Meeting Notes 10/20/16

GNHSOA Soccer Officials Meeting

Meeting was called to order by President Tom Behrens at 7:00 p.m.

Secretaries Report: Minutes were posted on the GNSOA website of the lastmeeting.

A motion was made to accept the Secretaries report and the minutes of the last meeting, seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s report: Paul Powersreported that total balance as of October 20, 2016,stands at 7,527.01.

Motion was made to accept the Treasurers report, seconded and passed.

Tom Introduced John Cristini

1)John reported on new officials pre-meeting clinics.

2)Reviewed caution and red card procedures

Tom introduced Commissioner Dom D’Aurio

1)Dom thanked all officials for the good season

2)Reminded all officials in attendance to check the arbiter everydayespecially before you leave to o a game.

3)We may have to back off some three man games and only send two officials and some JV games may have to be covered by one official, stay tuned.

Tom introduced Joe Miller.

  1. Joe also thanked all officials for the season
  2. Asked to continue to be on time for the remainder of the season for all games
  3. Observations by AD’s and assessor are that the biggest problem on the field is fitness.

You have to hustle all the time. Do not walk, stay in one place and you have to be in the area of the play. Positioning and anticipation. Be focused on the game, and most important be positive.

  1. Be pro-active with players you should be constently talking to the players to avoid the issuing of a card.
  2. Recruitment of new officials is important for next year

Committee Reports

Paul Powers remind all to get your responses in for the Banquet on Nov. 6th

$10 for Officials

$40 dollars for guest

Please have a check for 110 dollars at the banquet

If you bring a quest have a check for 150 dollars

If you do not attend the banquet then mail a 100 dollar check always made out to G.N.H.S.O.A.

Gary Torelli identified award winners

Tony DeNegri Award – Outstanding Male Soccer Player
Salah Omourah– West Haven High School

John “Whitey” Puriek Award – Outstanding Female Soccer Player
Saige Bingman-Cheshire

Bob Tingley Award – Boy’s Team Sportsmanship Award
Amistad High School

Mabel Peterson Award – Girl’s Team Sportsmanship Award
Amity High School

Old Business: None

New business:

Changes to By-laws that were emailed to membership were reviewed and passed unanimously.

Nominating committee nominated the following for President, Vice President and Secretary and all were elected unanimously.

Eoin McClure – Elected President

Peter Trenchard – Elected Vice President

Richard Cavallaro – Elected Sectary

All positions did not have any opposition

Vote of confidence given for Co-Interpreters John Cristini and Anthony Gambardella and Co – Assignors Joe Miller and Dom D’Aurio

Tom Behrens made motion to adjourn – motion seconded and passed

52 of 89 members were in attendance.

Respectfully Submitted

Thomas Behrens

President, GNHSOA.