Goal Essay Organizer
Paragraph 1:
My learning plan assists in my self-awareness of my interests, goals, strengths, and weaknesses. (Transition) To begin with, my interests include…(Write at least 2 interests). (Transition) In addition, my goals include...(Write at least 2 goals). (Transition) Moreover, my strengths and weakness are…(Write at least 2 for each).
Paragraph 2:
In order to achieve my goals, I must be aware of my progress. My NWEA reading RIT score was ______, my reading goal is…(Write your reading goal). (Transition) In addition, my math RIT score was ______, my math goal is...(Write your math goal). By assessing my progress and setting goals I will be motivated to reach them.
Paragraph 3:
I alone determine my future. I want to become…(Write what career you aspire to be in). Why? (Write 3-5 sentences)
Paragraph 4:
The action steps of how I will achieve my goals include… (Write your action steps for achieving your career goal, reading goal, and math goal).
Paragraph 5:
In conclusion, my learning plan assists in developing an awareness of my interests, goals, strengths, and weaknesses. After highschool I plan on attending ______(College). After college I plan on becoming______(Career). Setting goals is essential to personal growth because… (Write 1-2 sentences).