Goal Setting Tips

Uni study is the tool of choice to initiate many career and personal goals. Looking at the big picture of your career path and determining how your courses will impact on these will help you through the difficult times with your study.

In order to reach our goals and climb those distant mountains we require much more than a list and hopeful expectations. How often have you set your New Year’s resolutions only to find the same problems preventing you from achieving your goals?

For example professional dancing appears effortless; the dancers seem to float and glide across the floor, but behind their performance lies years of dedicated discipline, perseverance, & technique. Achieving our own dreams requires exactly the same ingredients. Successful pursuit of our goals is the basis not just for material success but for the less tangible but ultimately far more rewarding outcome of a happy and fulfilling life.

"Instead of worrying about what people say of you, why not spend time trying to accomplish something they will admire." - Dale Carnegie

Step 1 – What do you value?

What are the things in your life that are most important to you? Family, money, adventure, spiritual development, helping others? Values determine who we are and what we base our lives and our goals needs to reflect these.

Choosing the uni course that you will enjoy and that will move you closer to your long term goals needs careful consideration. If you find that you are not in the right course seek advice from academic advisors early as you may be able to switch before you have wasted too much time, money and energy. Read the course profile thoroughly to ensure that it meets your needs. Many students who have the ability to achieve good marks fail to do so because they are not in a course that is aligned with their core values.

Don’t set goals just because family or society values them, be authentic, be wildly eccentric, dance to your own beat and create a life that works for you. Know why you are taking the time out of your life to study at uni and where you expect that will take you.Goals that aren’t in sync with your own personal values will make them less satisfying and you will be unlikely to maintain the momentum required in order to achieve them.

Step 2 – Brainstorm

Create a list of all the things that you would like to achieve in this lifetime. Don’t put conditions on them at this stage; imagine that you have everything that you need to achieve these already, e.g. money, health, opportunity, qualifications, talent.

Write a story of your ideal life, what does it look like, who is with you, what are you wearing, what is your physical location, use a range of sensory information and include as much detail as possible to make the scene come alive for you.

Another useful exercise is to imagine that you are looking back from your 100th birthday bash, who is there, what have you achieved during your long lifetime and what will you have to celebrate.

Setting the goal first and then working backwards to determine how it can be achieved will allow you to think outside the square and be more creative. We have the potential to achieve much more than we often believe.

To accomplish the big goals in life they must first be conceived, believed that they are possible and then actioned. Make your thinking big enough to contain a life bursting with possibilities.

Include at least one Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)

Step 3 – Prioritise

Undertaking a university degree is a long term commitment which means that you will have to make room in your life for it. What will you have to sacrifice in terms of your time, finances and social involvement and what are the potential rewards?

Start by determining the most important goal that you want to focus on.Ask the questions ‘Where do I want to put my energy and will this be the best use of my time?If you have a range of time heavy commitments consider doing your degree part-time, a fulltime course is expected to consume 40 hours a week of your time.

Rank your goals in their order of importance. Where are you going to start and why would you bother, we all have only a limited time and energy component in our lives but the way we spend those precious resources can make all the difference to the life that we create for ourselves.

It is difficult for our focus to remain on more than one goal at a time without losing momentum. Determine how long each goal is expectedto take and designate short (within 3-6 months), medium (1-2 years) and long term goals.

Answer these questions and think carefully about what you want to manifest in your life:

  • Why is this goal important to you?
  • What will be the long term outcome?
  • Do you really want to achieve this?

Set goals under a range of areas that include:

  • Personal (health, stress management, interests, etc)
  • Professional (education, career, networking, etc)
  • Social (family & friends, clubs, fun, etc)

Step 4 – Break it Down

Achieving a university qualification generally takes several years of dedicated study and application. Ensure that you have all the appropriate information and check with academic advisors that you are taking the right courses in the appropriate order. Discovering that you need one more course in order to graduate when you were expecting to graduate is not an experiencethat you want to have.

Recent research into how experts achieve their status (K. Anders Ericsson)has shown that it is not initial grades or IQ that predicts performance and produces superior results. The keys are deliberate practice over a sustained period of time that targets your weaknesses and utilizing critical feedback to improve performance.

Most goals worth pursuing are way too big to achieve in one step. They require planning and breaking down into small bite sized pieces. Make the steps as small as possible and be sure to reward your progress.

Ensure that your goals are SMART by checking that they fulfil the following criteria

  • Specific – what do you want to achieve?
  • Measurable – how will you monitor your progress?
  • Achievable – is your goal realistic?
  • Relevant – how useful is this goal?
  • Timeframe – when will you start and finish?

Step 5 – Flexibility

If you face a barrier to your progress determine what you need to do, is the goal still relevant, do you need more skills, e.g. maths or self-confidence, or do you need support? Answer these questions first before you give up on your goal. Be creative, are there other ways to achieve your desired outcome, remain flexible and open to possibilities.

Focus your attention on the present, enjoy the process, today creates tomorrow so make it enjoyable as possible now. Practice mindfulness which is the art of remaining in the present. Becoming trapped by past failures or putting off happiness until a designated time in the future prevents growth and promotes rigidity of thoughts and personality.

Self-efficacy is the belief that you can achieve your goals. This results in higher levels of self-esteem, motivation and perseverance. People who are low in self-efficacy tend to blame external factors and give up more easily when they are faced with a problem. Achieving your goals, seeing others reach theirs and mentoring support can all assist the development of self-efficacy.

Step6– Monitoring

Keeping regular checks on your progress is vital to your success. Obtain feedback whenever this is available, this provides us with the information that we require in order to improve our performance. Go over your assignment comments carefully and if you don’t understand anything go back to your tutor or lecturer and seek clarification. Practice with old exam papers and ask questions whenever you need more information.

Review your progress weekly and determine the actions that will need to be taken in the following week. You will be surprised how much you have achieved and this will also increase your self-esteem and encourage you to move forward.

Meet with supportive friends, or keep a record by writing down your achievements. Use a folder to collect evidence of your progress and to collect pictures and ideas for future goals.

Need Help?

Student Services has a range of supports that you may find useful.

There are many goal setting sites on the internet and books written on goal setting and time management, read widely and increase your understanding of their importance to achieving an interesting and productive life.

Talk to successful people, read autobiographies; find out how they reached their goals. What helped them, how did they overcome difficulties, what kept them motivated, etc. This will give you both ideas and encouragement to move forward with your own plans.

Linda Elliott-Ghadami

UQ Student Services 2010