card to use all the free online practice tests. Please see Ms. Brown in the media center if you need assistance

From now until the end of October, The Key Club will be fund raising for Unicef. Unicef helps to save and protect the world’s most vulnerable children. So, pull out your pennies, nickels and dimes and find a key club member carrying an orange box and make your change go to a good cause. Every penny counts.

The $65.00 sale for the yearbook is ending next Friday, October 28th before the price increases to $70.00. The 28th is also the last day to purchase a senior recognition ad for the lowest price of the year. Please see Ms. Brandon in 1413D during lunch or after school for details.

Seniors! Don't forget to turn in your senior quote to Ms. Brandon by Friday, November 4th if you'd like to have it included with your senior picture in the yearbook.

The Wellness Center provides Sports Physicals and medical appointments if needed. The procedure for setting up an appointment is to get a Wellness Center packet that needs to be filled out by a parent/guardian, bring the completed packet back into the Wellness Center, and then sign up for an appointment. Any other questions or any students that need the packet to sign up please go to the Wellness Center.

Ms. Schreckengost still has some senior t-shirts and hoodies if you would still like to purchase one. Please come see her in room 3602 before school or at lunch.

Sophomores! Class shirts are still for sale in Ms.Connaire’s room, 3117! Support your class and come buy a shirt!

Wheaton High School will be having an after school intermural 3 on 3 basketball tournament in November. Students interested in playing should see Mr. Trams in room 3121 during lunch.

Interested in cars, robots and community service? Come to the NSBE (say NEZ-BE) meeting on Fridays in Room 3109.

Anyone interested in story writing, sports reporting, the morning announcements and working for our TV and Video production Club, see Mr. Gallagher in the TV Studio - room 1107C, during lunch or after school.


TODAY is anall period DAY