Initial 5 Day Occupational Health & Safety Course for Representatives, Managers and Supervisors

This course is an approved presentation of WorkSafe Victoria, Initial 5 Day OHS Course for Health & Safety Representatives, Managers and Supervisors.

RMF Consulting Services T/as Gippsland Safety Training Services are registered presenters of this course and upon completion of the course a Certificate of Attendance will be issued by the RTO to acknowledge the attendees completion of the course materials and content.

This course is not nationally accredited and does not result in a formal qualification however the course contents may be used to apply for RPL when completing a Certificate III in OH&S.

This course is also regarded highly by most RTO’s when the applicant is seeking to complete Certificate IV in OH&S.

The course is designed for those employees who have been elected to the position of Health & Safety Representative or deputy Health & Safety Representative, Manager or Supervisor.

The course is approved under Section 67 of the Victorian Occupational Health & Safety Act -2004.

HSR Entitlements under Section 67 include:

·  Attendance at this initial level training course

·  Attendance at an annual 1 Day refresher course ( whilst he/she holds office)

·  The employer must allow time off work to attend the training with all normal pay & conditions

·  The employer Must pay all costs associated with the training

·  If the Employee & the Employer cannot agree on a suitable course then the Authority may be asked to determine a specified course

·  Without reasonable excuse the Employer cannot refuse the training

The same course can be attended by Employer Representatives, Managers or Supervisors seeking to upgrade their individual knowledge of the OH&S Act and the various responsibilities and roles which are detailed out by the Act.

The course contents is as follows and is delivered over a 5 day period (35hours of content)

Course Content:

Registration and Closing Memory Quiz

Learning Outcome 1 Understanding the Legal Framework for Occupational Health & Safety

Learning Outcome 2 Describe the Roles & Powers of the key parties (not HSRs) in the OHS Act 2004

Learning Outcome 3 Understanding the Representation role of HSRs and their Legal Powers & Entitlements.

Learning Outcome 4 Understanding the Role & Representative Powers of the HSR in the Identification of Hazards and Risk Controls at the Work Place.

Learning Outcome 5 Skills to represent members of a DWG and Participate in work place consultation, Issue Resolution & Negotiation.

Revision Unit

The course can be provided as either a straight 5 days or as 1 day per week or several days a week over a two week period.

Courses are offered either “In House” or “Public” courses which are held at our Pakenham Training Facilities.

In House or private courses are also offered at a client’s own premises.

Who should Attend ?

Any person who has is been elected as a HSR or Deputy HSR

Any person who is a HSR and has not been trained since 2004

Any person who was trained as a HSR and is returning as a HSR after a period of time away from the role

Any management person who is seeking to increase their knowledge of the Act and the roles and Responsibilities of the HSR

Any person who is to represent the employer in the process of Issue Resolution

RMF consulting welcomes attendees who have special needs should you wish to attend our course and require any special assistance then we would be pleased to assist you with your needs as appropriate.


Where: Gippsland Safety Training Services

Unit 1

18 Bormar Drive, Pakenham 3810 Phone: (03) 5940 9984 or 1 300 735 531

When: Start Time is 9:00am each day


All training materials and note taking materials are provided together with a copy of the New OH&S Act-2004 and any relevant supporting training materials.

Catering: Light refreshments (Tea & Coffee) are provided each day as part of the course fees.

Persons who are seeking to enroll may request a copy of the Gippsland Safety Training services Student Handbook which details all of the rights and obligations of both this RTO and the trainee.

The handbook also addresses such issues and Access & Equity and the complaints, appeals and refund processes.

Trainees / Students / Clients and other Stake holders attention is drawn to the information which is available to them prior to enrolment via the RTO website:

This information is presented in the form of a Trainee handbook which addresses all issues of Access and Equity, the Complaints/ Appeals process, Refunds, RPL Fees and Charges, Language & Literacy disabilities, Client Support, Welfare & Guidance Services and Disciplinary Processes

Copies of the handbook are available by contacting the RMF Consulting Office on 1 300 735 531 or by visiting our website at:

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