Your Name: ______

God, Bible, & Holy Spirit

Study Guide 1

Scholes Article: “Our Approach: Convictions, Persuasions and Opinions”

1.Explain the meaning of the terms, “doctrine” and “theology.”

2.Define the four terms: “Convictions,” “Persuasions,” “Opinions,” and “Boundary Statements” based on Scholes use in this article.

3.If someone disagreed with you over a doctrine, how would you determine whether it was necessary to “divide fellowship” with that person, according to Scholes.

Grudem Chapter 1: Introduction to Systematic Theololgy

4.According to Grudem, what source material should we use in developing systematic theology?

5.According to Grudem, how do historical theology, philosophical theology, and apologetics differ from systematic theology?

6.Why does Grudem include “application to life” in his definition of systematic theology?

7.According to Grudem, what is the difference between systematic theology and “doctrine?”

8.Grudem gives six answers to the question, “How should Christians study systematic theology?”. Which of six are the most meaningful ones to you? Why?

9.Which of the six answers (see question #8) do you think are most often neglected or overlooked by Christians today?

Grudem Chapter 2: the word of god

10.Grudem gives five meanings to “the Word of God” including God’s words in written form (the Bible). How are the other forms of God’s Word similar to, and different from, the Bible?

11.Of all the forms of God’s Word, why do we use primarily the Bible as our source for systematic theology, according to Grudem.

Grudem Chapter 3: the canon of scripture

12.According to Grudem, where did the idea of the canon of Scripture originate?

13.According to Grudem, how did the idea originate that some of the writings of the apostles should be valued the same as the Old Testament writings?

14.What are the ways we become persuaded that the Bible contains the right books, according to Grudem?

Grudem Chapter 4: Authority

15.What is Grudem’s definition of the authority of Scripture?

16.Grudem makes several arguments to support the idea that all the words in Scripture are God’s words. Which of his arguments (if any) do you find particularly convincing? Why? Which of his arguments (if any) do you find not very convincing? Why?

Grudem Chapter 5: inerrancy

17.Grudem lists three points under the heading, “The Meaning of Inerrancy.” Did you find any of these surprising or confusing? If so, which and why? Did you find any of these three points helpful to your understanding of inerrancy. If so, which and why?

18.Grudem gives six examples of current challenges to inerrancy. Did you find all of his answers to these objections persuasive? If not, which were not and why? Which of these six objections have you heard the most? How would you answer that objection?

19.Do you think we should treat the doctrine of inerrancy as a conviction (in the sense Scholes uses the term)? Why or why not?