Disaster Science & Management (DSM) ProgramPlan of Study Form
Student Name (Last, First) / City, ST ZIP CodeLSU Student ID / LSU Email Address
Phone / Major College and Department
Address / Assigned Counselor (or Advisor for Graduate. Student)
APPLYING FOR (check one) & Course Selection
0 DSM Undergraduate Concentration (must have declared major as Liberal Arts in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences – includes 10 credit hours of DSM core courses and 24 credit hours of approved electives)0 DSM Undergraduate Minor (includes 7 credit hours of DSM core courses and 12 credit hours of approved electives)
0 DSM Graduate Minor (includes 4 credit hours DSM core courses and 5 credit hours of approved electives)
Course Number (e.g., DSM 2000) / Course Title
(e.g., Hazards and the Environment) / Credit Hours
(e.g., 3) / DSM Elective Category (e.g., Engineering & Infrastructure) – FILL THIS ONLY FOR UNDERGRADUATE CONCENTRATION / Semester taken
or to be taken
(e.g., Fall 2012)
TOTAL NUMBER OF CREDIT HOURS TO BE COMPLETED (must reflect requirements for completion of program):
Student Signature (Typing your name will suffice when submitting electronically.) Date
Please mail the form to: Dr. Rachel Dowty Beech Or email the form electronically to:
Department of Geography & Anthropology Dr. Rachel Dowty Beech ()
227 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex Director, DSM Program
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
For Official Use Only
DSM Co-Director Date / Counselor/Advisor Date
(Counselor's signature indicates that a DSM Co-Director has signed to the left and that Counselor has made the appropriate course substitutions to the student's record to reflect the courses listed above.)