Dear Parent or Guardian of 2012 Seniors,

Enfield High School’s Class of 2012 is inviting you to celebrate your son or daughter’s graduation for years to come by leaving a congratulatory note that will be recorded in print and remembered for years to come.

We all know how many times we have gone back to our own high school yearbooks to check one small fact or face, but then we become transfixed and find ourselves lost in a time that can never be relived. That is when we appreciate the past and the people who encouraged us to become who we are today. To show your support and your pride in your son or daughter in a unique and precious way, we encourage you to write a message and submit photos.

$250.00 for a full page - dimensions 11” (tall) x 8.5” (wide) 10 picture limit

$140.00 for a 1/2 page - dimensions 5” (tall) x 8.5” (wide) 5 picture limit

$75.00 for a 1/4 page - dimensions 5” (tall) x 3.5” (wide) 3 picture limit

$40.00 for an 1/8 page-dimensions 2” (tall) x 3.5’ (wide) 2 picture limit

(Some prices have been discounted from last year’s prices)

Directions for sending in personal messages:

ALL messages MUST be received by February 1, 2012.

Enfield High School will design your personal message. Please see the PDF attached for design ideas. You may choose a pre-designed option or create your own collage.

You can submit your message in either hard copy or digital form.


a.) You must use high quality photo prints. Do not Xerox a photo; the result will be blurry and muddy. If you must handwrite your message, do so neatly and not too small.

b.) If you are sending in actual photographs, chose images that are clear and not ripped or yellowed. We cannot change the quality of an unfocused or torn picture.

c.) Place the photos and text in an envelope marked DO NOT BEND, along with a self- addressed STAMPED envelope so that we can return your photos to you.

••••• Be certain to send in your message with your money order or bank check. Your message will not be processed without payment. There will be a $25.00 charge for any check that defaults.


a.) Digital photos must be at least 300 dpi. (dots per inch) for them to print clearly. If an image is 1” x 2”, it will look blurry and muddy if it is placed in a box larger than 1” x 2”. Therefore, please send larger jpegs (pictures). You can check the dpi by opening the image in Photo Shop or a similar photo application. Go to “image size.” If the resolution of the image is 72dpi and you change it to 300dpi and it looks poor, it will print poorly. Please DO NOT use any images from Face Book, My Space, from cell phones, or any sites on the web. Their resolution is very poor.

b.) DO NOT send your pictures in a Microsoft Word files. They CANNOT be used.

c.) Place all of the images in one file folder, SAVE and NAME your file with your son or daughter’s full name. You must submit your digital images on a CD with THEIR NAME on it.

d.) Place the CD in an envelope along with a self- addressed STAMPED envelope if you would like the CD returned to you.

* Be certain to send in your message with your money order or bank check. Your message will not be processed without payment. There will be a $25.00 charge for any check that defaults.

Please make checks payable to:

Enfield High School Yearbook

1264 Enfield Street

Enfield, CT 06082

ATTENTION: Diana Latorre

* Messages will be printed on a “first come, first serve” basis. Space fills up quickly so please respond quickly to save your space.

Please submit the following form along with your order.


Order Form

Parent Name: Phone Number:

Student Name:

A.  I am choosing a ______page ad.

(enter ad size)

B.  Circle your option.

a.  I would like Layout ______.


b.  I am submitting a collage of photos.

C.  Choose your option.

_____ I am submitting a hard copy and have followed necessary instructions.

_____ I am submitting a digital copy and have followed necessary instructions.

Over, please