Meritorious Service Award

Desmond Lowe

Des Lowe has demonstrated a strong commitment to the Eastern Suburbs Photography Club. He has presented several courses. Two of these called ‘Introduction to Photography’ (June and September 2016) were given to about fifty members of the public on each occasion at Vermont South Library. Another lecture he gave was ‘Constructing and delivering a Lightroom Course’ for members in June 2015.

He is an ‘A grade’ photographer who regularly submits images to monthly competitions, with much success, and has had images selected for local and VAPS competitions. He has been the club’s Competition Steward for eight of the past nine years. The club runs 11 competitions each year with an average of 100 entries in each, so there is considerable time and work required to manage these competitions. Images must be collected, lists prepared and liaising done with judges, as well as preparation of certificates to award winners. Des looks after the projection of the images on competition nights. He assembles statistics regarding the entries and awards and regularly reviews and puts forward suggestions to the committee and members to ensure the competition rules are always relevant. He initiated and developed guidance instructions for judges in 2015. He has also been Deputy President on several occasions.

Des has, for the past few years, led a team of club members in an activity of photographing 100 plus objects for the Wood Turners Association Annual Awards which has provided valuable experience to members (new and others) as well as financial benefit to the club. He also handles any post shoot editing of the images created.

And finally, as a member of the committee for nine years, his wise counsel is highly regarded as is his willingness to assist club members with all aspects of photography and club activities. He is unquestionably a positive influence on members. Eastern Suburbs Photographic Society and VAPS consider him a worthy recipient of a Meritorious Service Award.

Peter Kewley Margaret Zommers

Vice PresidentBadges and Awards Director