Washington & Adams: Presidencies

Period 3: 1754-1800

Do Now:

•Identify the three branches of the Federal Government:

•Can you name any members of Washington’s cabinet?

Washington’s Presidency:


•Precedents Set:

•______within Executive Branch

•Policy of ______


•Positive Relationship with Great Britain

•State of the Union, Farewell Address

•Presidential Retreat

Hamilton’s Financial Plan:

•What was one of congress’ major financial weaknesses under the A.o.C?

•3 Parts:

  1. ______
  2. ______to protect domestic industry
  3. ______to deposit funds & print banknotes (dollars)

•Who would support this plan? Why?

Foreign Affairs:

•French Revolution (Washington & Adams)


•Jefferson resigned from Cabinet


•Jay sent to Britain to discuss an end to British seizures of American ships and impressment

•Britain agreed to leave posts on western frontier of U.S.


Domestic Affairs:

•Whiskey Rebellion (1794)

•______was passed by Congress

•Pennsylvania ______ attacked revenue collectors

•Washington sent 15,000 militia men to show ______ ______, almost no bloodshed

•Western ______at level of force against common people

Political Parties Emerge:

•Which statement do you agree with (A or B)? Why?

  1. “Political parties raise the public’s awareness of issues for their involvement” - T. Jefferson
  2. “Political parties are a conspiracy against the best interests of the nations” - G. Washington


•1790s dominated by Federalist Party ______

•Parties emerged around two leaders: Hamilton and Jefferson

Washington’s Farewell Address:

•Letter addressed to the People, published in newspapers

•Strong Suggestions:

•Do not get involved in European Affairs

•Do not make “permanent alliances” in foreign affairs

•Do not form political parties

•Do not fall into sectionalism

•Select one piece of advice and explain to what extent you agree:

Adams’ Presidency:

•Washington leaves office after 2 terms

•Adams v. Jefferson

•Adams wins by 3 electoral votes

•Jefferson became VP

Domestic Affairs:


•U.S. merchant ships seized by French warships

•French officials (X, Y, and Z) ______from U.S. delegates to enter negotiations

•Reports infuriated Americans  wanted war against France

•Adams resisted sentiments b/c army and navy were not strong enough


•Started with Naturalization Act: increased years from 5 to 14 to become a citizen

•Alien Acts: Power given to Pres. to deport aliens considered dangerous & an enemy in time of war

•Sedition Act: ______


•Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions


•Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote legislation to nullify the acts in Kentucky and Virginia

•Stated the Federal government broke the “compact” it created with the states

Revolution of 1800:

•______= A Peaceful Revolution

•Federalists lost support during Adams’ presidency

•Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied for electoral votes

 Special Election in the House of Rep. to break tie


•Passing of power from one political party to another occurred ______

Wrap Up:

•What stimulated the formation of political parties in the U.S.? Explain.

•Which individuals or groups would have supported the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions? Why?