Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in St Matthews Church Hall, Stretton Road, Stretton on Monday
2 February 2015 at 7.30 p.m.
Councillors in attendance
L. Jones - Chairperson
J. Higgins
D. Hutchinson
D. Buckley
Also present:
L. M. Crewe – Clerk to the Council
4 residents
M94 / Apologies
Received from Councillor Lyons
M95 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting (1 December 2014) were agreed and signed as a true record.
M96 / Declarations of Interest
Councillors are reminded of their responsibility to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) that they may have in any item of the agenda no later than when the item is reached.
M97 / Planning Applications/Issues
M97.1 / Declarations of Interest
Councillor Jones and Councillor Buckley declared a pecuniary interest in planning application 2014/25029
Domestic Planning Applications (1)
Full planning – Proposed single storey rear extension
No objections
Commercial Planning Applications (2)
Full Planning - Proposed conversion of existing building to form office accommodation including demolition of existing lean-to and provision of car parking areas
No objections
Discharge of conditions - Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 6 (Scheme for the parking of showpeople's vehicles and outside storage equipment), 7 (Scheme for surfacing of the site), 8 (Landscaping Scheme and Implementation Programme), 9 (Scheme of fencing), 10 (Scheme for protection of retained trees and hedges), 17 (External Lighting Scheme), 21 (Scheme for foul and surface water drainage works) and 22 (Contamination - Site Investigation) following previously approved application 2011/18728
Owing to the resignation of two Parish Councillors and Councillors Jones and Buckley declaring pecuniary interests the Parish Council was not quorate. It was therefore necessary to allow only general discussion with members of the public present. The Clerk will contact the Borough Solicitor and Chalc to obtain advice as to the steps needed to be taken to allow dispensations to be granted to the two Councillors to discuss the planning application. This situation is likely to arise again in the future as there are several more discharge of conditions to be applied for. The Clerk will also endeavour to arrange an extraordinary meeting in the next few days as the Parish Council has been granted a few extra days to object to the conditions due to a misunderstanding on the timing of the submission of objections.
Notice of Decisions (0)
Notice of Appeal (0)
Appeal Decision (0)
Cost Decision (0)
Withdrawn (0)
M98 / Finance
M98.1 / Accounts Requiring Authorisation for Payment
L. Crewe – Standing Order
Salary/Expenses – January and February £557.04
Community Lincs – insurance for speeding sign
Cheque No. 541 £ 22.90
Green Home and Garden – Christmas lights at PGT
Cheque No, 542 £186.00
ICO – renewal of annual membership
Cheque No. 543 £ 35.00
L. Crewe - printer ink – 3 colour cartridges
Cheque No. 544 £ 59.99
St Matthews PCC – Rental for Church Hall
Cheque No. 545 £120.00
Total £980.93
It was unanimously agreed that payment be made.
M99 / Correspondence
The Clerk circulated a list of correspondence and it was resolved that the same be noted and discussed by the Council.
Cheshire Fire Authority 5 year consultation draft – forwarded for information
CQC Inspection – Warrington and Halton NHS Trust – forwarded for information
Nomination request for 2015 Royal Garden Party – nomination sent on 26/01/2015
Resident – Creamfields money (details of supplier of planters)
The Parish Council viewed the planters detailed in the email and agreed that whilst attractive there would be a lot of ongoing maintenance involved.
L. Jones – Lack of evening buses in South Warrington
The Chair presented an article published in the Warrington Guardian stating that evening bus services will cease in the South Warrington area. The last bus leaving Stretton will be before 7 p.m. leaving non car owners stranded. The Clerk will write to network Warrington to pass on the Parish Council’s concerns regarding the matter as the 45/46 day time service is still under review and this will be devastating to the Parish if a bus service ceases completely.
L. Jones – Traveller site at Davenham (report in Northwich Guardian)
The article outlines the fact that more pitches are being granted on a traveller site at the above. This raises concerns that a similar situation could arise at the recently granted showpeoples site in Lower Stretton. It was agreed that the Parish Council invites the Head of Planning Enforcement along to one of its meetings to discuss any issues that may arise in the future and enforcement in general.
M100 / Project for 2014 – Signage
The speed sign has now been ordered and paid for. The police will collect the sign from WBC when delivered. Additional insurance to cover the sign has been arranged and the purchase of a lock and chain will be made to secure the sign to appropriate street furniture.
The Clerk informed the PC that she had received no useful assistance from the request to gain information from Chalc members on the use of litter signs in neighbouring and local Cheshire Parishes. She was simply directed to contact WBC. This has been attempted for the last two years! The Clerk now has a contact at WBC who is willing to look into the problem. It was agreed that it is difficult to convey the needs of the Parish via email. Cllr Higgins has kindly offered to meet a representative to walk the area and discuss what may be needed.
The Clerk told the Councillors that a CCTV hire could be in the region of £600 per month. This would be a wireless version. The PC can use a covert camera for a short time to record issues on the A559 under the Data Protection Act but when the survey is completed the footage must be permantently disposed of. The Parish Council will further look into the possibility of purchasing a camera owing to the costs of rental for a relatively short period of time.
M101 / Casual Vacancies
Following the recent resignations of Alan Cresswell and Gail Slattery from the Parish Council notices have been placed on the Boards advertising the Casual Vacancies. Invitations are sought from residents for an election to fill these vacancies. The deadline for these requests is imminent. If no such request is made then the Parish Council can co-opt residents. The positions will be advertised on the noticeboards and the website soon.
M102 / Project 2015
Ideas including decorative street furniture, planters, community event and Arts Festival are still being considered, along with joining forces for the 20th anniversary of PGT as this will be celebrated with an event possibly in the late Summer. It was also suggested that the purchase of a defibrillator be made for use by the public in emergencies, the Clerk will look into the cost and possible locations. It is anticipated that more suggestions will be forthcoming and discussions will continue.
M103 / Councillors Issues
Cllr Higgins
The illuminated sign at the garage on the A559 and the proliferation of A boards and signage is a cause for concern. The Clerk has already reported the illuminated sign and will now report the other signage.
Cllr Hutchinson
There is a further damaged grid on the A559 this time outside the Hollies on the opposite side of the road to the entrance. There is loose tarmac surrounding it. The Clerk will contact Highways to request the grid be scheduled for repair.
Cllr Jones
There are estate agent signs on verges in Lower Stretton advertising properties that are not on the road itself (A559), also one of the properties was sold several months ago and has not been removed. There are also banners lining the PGT fencing on London Road. These give an untidy appearance to the area. The Clerk will contact the estate agents concerned and will also contact PGT to ask if the banners have their permission and to ascertain if they require planning permission.
The Clerk informed the PC that although Thorn Cross initially contacted the PC following Cllr Jones’ letter regarding the use of a work force for litter clearing, she has been unable to make further contact via telephone. A further letter will be sent requesting contact via email.
M105 / Public Forum
Members of the public took part in a short discussion about matters in the Parish.
The meeting closed at 9 p.m.
M106 / Date and Time of Next Meeting
Monday 2 March 2015 at 7.30 p.m.