MSCSC Board of Directors Meeting held on July 10, 2014

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Rita Morris.Board Members in attendance: Joseph Williams, David Murk, Jim Baldwin and Richard Meyers. Ex-Officio members in attendance were Amy Scofield and Mark Hollingsworth. Board Members absent were Patrick Burns, Richard Parker, Patrick Lugenbeel, Bev Sassa and Linda Baldwin.

MEETING MINUTES – The first order of business was the approval of the June 2014 meeting minutes. The group present unanimously voted to approve the minutes.

FINANCIAL REPORT:A report on the current financial state of the pool was provided by Joseph Williams. The current income level is approximately 45K, which includes two payments at $5K from the preschool, which remains in question. Based on remaining expenditures including payment to the pool management company, swim team bonuses, remaining hot water heater costs and utilities, the pool has approximately $13.5K to cover expenditures through the next seven months until the pool opens again in May. Rita agreed to talk with Becky with the Preschool to ensure payment for July and August was forthcoming. Joseph also mentioned having not yet received financial statements or reimbursement requests from swim team concession. The board also anticipates an additional $4K from Coach Flaherty for use of the pool two weeks after closing for the JFD swim program and approximately $800-1000 from brick sales.

UPDATE ON ADDITIONAL INCOME AND MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES: Rita Morris reported that the Farmers Market continued to pay $500/month and the board could expect an additional $1500 over the next three months. Based on low sales last year with X-Mas trees, Rita Morris did not expect the company to continue with sales this year in December. Rita also explained the PEPCO energy assessment being conducted of the pre-school and pool facilities which includes free upgrades to energy saving equipment.

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: Dave Murk provided estimates on the repair or replacement of the existing concrete pad for the basketball court and basketball pole and basket. Dave is still working on an estimate for a sport court interlocking system and will also work with Jim Baldwin on receiving an estimate from a colleague of Jim over the weekend. Based on uncertainty with the current financial situation the board decided to wait on voting on expenditures for the court until additional estimates were received which may mean waiting until the Spring. However, the board agreed to allow David Murk to spend up to $800 on a new basketball hoop to include hardware and installation. David Murk will also look into the purchase of a new line and tether ball to include a quick release for removing the ball during swim meets. The Board also agreed to leave the volleyball net on the grass area for the remainder of the season until a decision was made on the existing volleyball pad. Jim Baldwin will be evaluating the damaged fence resulting from winds during the last storm to estimate repairs.

BYLAWS: No update but David Murk mentioned working with Rich Meyers, and Pat Lugenbeel to provide an updated set of by-laws for the August meeting.

MEMBERSHIP: Pat Burns was not in attendance so no update was provided on membership.

SWIM TEAM: Mark Hollingsworth asked to discuss bonuses for the coaches and provided recommended levels. The board agreed to $1000 in bonuses to be distributed as follows: $400 to Head Coach, $300 to Maya, $100 to Conor, $100 to Liv and $100 to Marti. The board also discussed and voted to retain Coach Flaherty for the 2015 swim, which will be announced during the annual banquet. Recognizing the workload with the swim rep position and Mark stepping down from the position, the board is looking to expand the role amongst multiple members to share the workload. More discussion to follow at the end of the swim season on all aspects of the swim team program to be better prepared for next year..

MISCELLANEOUS: Rita Morris raised the possibility of having a fund-raiser at the end of the swim season to support the coast associated with the resurfacing of the sport courts including the basketball and volleyball pads. The topic will be discussed further at the August meeting.

CLOSE: Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:40 p.m. The next Board of Directors meeting will occur on Tuesday, August 12, 2014. Location is at the pool.

Prepared and submitted by: David Murk7/10/2014