Diving Finals Wednesday, May 11, 2016 2:00 pm - East Valley High School

5525 Vineland Ave., No. Hollywood, CA 91601

Registration: 12:30Warm-ups – 1:00 pm


1.Site and date: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at East Valley High School. Check in 12:30pm-1:00pm; Warm-up 1:00pm- 1:45pm. Meet starts at: 2:00pm. Participants and spectators will enter from Vineland Blvd. Street parking is available – use of school parking lot determined by spaces available.

  1. Competition in Diving shall be non-classified,and participation in Diving does not jeopardize the classification of the diver, but does count as one of the events in which the student participated. Points will go toward each varsity team scoring (Girls and Boys).
  1. Diving will be performedfrom the one meter board only.There will beNO DIVING EXHIBITION at the City Swimming Finals.
  1. Diving and Meet Coordinator: Tom Jones (818) 990-0191, (818) 384-3570(c)

5.Each school may enter four divers into the League Finals.

Each league will be allowed seven entries in the ALL-CITY DIVING FINALS for boys and seven entries for girls. Leagues must hold diving finals at their League Finals or separate Diving Final. Divers who qualify for the city finals must scan a completed (11-dive) form http: to Tom Jones @ or fax 818-767-0802 by 1:00 Friday May 6, 2016.

  1. The top (7) divers placers/finishers from each league are eligible to participate in the City Finals.
  1. Coachesmust accompany divers to the meet and are to remain onsitefor the entire meet. Coaches may bring folding chairs and “pop-ups”. Coaches will be responsiblefor keeping their pool area clean. COACHES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUPERVISION, BEHAVIOR AND CONDUCT OF THEIR SWIMMERS.
  1. After 5 dives, field will be cut to 16 divers, after 8 dives, field will be cut to 12 divers. This is for both boys and girls.
  1. Locker Rooms will not be available – divers are to arrive ready to participate. Restrooms are available deck side. Divers are NOT to dress and/or undress on the pool deck. Swimmers must be in swimsuits for the entire meet. Coaches MUST also be in professional attire.All coaches who will be at pool side are required to wear a shirt with the school logo. Coaches are not to obstruct the staging and scoring areas during the meet.

11.Signs/Banners: Signs and banners may be affixed to the fence, but must be removed immediately following the conclusion of the meet. The Swim Management Team reserves the right to remove any signs deemed inappropriate or constituting a problem/distraction.

12. The Diving Awards will be presented at the conclusion of the

Diving Championships on May 11, 2016.


Swimming – Pre-lims May 10, 2016 1:30pmEast Los Angeles College

Swimming - Finals May 13, 2016 2:30pmEast Los Angeles College

1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Monterey Park, CA 91754(Just east of the football stadium)

(213) 265-8650

LEAGUE FINALSAt the conclusion of each league final, the League Managers must submit to the CIF-LA City Section Office and Alina de Armas, Meet Administrator () an electronic Hytek file and a hard copy for verification. The League results must be submitted by8:00 pm, May 6, 2015.

1.ENTERANCE:Pre-lims – Swimmers entrance opens at 11:45 with Warms-ups from 12:00 – 1:15 pm. Finals- Swimmers entrance opens at 12:45 with Warms-ups from 1:00 – 2:15 pm.

2.RULES:The National Federation Rules will govern this meet when not in conflict with BOM Rules. All contestants will comply with BOM Rule 2609, of the BOM Rule Book, which governs the uniform for swimming.

3.QUALIFICATIONS: Please note: Coaches, it is your responsibility to be sure that your League Final Results are correct at the time of the League Final Meet. Should you or any of your swimmers find a discrepancy, they should be addressed at the League Meet and/or immediately following the posting of the League Final Results. After the City Seeding, No changes because of League Final mistakes will be made.

  1. To qualify for the All-City Pre-lims, A RELAY TEAM MUST HAVE PLACED IN THE LEAGUE FINALS. A relay team qualifies as a team and not as individuals. (BOM Rule 2612-7)
  1. Each swimmer is limited to four events, no more than two of which may be individual events. The City Pre-lims shall consist of four heats of eight32 participants for each event in the VARSITY division only on the basis of time.
  1. The fastest 32 times submitted from all League Final Meets shall qualify for the Pre-lims.

d. The next fastest two times will be listed as alternates for the pre-lims and 2 alternates for the finals and will swim as open lanes exist.

i)EXTRA PERSONS with a league final meet time will be seeded at the end of all league qualifiers.

Extra non-entries who were sick or disqualified, and who do not have an official league meet time, will be drawn by lot and placed after the extra person with a league final time.

ii)RELAY/ALTERNATE - National Federation Rule - Rule 3 - Team Personnel

4 The 500’s will not be conducted at the Pre-lims; only at the Finals(Top 16 times, 8 lanes)

  1. ONLY SCRATCHES ACCEPTEDon the day of the meet will be for No Shows, Illness or On-Site Injury (certified at the site by the trainer) and names reported to Scratch Table at time of registration.

scratch-info at the time of check-in at the registration area. When you receive your packet for Pre-lims, scratch slips will also be included. Please complete them and submit at registration (see #5). This should help expedite the computer work on-site. This will begin as soon as registration opens. There will NOT be a scratch meeting.

