[Name & Address of )
Filing Registrar])
v.)Domain Names In Dispute:
)[list names]
[Name and Address of )
Non-filing Registrar])
[1.]This Complaint is hereby submitted for decision in accordance with the Registrar Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy (Policy), adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and the Forum Supplemental Rules (Supp. Rules). Policy ¶ 3.1.1.
[a.]Name:[enter full name ofComplainant]
[b.]Address:[enter mailing address]
[c.]Telephone:[enter telephone number]
[d.]Fax:[enter facsimile number]
[e.]E-Mail:[enter e-mail address]
[Provide the same information for the Complainant’s authorized representative in the administrative proceeding.] Policy ¶ 3.1.2(ii).
The Complainant chooses to have this dispute heard before a [enter one: a) single-member administrative panel; b) three-member administrative panel]. Supp. Rule 4(d).
[If the Complainant elects to have this dispute heard before a three-member panel, provide the names and contact details of three candidates from any ICANN-approved Provider’s list of panelists to serve as one of the panelists.] Supp. Rule 4(d).
[a.]Name: [enter full name of Respondent]
[b.]Address:[enter mailing address]
[c.]Telephone:[enter telephone number]
[d.]Fax:[enter facsimile number]
[e.]E-Mail:[enter e-mail address]
[Provide the same information for Respondent’s authorized representative in the administrative proceeding, if known.] Policy ¶ 3.1.2(iii).
[a.]The following domain name(s) is/are the subject of this Complaint: Policy ¶ 3.1.2(iv).
[enter the disputed domain name(s) here without the “
This Complaint is based on the following factual and legal grounds: Policy ¶ 3.1.2(v). The analysis in this section may require more space than provided, but the entire Complaint shall not exceed ten (10) pages. Supp. Rule 4(a).
The Complainant requests that the Panel issue a decision that the request for the transfer of the domain sponsorship be [“approved” or “denied”]. Policy ¶ 3.1.2(vii).
[Identify any other legal proceedings that have been commenced or terminated in connection with or relating to any of the domain name(s) that are the subject of the complaint.] Policy ¶ 3.1.2(viii).
The Complainant asserts that a copy of thisComplaint, together with the cover sheet as prescribed by the Forum’s Supplemental Rules, has been sent or transmitted to the Respondent (Non-filing Registrar). Policy ¶ 3.1.2(ix); Supp. Rule 4(b).
<insert name of Complainant> agrees that its claims and remedies concerning the registration of the domain name, the dispute, or the dispute’s resolution shall be solely against the Respondent and waives all such claims and remedies against the dispute resolution provider and panelists, as well as the dispute resolution provider’s directors, officers, employees, and agents, except in the case of deliberate wrongdoing or gross negligence.
<insert name of Complainant> certifies that the information contained in this Request for Enforcement is to the best of Filing Registrar’s knowledge complete and accurate, that this Complaint is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, and that the assertions in this Request for Enforcement are warranted under this Policy and under applicable law, as it now exists or as it may be extended by a good-faith and reasonable argument. Policy ¶ 3.1.2(x).
Respectfully Submitted,
[Annex any documentary or other evidence, including a copy of the Policy applicable to the domain name(s) in dispute, together with a schedule indexing such evidence.] Policy ¶ 3.1.4.
[TheComplaint, not including annexed material, shall not exceed ten (10) pages.] Supp. Rule 4(a).