Submission Date:
Proposal Information
A. Organization
U.S. Tax Status (Refer to Tax Status Definitions):
Tax ID (Employer Identification Number-EIN)
Institutional Official authorized to submit and accept grants on behalf of organization:
Prefix / First name / Surname / SuffixTitle / Telephone
Address / Fax
Web site
B. Project
Principal Investigator/Project Director:
Prefix / First name / Surname / SuffixTitle / Telephone
Address / Fax
Web site
Amount Requested From Foundation ($USD): / $ / Project Duration (months):
Estimated Total Cost of Project ($USD): / $
Organization’s total revenue for most recent audited financial year ($USD): / $
C. Geographic Location(s) of Work and Area(s) to be Served
Geographic Location(s) of Work refers to all locations (country, and region/state if known) in which work will be performed with funds from this grant. This includes locations in which sub-grantees or sub-contractors will work. In the table below please provide the location and the approximate amount estimated to be spent in each location. For example: A $1,000,000 grant may reflect $600,000 to be spent in the United States and $400,000 to be spent in South Africa. If you propose to have staff working across multiple locations, costs may be allocated to the location where they will spend the majority of time. Please reflect the total grant amount.
Geographic Location(s) of WorkCountry and Region/State / Amount
Total Grant Request / $
Geographic Areas to be Served refers to all countries intended to benefit from this grant. This is where the target population is located, not necessarily where the work is occurring. For India, include the names of states. “World” is an acceptable response if there will be broad public benefit. In the table above please provide the location and the approximate amount estimated to be spent in each location. Please reflect the total grant amount.
Geographic Area(s) to be ServedCountry/Continent / Amount
Total Grant Request / $
Table of Contents
I. Charitable Purpose
II. Executive Summary
III. Context
IV. Project Framework
V. Sustainability
VI. Organizational Capacity and Management Capability
VII. Citations
VIII. Appendices
A. Results and Critical Milestones Summary Table
B. Budget Spreadsheet
C. Budget Narrative
D. Data Access Plan
E. Biographical Information
F. Financial and Tax Information
IX. Modules 3 of 5
I. Charitable Purpose
II. Executive Summary
III. Context
IV. Project Framework
Project Framework Table
Results / Results Measurement / AssumptionsStrategic Area:
Project Goal:
Activities: 4 of 5
Project Framework Narrative
Objective # (1, 2, 3, etc.): Title
Description & Assumptions
Results/Critical Milestones
Results Measurement
V. Sustainability
VI. Organizational Capacity and Management Capability
A. Organizational Capacity and Facilities
B. Management and Staffing Plan for this Project
Citations, Appendices and Modules do not count against the 20-page limit.
VII. Citations
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