7.RELAY CARDSmust be completed by the coach prior to the meet and emailed to Tom Jones at by Monday May 9, 2016. The cards will not be in your packet. If there are changes to your order, or names of athletes; this includes first and last names of swimmers and alternates you must report them to registration table before the meet starts.

8.A team may not participate without their coach on site; the team will be disqualified.

9. Hand StampHand Stamp for swimmers for the Pre-lims and Finals will be given only to those swimmers listed on swim roster team sheets when you check in. Participants and participating coaches will enter at the Swimmer’s Entrance as shown on the map. Only swimmers with a stamp will be allowed on deck.

10.COACHES PASSES: Each School will be issued 2 wrist bands per gender for Coaches. All coaches who will be at pool side are required to wear a shirt with their school logo. Coaches are not to obstruct the staging and scoring areas during the meet. Coaches who continue to obstruct the scoring area or staging area during competition will be restricted to the spectator bleachers and assessed one team point.ALL OTHERS NEED TO PAY AND STAY IN THE SPECTATOR AREA! Please plan accordingly.

11.SELF CHECK IN: Athletes will self-report to the block when event is called. There will be a large Visual Event Board located in the spectators’ area. There will also be lane and heats sheets posted. Swimmers who fail to report when their event is called will be scratched from the race, and the first available alternate will be placed in the event. There will be no exceptions. Coaches will be responsible to see that their participants report to the stagingarea or the block. All alternates for each event must also report to the stagingarea at the time the event is called “on deck”. Any student not reporting will receive a DQ for the remainder of the meet.

12.SWIMMERS' BULL PEN RULES – The bullpenfor all swimmers will be on the west bleachers area and on the outside deck to the south of the pool. COACHES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUPERVISION, BEHAVIOR AND CONDUCT OF THEIR SWIMMERS. Any swimmer creating a disturbance will be subject to disqualification. Each participant shall remain in the bullpen unless reporting to the staging area, participatingin a race or going for food.

13.The Break at pre-lims and finals will be after event #16 where divingusually is for 10 minutes and after event #27.


Signs and banners may be affixed (NO TAPE) to the wall, but must be removed immediately following the conclusion of the meet. The Aquatic Supervisor or Swim Management Team reserves the right to remove any signs deemed inappropriate or constituting a problem or put on with tape.

15. BODY PAINT will cause a DQ for that swimmer, as well as shaved heads done at the pool.

16. Swimmers must be in team swimsuits for the entire meet, no changing into other suits. Locker rooms are available for changing – swimmers are NOT to dress andundress on the pool deck.Coaches should also be in professional attire.

17.NO SWIMMERS MAY LEAVE THE PREMISES WITHOUT SHOWING HAND STAMP UPON LEAVING AND RETURNING Due to limited space, such articles as sleeping bags, hats, guitars, radios, etc. will not be permitted in the bull pen area -- coaches are responsible! No food in pool competition area. NO GLASS CONTAINERS!

18.VALUABLES: Do not bring valuables or excess money with you to the meet.

19.TRANSPORTATION/PARKING: There is adequate parking for all cars. Parking is adjacent to swim stadium and you must purchase a 1 day $2 parking pass on Tuesday, May 10, 2016.On Friday May 13, 2016,it will be $5.00 to park in the structure just south of the pool. Alert your parents and others!

BUSES: will be directed to drop off and pick up swimmers at the stadium near the football field or in front of the college on Cesar Chavez. Athletic Directors are requested to make sure that the estimated time of departure from the pool for Pre-lims and Finals are accurate. Departure time should be estimated at 5:30pm or 6:00pm.


Pre-lims – Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Facilities will open at 11:45 am. Please schedule buses accordingly. The meet will begin at 1:30 pm. Supervisory personnel will be on duty at that time and not before. Warm-ups at 12:00 pm.

FINALS – Friday, May 13, 2016

Facilities will open at 12:45 pm. please schedule buses accordingly. The meet will begin at 2:30pm. Supervisory personnel will be on duty at that time and not before. Warm-ups at1:00pm.

WARM-UPS: Please listen to the loudspeaker for warm-up instructions. Each coach MUST assist in supervising the warm-ups.



Adequate bleacher facilities are available for spectators. No spectators or non-(swimmers will be allowed on deck!


ADULTS - $9.00

STUDENTS w/school ID (K-12)$5.00

Seniors (60+) $5.00

Children under four (4) are free if accompanied by an adult.

Athletics Passes and Gold Life Passes will be honored for complimentary admission.

Tickets will be sold only at pool site – above the swimmers entrance on the east side of the pool. Ticket Sales: Tuesday at 11:45 am and Friday at 12:45 pm.

