God Lays Down the Law

Exodus 19-20


When God called Moses into His service at the burning bush, He promised Moses that He would meet with him again on that very mountain. On the third month after the people left Egypt, they came to Mt. Sinai. There God fulfilled His promise to Moses to meet with him on that very mountain.

The encounter with God at Mt. Sinai is a pivotal event in Israel’s story. It was this event that truly set these people apart from all other people groups. It was at Mt. Sinai that God definitively established His relationship with the people of Israel.

At the heart of this event is the giving of the Ten Commandments, which became the basis for everything else. This is the centerpiece of God’s covenant relationship with Israel. To fully understand this relationship, you need to know that a covenant was an agreement between a stronger party and a weaker party. The stronger party would set the terms, which the weaker party would agree to. The weaker party would then gain some benefit from the stronger party. This aspect of a covenant relationship is illustrated by Exodus 19:5-6. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

As believers in Christ, we have been called into a new covenant relationship with God, through Jesus. Just as God promised to make Israel His treasured possession, He has extended that promise to the church.But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

Study 1: Exodus 19:1-15

This section is the preamble to the actual covenant that will be established. It sets forth the rules of engagement so to speak. God is establishing His authority and offering the people of Israel a unique relationship.

1. God led the people to the very mountain where He had met with Moses at the burning bush. Look back at Exodus 3:12.

a. Why would this have been important to Moses?

b. How does this establish God’s faithfulness?

2. God called Moses to meet with Him on the mountain.

a. What was the first thing God told Moses to tell the people? Why would this be important?

b. What stipulation does God set down for the people?

c. What benefit does God offer the people?

3. How did the people respond to God’s message? What was ironic about their response?

4. Why did God choose to speak to Moses from a cloud?

5. What preparations were the people to make and why would these be important?

6. What does this passage tell us about the seriousness of this event?


1.In what ways is taking a job like and unlike a covenant relationship?

2. God established His faithfulness to Moses. In what ways has God demonstrated His faithfulness to you?

3.God called Israel to be a kingdom of priests. What is the role of a priest?

4. 1 Peter 2:9 tells us that we, as the church, are to be a kingdom of priests for God. What does that say about our responsibility under God’s covenant relationship?

5. God was very clear about the people consecrating themselves in order to meet with Him. What does that say to you about how we should approach God in worship?

6. In what ways have we taken lightly the covenant relationship that we have with God through Christ Jesus?

Study 2: Exodus 19:16-25

This passage records the dramatic encounter the people had with God.

1. How did God set the stage for His encounter with the people?

2. What was the natural response of the people?

3. Why is it significant that Moses led the people out of the camp to the base of the mountain?

4. God made His presence known in a dramatic way.

a. For what purpose would God do this?

b. How did God show that this was not some natural phenomena?

5. How did God set Moses apart?

6. God called Moses up onto the mountain and told Him to warn the people not to try to follow. Why would God repeat this warning, which He had already given?

7. What kinds of emotions do you think the people were experiencing as they stood at the base of the mountain?


1.What does it mean for you to meet with God?

2. How do your emotions, when you meet with God, compare with those of Israel?

3. What are ways that God demonstrates His power today, whether people recognize it or not?

4. What do you think Moses was feeling when God spoke to him from the cloud?

5. Moses was the go-between between the people and God. In what ways are you a go-between for others?

6. God was clear about setting boundaries for the people.

a. What does this say about how seriously God takes worship?

b. What does this say about the way we enter worship?

7. What does this passage have to say to the “do-it-yourself”, feel good religion that is so popular today?

Study 3: Exodus 20:1-17

This section outlines the Ten Commandments. This same information can be found in Deuteronomy 5:6-21.

1. What is the main focus of verses 1-11?

2. What is the main focus of verses 12-17?

3.Why would God prohibit the making of images to be used in worship?

4. What does it mean to misuse the name of God?

5. What is the purpose of the Sabbath?

6. What promise is attached to the command to honor father and mother?

7. How do verses 13-17 lay the foundation for any healthy community?

8. What is God restraining in verses 13-17?

9. How do verses 13-17 relate to verse 3?


1.What is your view of the Ten Commandments?

2. In what ways are the Ten Commandments foundational to all of human society?

3. Many people say that they live by the Ten Commandments. What is usually wrong with that statement?

4. Read Mark 10:17-22.

a. What was this young man’s request?

b. Which commandments did Jesus point him to?

c. Which commandments was this man oblivious to? How do we know?

5. In what ways do we fall in the trap of making things into idols?

6. In what ways do we misuse the name (authority, character, and reputation) of God?

Study 4:Exodus 20:18-26

We most often think of the Law as the Ten Commandments, but it actually is much more. Exodus 21-31, plus the entire books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, outline the details of the Law. God used Moses as His representative to convey the Law to His people.

1. What was the response of the people when they witnessed the power of God on the mountain?

2. How did Moses assure the people?

3. How did this encounter establish Moses’ authority over the people?

4. What was God’s purpose in this amazing show of power?

5. Why would the people be tempted to make gods of gold and silver?

6. What instructions did God give regarding the building and use of altars?


1.God intentionally kept the people of Israel at a distance. How has that changed for us through Christ? (Hebrews 4:14-16)

2. What does it mean to you to have the fear of the Lord?

3. Why is it important for us to experience the fear of the Lord?

4. What are some of the things people make into idols today?

5. What are some things that you are tempted to make into an idol?

6. We do not use a physical altar or make physical sacrifices to God today. In what ways can we still offer sacrifices to God?

7. How do the following passages relate to offering sacrifices to God?

a. Romans 12:1

b. Hebrews 13:15-16

c. Ephesians 5:1-2
