Kalispell, MT59901
most wool exotic mohair & fine wool
fibers (merino, targhee, corriedale)Washing:based on incoming weight
$ 3.00/lb $ 3.00/lb $ 4.50/ lb
Washing includes: 1 soak, 2 washes, 3 rinses
* fleece in high lanolin / wax, or very dirty, use an additional wash @$1.00/lb*
We will notify you before adding the additional wash.
Picking & Carding:based on clean weight out of the picker
Batts $ 6.00/lb $ 8.00/lb $ 8.00/lb
Rovings $ 6.00/lb $ 8.00/lb $ 8.00/lb
Pencil Rovings $ 7.50/lb $ 9.50/lb $ 9.50/lb
De-hairing:Each pass = $ 4.50/lb ** most fibers take 3 to 4 passes
Blending:There is no charge for blending during our carding of your fleece.
Previously carded fleece can be blended together…$1.50 / lb
Felting:3’x4’ pads in different thicknesses…$5.00/lb in addition to batt price
Dyeing:$7.00/lb Jacquard dyes used. Please call for more info.
Hand picking:If your fleece arrives full of “Vegetable Matter” and etc; there will be a $15.00 per hour hand picking fee.
Minimum mill runs are 1 lb. Fiber weighing less than1 lb. will still be accepted, but will be charged at the 1 lb. rate... Exception: cashmere
We will not accept unskirted fleece.
Please remove manure tags, clumps of felted fiber, hay particles, plus burrs, seeds, and second cuts.We reserve the right to refuse fleece that we feel is inferior to process. Fleece that is full of VM, moth infested, or heavily felted will be considered inferior. These types of fleece will be returned. You will be charged a $5.00 “loss of time” fee plus return shipping fees if applicable
If you cannot separate clumped or matted fiber with moderate ease…please do not expect our machinery to do it either. This type of fiber cannot be processed.
Please call for processing prices of cashmere.
(one of our carders is designated just for cashmere)
Sunburned tips, weak and stressed fiber or light mats can cause breakage
during the picking and carding processes, thus causing noils.
Extra long fibers have the chance of wrapping and catching during carding causing breakage. Our three carders do best with staple lengths of 2” to 6”.
Yarn:price includes, picking, carding, drafting and spinning
Based on spun weight most wool exotics,mohair, fine wool
Single Ply Worsted (med) $18.00/lb $18.00/lb
Single Ply Sport 18.00/lb 20.00/lb
2 Ply Worsted (med) 20.00/lb 22.00/lb 400-600 y/lb
2 Ply Sport 22.00/lb 25.00/lb 800-900 y/lb
2 Ply Fingering 25.00/lb 27.00/lb 900-1000 y/lb
3 Ply Worsted (med) 25.00/lb 27.00/lb
3 Ply Sport 25.00/lb 27.00/lb
3 Ply Fingering not available at this time
Herdsmen Discount: If one ranch has 75 lbs of one type of fleece to be processed, we will give a 10% discount to that herdsman towards the picking and carding process. These 75 lbs. can be made up of several 15 lb. color lots to reach the 10% discount as long as it is from the same breed of animal..
Save on shipping in Montana and neighboring states. Group drop off and free pick up at designated areas within a 100 miles radius of our mill is available. Give us a call or see attached bulletin for more details.
All orders must be paid in full before we ship your finished product.
Checks, cashiers checks, or bank money orders, plus VISA or Master Card will be accepted. Orders paid by check will ship after the check has cleared the bank. This usually takes about 5 working days. Returned check fee is $25.00.
Any completed order held over 45 days will be accessed a 1.5% per month storage fee.
Any completed order over 60 days in storage becomes the property of our mill.
2063 Farm to Market Rd. Kalispell, MT59901
406-756-6772 email: