Training Report
It’s a wise practice to follow-up with your supervisor by summarizing into a report your TAPPI course training and experience. The following checklist presents suggestions of what to include.
Event Report
ü Your Name, Title and Department
ü Event Title, Dates, Location
ü Event URL:
ü Event Summary:
The TAPPI Introduction to Wet End Chemistry Course helps attendees understand the latest technology and terminology used in optimizing peak papermaking performance in papermaking efficiency and quality. The overall training objectives include helping attendees:
· Identify the properties of papermaking furnish and the process components and discuss how they interact to affect wet-end chemistry phenomena.
· Discuss possible solutions to paper machine process and paper quality problems associated with wet end additives and arising from chemical deposits.
· Identify additives that can be used to change the balance of charge for purposes of process control, trouble-shooting and optimization situations.
· Identify the most important factors affecting first-pass retention and the rate of drainage of water from the fiber mat during paper formation.
· Identify classes of wet-end chemical additives that can be used to achieve paper property objectives in various grades.
Goals Met
Identify specifically what was brought back to your organization relevant to business goals to show payback for the investment in training.
ü 1.
ü 2.
ü 3.
Cost Summary
ü Registration Fee $
ü Airfare $
ü Transportation $
ü Hotel $
ü Meals $
ü Total $
Event ROI
ü Course Schedule – Topics Covered
ü Presenter Background and Overview of Expertise
ü Learning Outcomes Delivered
ü CEUs Earned
ü Action Items Identified
ü What You Will Accomplish at Work as Result of the Training
ü Takeaways or New Assets (e.g. Course Notebook, Publication, CD-ROM)
Business Relationships
Include information about the presenter and/or attendees who may be useful as a contact for your company. For each, include:
ü Name and Contact Details
ü Description of Relevant Specialty or Knowledge
Outline additional details on the ROI value to you and your company. In your summary, TAPPI suggests offering to educate or train others on what you learned and include the date/time of your planned briefing. Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary.
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