11 vs. 11Outdoor Soccer Rules
Revised April 2014
Current FIFA Rules will govern all play with the following exceptions
Equipment Footwear:
- All players must show their CWU ID to the official prior to the game.
- Teams are required to supply a game ball. Captains will decide on game ball.
- Shin guards are required to play! Shinguards WILL NOT be furnished by the Intramural Department.
- Teams are encouraged to wear similar colored jerseys with the exception of the goalkeeper. If the entire team (with the exception of the goalkeeper) does not have similar colored jerseys, they will be required to wear scrimmage vests.
- Molded all-purpose cleats recommended; tennis shoes will be permitted.
- No metal baseball or football cleats are allowed. The result will be a Send Off.
- Players may not play in bare feet or flip flops.
- A team will consist of11 players on the field at a time.
*Co-ed league: 5 men and 5 women are required to play forward on the field at all times; the goalie may be of anygender.
At no time can a team have more than 6 people on the field that are the same gender (i.e. Teams CANNOT play 6 males/4 females forward with 1 female goalie.)
- Teams may start the game3 player down (8 players).
- In the event a team does not have enough players to start a game (7 or less), the opponent team can choose to take the forfeit or wait 10 minutes for more players to show up. Teamsthat choose to wait will waive their right to protest the game decision and the game clock will begin. After 10 minutes the game will be counted as a forfeit if the team does not have the minimum players to begin.
- 4 club players will be permitted to play on the field, and 5 club players will be allowed on the roster.
General Games Rules:
- The game will consist of two 25-minute halves with a 5 minute half-time. The referee has the official time.
- There will beno offside calls.
- During a free kick, no defensive players are allowed within 10 yards of the ball.
- A Penalty Kick (PK) will be awarded if a player commits any infringement that results in a Direct Free Kick inside the penalty area.
- Goalies may not:
- Hold the ball for longer than 6 seconds within the penalty area - This penalty will be enforced by awarding anindirect kick to the opposing team.
- Slide Tackling is allowed if followed by the FIFA Guidelines
- All kick offs, goal kicks, throw-ins and dropped balls are Indirect Free Kicks.
- Substitutions are ON-THE-FLY:
- Must be within arm’s length of the replaced player
- Must be on your team’s defensive half
- During regulation if the game is tied the game is over and the game will result in a tie.
- During the playoffs, tie games will result in a 5 minute “sudden death” overtime. If both teams fail to score during the overtime period, a shoot-out will occur.
- During a shoot-out, 5 players are selected from each team and teams will alternate taking penalty kicks.
- The goalkeeper must remain on the goal line until the ball is kicked.
- In the event of a tie players will continue kicking in a sudden death format. Each team will have an equal chance to score.
- No player may kick twice until all players have kicked.
The official may award a yellow or red cardfor any offenses outlined by FIFA Laws of the Game and all other infractions not listed here.
- Yellow Card: A yellow card indicates a 5 minute suspension and a $10 fine. The offending player’s team must play a player down until a goal or time is up; however, in case of a goal, the offending player may not return to the field until the time is up. A teammate must take the field instead. The fine must be paid to continue playing in the league. Receiving 2 yellow cards is the equivalent to receiving a red card.
- Red Card: In the event of a red card, the player is immediately ejected from the game and the CWU Intramural League, must pay a $20 fine, and must meet with the Intramural Coordinator to be reinstated into competition. The team must play a player down for the rest of the game.
Sportsmanship, Forfeits, Fines, and Ejections:
- Teams that are not present at game time with the minimum number of players required will forfeit the match. There is a $20 fine for each forfeit. Teams that forfeit more than 1 game will not be eligible for playoffs.
- All players are expected to abide by the Intramural Code of Conduct.
- All players ejected from play must leave the game site immediately. Ejections will result in a minimum penalty of a 1 game suspension and $20 fine.
- Teams will be graded on their sportsmanship on a 4.0 scale. Sportsmanship rating will be used as the first tiebreaker when determining the playoff schedule and final standings.
- Teams that do not maintain a 2.5 average will not be included in the playoff schedule; teams that do not maintain a 2.0 average during the season will be dropped from the remainder of the schedule.
- See the Online Intramural Handbook for the complete policies and procedures.
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Outdoor Soccer Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: