Curriculum Vitae
1.Proposed role in the project:
3.Staff of (name of company):
/ Kiel Institute for the World Economy and GFA Consulting Group GmbH4.Title:
/ Dr. /5.First names:
/ Linda /6.Family name:
/ KLEEMANN /7.Date of birth:
/ 19.05.19838.Nationality:
/ German9.Place of residence:
/ Rosengarten, Germany10.Civil status/Children with date of birth:
/ Married, one child11.Education:
Institution[Date from – DATE to] / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained
Christian –Albrechts-University, Kiel 05/2008 – 05/2013 / PhD agricultural economics, magna cum laude, Title of the cumulative thesis: “Organic Certification, Sustainable Farming and Return on Investment - Empirical Evidence from Ghana”
Christian-Albrechts- University, Kiel
09/2003 – 04/2008 / Diplom (equiv. M.Sc) in economics with specialisations in international economic relations and econometrics, Erich Schneider Award for the best overall diploma grade, GregorLouisoderUmweltstiftungAward for best thesis
Goethe Gymnasium Regensburg
09/1993 – 07/2002 / Abitur
12.Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent; 5 – basic)
Language / Reading / Speaking / WritingGerman / mother tongue
English / 1 / 1 / 1
French / 1 / 2 / 2
Spanish / 1 / 3 / 2
Portuguese / 5 / 5 / 5
13.Membership of professional bodies:
/ VereinfürSocialpolitik14.Other skills: (e.g. computer literacy, etc.)
/ MS Office, MS SharePoint, Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, several content management systems and project management platforms, statistical and econometric software (e.g. Stata, Matlab, R), knowledge of the functioning and functionalities of online learning platforms15.Present position:
/ Consultant EMENA department16.Years within the firm:
/ 1 year17.Key qualifications (relevant to the assignment):
- Sustainable trade, voluntary sustainability standards (organic, Fairtrade, GlobalGAP, etc.), social business, social entrepreneurship
- Horticultural products, herbs and spices, natural ingredients
- Value chain development, export market development, export readiness,
- SME development, design of ideas and business plan competitions
- Sustainable fishery management, fish – nutrition/food security nexus
- Evaluation methodology development, theory of change development
- Qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods such as most significant change method, quantitative impact measurement methods such as matching techniques, difference-in-difference, RCTs.
- Design of monitoring and evaluation systems, identification of appropriate indicators
- Baseline and endline data collection, analysis, reporting and results communication
- Teaching M&E, business planning and mathematics and statistics at master level
- Design and implementation of blended learning concepts and modules, design of action learning concepts for sustainable development
- Development of integrated modules combining learning modules with an ideas competition and coaching for piloting innovations
- Teaching agricultural economics, (social) entrepreneurship, business planning and mathematics and statistics
- Training- and moderation techniques, organizational development
- Regional experience in Sub-Sahara-Africa and North Africa
18.Specific experience in the region:
Country / Date from –Date toMorocco / 08/2015
Algeria / 03/2016
Togo / 04/2016
Zimbabwe / 07/-12/2007, 10/2009, 10/2011
Ghana / 02/2009; 01-03/2010; 11/2013
Senegal / 4 times each about 2-3 weeks between 2012-2014
Kenya / 12/2014, 05/2016
South Africa / 09-10/2010
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Curriculum VitaE Dr.LindaKLEEMANN19.Professional experience:
Date from –Date to / Location / Company / Position / Description05-08/2016 / Kenya / International expert / Baseline study for the Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector
Training of enumerators
Development of the scientific methodology for sampling, data collection and analysis, development of the questionnaires and methodology for the focus group discussions, data analysis using STATA
Mobile data collection using Survey Solutions, programming of questionnaires, data quality management
Supervision of the data collection team
04/2016 / Togo / GIZ/GFA / Trainer / Training on designing and implementing CAPI based surveys/ empirical studies
Questionnaire design and programming, sampling, using mobile data collection tools, statistical data analysis
11/2015-04/1016 / Deutschland, Hamburg
Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Malawi, India, Nigeria, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia / GIZ / GFA / International Expert: scientific methodology / Baseline studies in 10 countriesfor the Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector
Development of a standardised scientific methodology for sampling, data collection and analysis, development of the questionnaires and methodology for the focus group discussions, data analysis using STATA
Mobile data collection using Survey Solutions, programming of questionnaires, data quality management
Supervision ofa team of 20 international and national experts
Since 05/2015 / Germany, Hamburg / GFA Consulting Group GmbH / Consultant
EMENA department / Consultant for Agriculture and Rural Development in the EMENA department (Europe, Middle East and North Africa);
- Project acquisition in rural and agricultural business development
- Project management, qualitycontrol, financialadministration
- Backstopping and short term assigments on agricultural value chains,business planning, sustainable agriculture, standards and certifications in agriculture
- Training in project design, fundraising, survey design, M&E
- Monitoring and Evaluation: design of M&E systems, active member of the M&E working group.