22.RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS: Each school participating in the pre-lims and/or finals championships MUST provide supervisory personnel. Supervisory Personnel- Athletic Directors / Administrative Designees should remain in the spectators section for supervision and may be assigned to specific posts/positions. In order for the Championship event to run smoothly Athletic Directors / Administrative Designees are needed to assist. This schedule will be sent the end of April. Each school will receive a supervision assignment

23. TIMERS – There will be 3timers assigned to a lane regardless of computerized timing. School will be invited to submit the names of their volunteers prior to the swim meet to Tom Jones – . Volunteer times must wear a shirt with their school name on it to be admitted for service.

  1. Timers are assigned by Management Team.

b.Stop watches will be provided by the Meet Administrator. These will be issued to timers at the meet. Timers will be asked to sign in/out for the watch. If you have your own digital watch, please feel free to use it.

c.Participants will qualify for the City Finals strictly on the basis of time.


All meet personnel & management team members must report no later than at 11:00 am for the pre-lims and 12:00 pm for the finals. Entrance will be on same side as swimmers' entrance. Park in PARKING STRUCTURE JUST SOUTH OF THE SWIM STADIUM. (You will be reimbursed for parking).

25.SEEDING FOR PRE-LIMS will be computerized by Meet Administrator and emailed to coaches andposted on the CIF LA City Section website. At the conclusion of each league final, the League Manager must submit to the CIF-LA City Section Office the disc of results + two hard copies + extra entries. The League results must be submitted by 8:00 pm May 6, 2016.


A results packet for the Pre-lims (and Finals) will be available to coaches the following day via email. ALL RACE RESULTS WILL BE POSTED AT THE MEETS BEHIND THE COACHES BULL PEN! The computer system (Colorado) will also seed for the finals. At close of meets, DO NOT wait for the results. Results will be emailed the next day to the Section Office and posted on the CIF-LA City Section website.


The order of events will follow the National Federation Order of Events. In addition, there will 50 meter Free for Boys & Girls in the “Inclusive Sport” (ID- Intellectually Disabled) Division. The top 8 entries based on times will fill the 2 heats. Swimmers with verified times will be given priority.


IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SWIMMER TO ACTIVATE THE TOUCH PAD. Time will run until the pad has beentouched activated. Coaches must teach proper touch techniques and emphasize its importance. Should a problem arise on a lane, meet management will place additional timers there and back-up times will be noted on a printout. Photos taken of a race will not be valid nor is the scoreboard.


Championship scoring will be followed at the Swim Championships with scoring to 16 places.

a.Individual events will score as follows:

20 – 17 – 16 – 15 – 14 – 13 – 12 – 11 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

  1. Relay races will score as follows:

40 – 34 – 32 – 30 – 28 – 26 – 24 – 22 – 18 – 14 – 12 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 - 2

c.Places 9-16 will be determined in the Consolation Race.

d.Places 1-8 will be determined by finish order in the finals race.

e.Diving will score 1-16.


Your concern must be addressed to the Swim Coordinator. Concernsmay be directed to the scoring table (meet administrator) if necessary. Concerns may be sent the Meet “Grievance” Committee if necessary. If the committee needs additional input, they will request the coach's presence. When results are posted, if you note any problems please report these to Meet Coordinator, Tom Jones immediately. An appeal committee may review any concern.

31.GRIEVANCE / APPEALS COMMITTEE: In the event a coach believes an official has misapplied a rule or disagrees with a judgment, the coach may approach the scorer’s table, request the meet be stopped and discuss the matter directly in front of the scorer’s table for clarification. Any continued grievance will be directed to a grievance committee that will consist of the Swim Coordinator, Tom Jones, the Meet Administrator, Alina de Armas, and a designee. Decisions by the grievance committee are final. The grievance committee will address all protest of any misapplication of Rules during the tournament. Per NFHS Rules, 4 – 1 – 2: calls involving the judgment of the official will not be considered for appeal..

32. FOOD CONCESSIONS – are provided for participants and spectators on both dates. There will be a catering truck in between the Swim Stadium and parking structure.


Medals will be awarded to the winners of the first six places in each event. The consolation winner will also be awarded a medal. These medals will be confirmed by the final results slip. The awards committee will place these in a special SCHOOL-LABELED SACK THAT EACH COACH MUST PICK UP AT CONCLUSION OF THE MEET.

34.ALL-AMERICAN FORM: Coaches are responsible to see that any form for All-American selections are filled out for their swimmers and verified. These forms can be obtained at the scoring table. Meet officials must sign them at the meet.

35.The POOL OFFICE and adjoining staff areas are OFF LIMITS to competitors, coaches, officials, spectators, ticket takers, trainers, and all others. The pool office telephone and office equipment are for swim stadium business and emergency use only. Any special arrangements that are needed must be made with the Aquatics Supervisor in charge of the facility through Tom Jonesprior to the meet. This applies to press personnel as well.