Tender for stakeholder perceptions survey


The General Optical Council (GOC) is seeking to appoint an agency to design, conduct and evaluate a stakeholder perceptions survey.We envisage this taking the form of semi-structured telephone interviews with senior representatives within key stakeholder organisations, aimed at getting a robust understanding of how theyperceive the GOC, its performance and its role in shaping the agenda within the optical sector.


Introduction to the General Optical Council

The GOC regulates the optical professions in the UK. We are one of nine UK healthcare regulators. We currently have on our register around 29,000 optometrists, dispensing opticians, student optometrists, student dispensing opticians and optical businesses (known collectively as our registrants). An optometrist is a person qualified to test your sight and check the health of your eyes. They can also fit and supply glasses or contact lenses.A dispensing optician can fit and supply glasses and(with extra training) fit contact lenses.

The GOC has four core functions:

  • setting standards for education and training, performance and conduct;
  • approving qualifications leading to registration;
  • maintaining a register of individuals fit to practise, train or carry on business;
  • acting where registrants’ fitness to practise, train or carry on business may be impaired.

Purpose of this research

The GOCis seeking to appoint anagency to design, conduct and report on the stakeholder survey. This survey will be used to help inform the GOC’s strategic development over the next few years. In particular, we want to understand key stakeholders’ views on:

  • our organisational performance when delivering our statutory functions;
  • how stakeholders view our handling of two recent initiatives - the development and implementation of our new Standards and the changes to our Continuing Education and Training (CET) scheme;
  • Whether we are seen as a high performing regulator, a listening organisation, a trusted organisation, a thought leader, or an innovator; and
  • how they see our role in influencing the future of the optical professions and the regulatory landscape

The categories of stakeholders within the optical sector we would like the appointed agency to survey include:

  • professional and representative bodies within the optical sector;
  • groups representing patients and the public;
  • employers within the optical sector;
  • educators within the optical sector;
  • other healthcare regulators; and
  • Government/oversight bodies, within all four nations of the UK.

Research design

Agencies should include indicative questions for the semi structured interviews in their response to this tender.

We would also like advice from the agency about the number of questions to include in the semi structured interview. The appointed agency will have to strike an appropriate balance between acknowledging that senior stakeholders are likely to be busy, whilst ensuring that we gain a robust understanding of stakeholder views


  • Development and delivery of a stakeholder perception survey
  • A written report identifying the main stakeholder views which the GOC might want to take into account when developing its strategy and also the diversity of views and the context behind the views presented.
  • A presentation to the GOC Council and staff members on the findings of the survey.


After appointment, an introductory meeting will be scheduled with the successful candidate to:

  • discuss and agree the final scope and process of the project;
  • identify any assistance and additional information required from the GOC; and
  • agree detailed timing.

However an outline timetable (subject to change) is suggested below.

Action / Date
Specification issued / 29 June 2016
Proposals received / 12 July 2016
Applicant interviews / 21 July 2016
Appoint agency and inform applicants of outcomes / w/c 25 July 2016
Briefing meeting with agency / w/c 1 August 2016
Agree content of survey / w/c 8 August 2016
Conduct survey / 15 August – 9 September
Analysis / By 30 September 2016
Presentation of topline findings to Council strategy day / 5 October 2016
Final report / End of October
Presentation to public Council meeting / 16 November 2016

Appointing the researcher

Applications must be received by 12 July 2016. Applications should be emailed to r may be sent by post to:

Simon Grier

Communications Manager

General Optical Council

10 Old Bailey



After considering all applications, we will contact shortlisted applicants to discuss their application on21 July 2016.


The application must contain the following information:

  • organisation’s and individual contact name, telephone number and e-mail address;
  • name, address and primary business of any partner organisations that will assist the applicant in the delivery of this project;
  • recommended method and indicative questions for the survey;
  • detailed information to demonstrate that the applicant has the requisite skillsand experience to deliver research of this nature– details of the project team and their skills and experience;
  • details of any information or assistance that will be required from the GOC;
  • details of how the project will be delivered, including a timetable for different stages; and
  • the total cost of completing this project, including a detailed breakdown of the cost of each part of the process. Please provide alternative costs for a survey of 20 stakeholders and also one of 30 stakeholders, assuming an approximate length of 45 minutes each.


Applications will be assessed by reference to the following criteria:

  • understanding of the research background and objectives ,;
  • demonstrable track record in delivering similar projects;
  • ability to deliver this project within the specified timescale; and
  • cost.

All work should comply with the Code of Conduct of the Market Research Society.

The Council observes the general requirement of paying only for work satisfactorily completed.

The Council is not bound to accept the lowest or any particular tender.

GOC contact

The Project Lead for this process is Simon Grier, Communications Manager at the GOC.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss these specifications please contact Simon at or on 020 7307 3478.