02/2009 – today / Germany, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, UK, USA / several / Freelance Consultant (part-time) / Selected Projects:
2016/2017: lecturer on NGO management at HAW Hamburg, e-learning course
2015 -2016 Consultant for Social Business Start-Ups for, Social Impact Lab gGmbh sponsored by SAP
2015-16: Study on Scenarios of Future Trends in Global Marine Catches and Effects on Consumption Levels, relevance of fish as a source of food and nutrition, WWF
from 10/2016: Lecturerat the University of Kiel, practice-oriented module on development cooperation
2015-2019: Erasmus Plus Project Teaching for sustainable development , blended learning
2015:study on Entrepreneurship Education in Germany, Uganda and Bangladesh (together with Prof. Petra Dickel, University of Kiel)
2015/2016: expert advice for HAW Hamburg on the development of blended learning modules for the EU Project “L3EAP – Lifelong Learning in Energy Efficiency, Access and Security in Small Island Developing States”
2015: Evaluation of the Waitrose Foundation strategy, design andImplementation of a studyin Ghana, Kenya und South Africa, John Lewis Partnership/ Waitrose
2015: Evaluation of “Digital Social Innovation Start-Ups”, EU Projekt CHEST
2014: strategy advice on business development, Green Belt Movement Kenia, including designing a continuous training concept for member groups
02-8/2014: Feasibility Study on sustainable fisheries in Senegal, Oceana – Protecting the World’s Oceans
07/2013-02/2014: Design and implementation of an impact evaluation (social and economic footprint analysis) of an agricultural processing and exporting enterprise in Ghana, including benchmarking and including providing advice to the senior management on the development of an enterprise-wide further training concept
Since 06/2013design, production, implementation and further development of a blended learning module: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), workshops and ideas competition on social entrepreneurship, together with Prof. Corves (University of Kiel), 06/2013 Winner of a MOOC Production Fellowship of the Stifterverbandfür die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Since 12/2014 / Germany / Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation / Tutor (voluntary) / Selection and tutoring of students for their scholarship program
06/2013 – 05/2015 / Germany, Kiel;
Senegal / Christian-AlbrechtsUniversity Kiel / Post-Doc (part-time) / Institute for environmental, resource and ecological economics
- Post-Doc in the AWA project on management of small-scale fisheries in West Africa
- Design of questionnaires and CAPI-assisted surveys, implementation of surveys, data cleaning and analysis
Since 06/2011 / Germany / W3 - Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik e.V. / Chairwoman of the Board (voluntary) / Strategy development, HRM, Controlling
02/2009 – 05/2015 / Germany, Kiel, Ghana; Senegal, Dakar; South Africa, USA, Washington / PEGNEt, Kiel Institute for the World Economy / Managing Director and Post-Doc / Research Area Poverty Reduction, Equity and Development
- Managing Director of the Poverty Reduction, Equity, and Growth Network (PEGNet)
- PhD student, later Post-Doc
- Data collection, questionnaire design, sampling, quantitative and qualitative data analysis
- Development and piloting of a vocational training conceptfor SMEs in Ghana
- M&E, impact evaluation in projects of private sector development in rural areas/agriculturein Africa
- Acquisition of third party funding from BMBF, BMZ, GIZ, EU, DAAD, DFG, etc.
- Organisation of international conferences in Europe and Africa, moderation of keynotes and panel discussions
- Guest researcher at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Teaching at theUniversityof Kiel and online: project management, Social Entrepreneurship, agricultural economics, supervisionof bachelor and master theses
Since 02/2009 / Germany / Heldenrat – Beratung für soziale Bewegungen / Consultant (voluntary) /
- Organizational development for social sector initiatives
- Design and implementation of practice-oriented learning modules on (Social) Entrepreneurship at University (e.g. LeuphanaUniversityLüneburg, HAW Hamburg)
05/2008 – 01/2009 / Germany, Kiel / Christian-AlbrechtsUniversity Kiel / Doktorandin / Institute for agricultural and food economics, Prof. Abdulai
- Preparation of PhD proposal
- Teaching business planning and agricultural economics
08-12/2007, 10/2009, 10/2011 / Zimbabwe, Harare / KAITE – Social Investment / Trainee, later consultant /
- Value chain analysis and market analysis and development for natural ingredients, herbs and spices and essential oils, development of agricultural cooperatives
- Development of an orphan day care centre
- Winner of the Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition in Seattle
- Organizational Development and strategy consultant work
2004-2007 / Germany, Kiel / University Kiel, Institute for Statistics and Econometrics / Tutor /
- Teaching mathematics for economists
- Further training on didactics
07-08/2006 / Germany, Bonn / German Development Institute / Intern / Study on Results-Based Budgeting in Tanzania
Published papers:Kleemann,L., Nunnenkamp,P. & Thiele,R.(2016).Gender inequality, female leadership, and aid allocation: A panel analysis of aid for education.Journal of International Development 28(3): 376-395.
Kleemann,L.(2016).Organic Farming in Ghana - A Good Choice for Smallholders?Journal of Developing Areas 50(3): pp. 109-130.
Kleemann, L., Thiele R. (2015). Rural Welfare Implications of Large-scale Land Acquisitions in Africa: A Theoretical Framework. Economic Modeling51:269-279.
