ESE Consultant
Research and Innovation Policies
Closing date for reception of tenders:22/07/2015 at 17:00
EUREKA is a pan-European initiative, launched in 1985.
EUREKA’s mission is to stimulate growth and jobs creation in Europe by supporting the internationalisation of businesses with innovative ideas. This mission is achieved through a well-established intergovernmental network of more than 40 members and associated countries, facilitating the international coordination of national innovation programmes.
The overall aim is to raise the productivity and competitiveness of Europe’s industries and national economies in the global market by supporting market-oriented RDI(projects by industry, research centres and universities across all technological sectors). The EUREKA network is chaired by one of the member states on an annual, rotational basis.
EUREKA’s Internet site – - provides the public with access to a wide range of information and data.
EUREKA Secretariat
The EUREKA Secretariat (ESE) based in Brussels, is an intergovernmental association which acts as the central support unit for EUREKA initiative and is directed by the Head of the Secretariat. The Head is appointed by the General Assembly and reports to the General Assembly and the Executive Board.
Since 2007, the ESE has also become the dedicated implementation structure for the Eurostars Programme. As such the ESE handles Programme cut-offs, the evaluation process and the funding of Eurostars projects.
The EUREKA Secretariat (ESE) is looking for a consultant with expertise on Research and Innovation policies to support the EUREKA Secretariat activities.
The requirements and specifications of the services sought under this call for tender have been set out in a detailed manner to simplify the task of the tenderers and the subsequent evaluation of responses by EUREKA.
2.1Composition of the Call for Tender
The Call for Tender comprises two parts:
- Part I: General Conditions of the Call for Tender
- Part II: Specifications of product sought under this Call for Tender
All tenders will be treated as contractually binding for the tenderers and they must consequently date and sign the three (3) required copies of the tender.
2.3Duration of tender validity
Tenders will remain valid for 61working days, as from the deadline for submission of tenders.
2.4Additional information
Should any problems of interpretation arise in the course of drawing up the tender document, suppliers may submit a written request for further information to the address indicated below:
Attention: Pedro de Sampaio Nunes
Rue Neerveld 107
B-1200 Woluwe-St-Lambert
2.5Acceptance and rejection of tenders
There is no commitment on the part of EUREKA to accept any proposal that is received in response to the Call for Tender.
EUREKA reserves the right to reject tenders received after the deadline for submission of tenders, without penalty or justification.
2.6Modification or cancellation of call for tender
EUREKA reserves the right to cancel the Call for Tender, should the need arise, without having to justify its actions and without such action conferring any right to compensation on suppliers.
2.7Deadline for submission
EUREKA reserves the right to extend the deadline for submission of the offers. In that case, all the tenderers’ and EUREKA’s rights and duties and in particular Article 2.3 above will be subject to this new deadline.
No reimbursement of expenses related to the preparation of any proposal will be made by the EUREKA.
The language of the response to this Call for Tender should be English.
2.10Information to Tenderers
All tenderers will be informed of the decision taken on their tenders, 20 working days after the closing date.
2.11 Selection Criteria
The criteria for tender appraisal include:
- Technical and professional capacity
Tenderers are required to prove that they have sufficient expertise on Research and Innovation policies to fulfill the contract (at least 8 years in the field).
- Economic and financial capacity
Tenderers are required to prove that they have sufficient economic and financial capacity to perform the contract. Evidence of a relevant professional risk indemnity needs to be provided.
- A university master’s degree, preferably in industry-relevant science, economics, law or international relations;
2.12Evaluation of offers
Bids from tenderers selected on the basis of the above selection criteria will be assessed according to the criteria given below:
- Pertinence and quality of the offer in relation to the education and skills required for the activities described in this call for tender;(weighting 60%)
- 8 to 10 years’ experience as strategic expert within the Research and Innovation field
- Sound knowledge of EUREKA on-going policies and instruments (e.g. EUREKA 2.0, Eurostars 2, Globalstars)
- Sound knowledge of the European Research and Innovation Area, notably of the articles 185s of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, joint programmes and the Era-nets
- Sound knowledge of the operation of national funding bodies involved with R&D&I policies and activities
- Proven track record of strategic papers drafting within a multicultural and multilateral environment
- Relevant experience with strategic working groups implementation
- Outstanding strategic thinking competencies
- Strong analytical and synthetic skills
- Excellent interpersonal, communication skills and presentation abilities
Excellent level of English and French, C2 level (CFER) for both.
- Tariff conditions; (weighting 20%)
- Financial solidity of the tenderer; (weighting 10%)
4. Quality of references from other clients with similar requirements or close to those of EUREKA. (weighting 10%)
3.1 Tender presentation and conditions for submission
Tenders, written in English, must be submitted:
- Before the submission deadline;
- In three (3) paper copies;
- Technical and pricing offers are required to be sent in separate sealed envelopes bearing the words « NOT TO BE OPENED – Call for Tender ESE Consultant – Technical proposal» and « NOT TO BE OPENED – Call for tender ESE Consultant – Pricing proposal» respectively
- To:
To the attention of Pedro de Sampaio Nunes
Rue Neerveld 107
B-1200 Woluwe-St-Lambert
Tenders sent by e-mail or fax will be systematically rejected even if they have also been sent in paper format (hard copy).