Kleemann, L., Abdulai, A. and Buss, M. (2014). Is Organic Farming Worth its Investment? The Adoption and Impact of Certified Pineapple Farming in Ghana. World Development, 64: 79–92.
Kleemann, L. (2014). Knowing Where Organic Markets Move Next - An Analysis of Developing Countries in the Pineapple Market. Economics 2014-14.
Kleemann, L. and Abdulai, A. (2013). Organic Certification, Agro-Ecological Practices and Return on Investment: Evidence from Pineapple Producers in Ghana. Ecological Economics, 93: 330-341.
Kleemann, L. (2013). Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Africa: An Overview. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security,2(4).
Kleemann, L. Rickels,W., Klepper,G., Peterson,S. and Petrick,S. (2010).Konjunktur für den Klimaschutz? Klima- und Wachstumswirkungen weltweiter Konjunkturprogramme.Aussenwirtschaft,2010 II,Universität St. Gallen.
Kleemann L. and Abdulai, A. (2009). The Impact of Trade and Economic Growth on the Environment: Revisiting the Evidence. Journal of International Development, 25(2): 180-205.
Ramcke, L. andAbdulai, A. (2009). Acuteview - Auswirkungen der Biokraftstoffproduktion auf die Ernährungssicherheit. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), 4(2): 160-163.
Working Paper/Submitted papers:
Dickel, P., Kleemann, L. and Bose, T.K. (2015). The role of the perceived environment in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions and nascent entrepreneurial behaviour. Submitted to the Journal of Business Venturing.
Kleemann, L. (2015): The relevance of business practices in linking smallholders and large agro-businesses in Sub-Sahara Africa. Kiel Working Paper 1997, Awaiting final decision after review at International food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR).
Wüpper, D., Sauer, J. and Kleemann, L. (2014). Sustainable Intensification of Pineapple Farming in Ghana: Training and Complexity. Kiel Working Paper 1973, in review process at World Development.
Murphy-Bokern, D. and Kleemann, L. (2014). Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the food sector: effects of corporate responsibility, Report for IFPRI, Washington D.C., Kiel Working Paper 1967.
Kleemann, L., Roy, D. & AsareMarfo, D. (2012). Conformists versus contrarians in choice among improved wheat varieties: A study on adoption in Uttar Pradesh, India. HarvestPlus Discussion Paper, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington D.C.
Policy Papers
Quaas, M., Hoffmann, J., Kamin, K. & Kleemann, L. (2016). Überfischt und Unterversorgt - Wie viel Fisch wir in Zukunft fangen und wer ihn essen wird. Eine weltweite Prognose. Herausgeber: WWF Deutschland; Internationales WWF-Zentrum für Meeresschutz, Hamburg.
Kleemann, L. and Neumann, M. (2014). Unhappily non-cooperative – Do development research and practice ignore each other? . E&Z/D+C2014/05.
Kleemann, L. and Neumann, M. (2014). Unhappily non-cooperative – Do development research and practice ignore each other? Kiel Policy Brief, 74, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (long version).
Kleemann, L. and M. Boehme (2013). Happily Uninformed? Durchführungsorganisationen zeigen geringes Interesse an Forschungsergebnissen. E&Z/D+C2013/09.
Kleemann, L., K. Sipangule and P. Selaya (2013). Shades of green.E&Z/D+C2013/07, 286-287.
Kleemann, L., Lay, J., Nolte, K., Ott, K., Thiele, R. and Voget-Kleschin, L. (2013). Economic and Ethical Challenges of “Land Grabs” in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kiel Policy Brief 67, Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
Kleemann, L., Grimm, M. & Freese, A. (2012). Löwenstaaten in Afrika. E&Z/D+C2012/05, 197.
Kleemann, L. and Arslan,A.(2011).More Money for Small Farmers.E&Z/D+C,2011/02,66.
Kleemann L. & Freese,A., Kleemann,L.(2011).Stimulating Exchange.E&Z/D+C,2011/07-08,301-302.
Kleemann, L. and Chong,P. (2011).The Future of Funding for Social Enterprises.Kiel Policy Brief,34,Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
Kleemann,L., and Krieger-Boden,C.(2011).Bridging Morale and Business through Shared Value.Kiel Policy Brief,38,Kiel Institute forthe World Economy.
Book chapters
Kleemann, L. (2016). Das Unternehmen der Zukunft als eierlegende Wollmilchsau? Chancen und Grenzen der Entwicklung und Verbreitung von nachhaltigen Geschäftsmodellen. In: CSR und Geschäftsmodelle, Herausgeber: Bungard, P., Management-Reihe Corporate SocialResponsibility, Springer Gabler. Forthcoming.
Kleemann, L. und Humberg, K. (2014). Enhancing the contribution of social business to sustainable development. In: OECD Development Report 2014. Videosummary:
Kleemann,L.(2011).Pineapple Faming in Ghana - A Good Choice for Smallholders?.In: D. Neuhoff, N. Halberg, I.A. Rasmussen, J. Hermansen, C. Ssekyewa, and S.M. Sohn (eds),Organic is Life - Knowledge for Tomorrow (2):137-140, Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of ISOFAR.
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