The deadline for submission of tenders is 23:59 CETon 22/07/2015.Tenders which are received after the deadline for receipt specified above, as well as those submitted in unsealed envelopes will be rejected. Tendersrejected on such grounds will be returned to their senders.
3.2General information
The tender has to include the following information:
a) A signed application letter stipulating that all elements of the tender are a contractual commitment;
b) To the extent possible, any justification confirming the tenderer’s identity, including his name, address, bank number, date of creation, legal status, activity domains and the number of employees, his professional insurances and all other information he will judge appropriate;
c) An attestation certifying the identity of the persons that have the power to legally commit the companyand sign for the company;
d) The tenderer has to comply with the fiscal requirements and attestation should be delivered on demand
4.1 Prices Quoted
Unless otherwise stated, prices quoted shall remain valid for 61 working days, as from the deadline for submission of tenders.
4.2 Duration
The duration of the contract will befor one year
4.3 Jurisdiction
All contracts will include a jurisdictionclause providing that if a dispute arises concerning the interpretation of the clause or the execution of the contract, and if no amicable agreement can be reached, the two parties agree to accept the final decision of the Tribunals of Brussels.
4.4 Confidentiality Clause
All contracts will include a confidentiality clause providing that all services will be of a confidential nature and that any information acquired on EUREKA activities and participants will not be divulged to any third party without prior written authorization by the EUREKA Secretariat. This obligation will continue to apply after expiration of this contract or of any extension thereof.
4.5 Contract conditions
- A framework contract starting as soon as possible (most probably from the 15 of August 2015) for a one year period
- The work request represents 94working days for the contract period.
- The contract will specify deadlines for each activity.
All the Consultant’s activities will be executed in close cooperation with the responsible staff members of the Secretariat and particularly with the “Strategic and innovation policy officer”.
- Eurostars-2 (2014-2020)
- Support with the drafting of strategic and/or policy oriented reportdealing with EUREKA priorities and Horizon 2020 policies, of which amongst others:
- The preliminary results of Eurostars 2 versus the SME instruments and Fast Track to Innovation (Eurostars 2)
- Support with the strategic and operational developments of Eurostars 2 by providing advice :
- on how to achieve effective synergies between Eurostars 2, the SME instrument and the Fast track to Innovation programme
- on how to boost the project generation of Eurostars 2 (e.g. the target is 600 per cut off, to be compared with 300 on average)
- with the implementation of the ex-ante assessment recommendations
- Making presentations on the Eurostars 2 programme in a specific country or in Brussels, on demand
- EUREKA 2.0
Support with the strategic and operational developments of EUREKA 2.0 by:
- Providing advices on the further development of EUREKA 2.0 services
- Organising the moderation of panel debates on EUREKA 2.0 during EUREKA conferences, on demand
- Making presentations on the EUREKA 2.0 services in a specific country or in Brussels, on demand
- Drafting papers on the potential collaboration to use one or several EUREKA 2.0 services between an interested National Funding Body and the ESE, on demand.
- The EUREKA Secretariat
- Support the ESE with the elaboration of the ESE Business Plan and Budget, by:
- Organising brainstorming meetings with the ESE managers and ESE staff to reflect on the EUREKA strategic priorities and their effective implementation by the ESE
- Drafting the ESE Business Plan report based on the Head of the ESE, ESE managers and ESE staff input
- Supporting with the elaboration of the ESE Budget which needs to be consistent with the ESE Business Plan
- Support the ESE with the elaboration of the EUREKA Annual Report and Impact Assessment Studies, by:
- Providing advice on the EUREKA Annual Report structure and key messages
- Drafting one or several sections of the Annual Report, on demand
- Providing advices on the EUREKA impact assessment studies methodology to be used
- Provide support on the implementation of the EUREKA impact assessment studies, on demand (to be performed by external and independent consultants)
- Draft papers to promote EUREKA added value and contribute to R&D&I policymaking.
This document is an integral part of the call for tender for consultancy service. The tenderer, on his behalf and on behalf of the company, states on his honor that the following conditions are respected:
- he is not likely to go bankrupt or is not subject to a bankruptcy procedure, of a liquidation, of a juridical settlement or a preventive concordat, a termination of activities, and does not find itself in any analogical situation of a similar procedure that exists in the national legislation;
- he is not convicted by a judgment which has the force of res judicata for any offence concerning his professional conduct;
- he is not the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of EUREKA and its members;
- he is not guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority to its participation in the tender documents or has not supplied such information;
- there is no conflict of interest ;
- that its employees, or more generally, any person assigned to the completion of the services, subject of the tender, are regularly employed within the national legislation from which the company depends and that it complies with the legislation and regulations in force in social security and labour legislation.
I, undersigned, …………………………………. from the company ……………………………., duly authorised, understand and recognise that EUREKA could decide to not award this contract to a tenderer that finds itself in one of the situations as described above. I recognize as well that EUREKA will have the right to cancel a contract awarded to a tenderer which, during the award procedure, is guilty of false declarations or absence of providing further clarifications demanded in this context.
On .. / .. / ….