ghujpjhrd; gy;fiyf;fofk;

(Njrpa kjpg;gPl;Lj; jueph;zaf;FOtpd; kWkjpg;gPl;bYk; “A” epiy jur;rhd;W ngw;wJ)

jpUr;rpuhg;gs;sp - 620 024


(Re – accredited with “A” Grade by NAAC)

Tiruchirappalli – 620 024

tpLjp epu;thf ika mYtyfk;

(gthdp> itif> fhtpup> nghd;dp> Ky;iy> FwpQ;rp> rpe;J kw;Wk; A.Ip.rp tpLjpfs;)



(Bhavani, Vaigai, Cauvery, Ponni, Mullai, Kurinji, Sindhu and UGC Hostels)

tpLjpapd; tpjpKiwfs;

Hostel Rules and Regulations


1.  tpLjp Nkyhz;ik - HOSTEL MANAGEMENT:

1.1 tpLjpfs; midj;Jk; gy;fiyf;fof epHthfj;jpd; fPo; ,aq;Ffpd;wd. tpLjpfspd; fhg;ghsh; JizAld; tpLjpapd; rl;l jpl;lq;fis tFf;f> khw;wk; nra;a kw;Wk; mkyhf;fk; nra;ag; gy;fiyf;fof epHthfj;jpw;F KO mjpfhuk; cs;sJ.

The Hostels are under the direct control of the University administration. The University administration is vested with the power to interpret and enforce the rules and regulations of the hostels and is assisted by the Warden.

2.  khzt/khztpah; NrHf;if –ADMISSION:

2.1 gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; fPo; cs;s midj;Jj; Jiwfs; kw;Wk; gs;spfspy; gapYk; midj;J khzt/khztpaUk; tpLjpfspy; Nruj; jFjpahdtHfs; MtH.

Admission to hostels is open to all students undergoing programmes in Departments/Schools of Bharathidasan University.

2.2 NrHf;if Nfhhp tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; gl;lNkw;gbg;Gg; gapYk; khzt/khztpaH> jq;fs; Jiwj;jiytH/ gs;spj; jiyth; ghpe;JiuAld; tpz;zg;gk; nra;aNtz;Lk;.

Application for admission to the hostel by P.G students should be made through the Head of the Department/ School.

2.3 khzt-khztpaH tpLjpapy; Nru> tpLjp epu;thf ika mYtyfj;jpy; &.50/- fl;lzk; nrYj;jp chpa tpz;zg;gg; gbtk; ngw;Wg; G+Hj;jpnra;J tpz;zg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;;.

Application for admission to the hostel must be made in the prescribed form which can be obtained from the Central Office for hostel administration on payment of Rs. 50/-.

2.4 NrHf;if Nfhhp tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; vk;.nlf; (2 Mz;Lfs;)> vk;./gpy; kw;Wk; Muha;r;rp khzt/khztpaH Ma;T Nkw;ghHitahsH kw;Wk; Jiwj;jiytH MfpNahhpd; ghpe;JiufSld; tpz;zg;gk; nra;a Ntz;Lk;.

Application for seeks admission to the hostel by M.Tech. (2 Years), M.Phil, and Ph.D. scholars should bear the recommendations of both the Research Supervisor and the Head of the Department.

2.5 NrHf;if Nfhhp tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; Muha;r;rp khzt/khztpah; ve;jj; Jiwapy; Muha;r;rp Nkw;nfhs;sTs;shH vd;gJ Fwpj;Jg; gjpthshplkpUe;J ngwg;gl;l mDkjpf; fbjj;jpd;; efiy tpz;zg;gj;Jld; fl;lhak; ,izf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,y;iyNay; Muha;r;rp khzt/khztpahpd; tpLjpf;fhd tpz;zg;gg; gbtk; Vw;fg;glkhl;lhJ.

A Ph.D scholar who seeks admission to the hostel has to produce /enclose a copy of the Registrar’s communication permitting her/him to do research in the concerned Department of the University. Otherwise the application for admission to the hostel will not be entertained.

2.6 tpLjpapy; NrHf;ifngw;W ,sq;fiy/KJfiy my;yJ vk;./gpy; gl;lg;gbg;gpid epiwT nra;Ak; khzt/khztpah; gy;fiyf;fofj; Jiwapy; Gjpjhfg; gl;l Nkw;gbg;G my;yJ Muha;r;rpia Nkw;nfhs;Sifapy; Jiwapy; NrHf;if ngw;wjw;fhd mDkjpf;fbjj;Jld; Gjpa tpz;zg;gk; ngw;W> NrHf;if ngwNtz;Lk;. ,t;tpjpapid kPwpr; nray;gLNthu; kPJ jf;f eltbf;if vLf;fg;gLk;.

Any student of a U.G./ P.G. or M.Phil. programme, admitted to the hostel for that programme, cannot continue in the hostel for any next higher programme of study/research without submitting a new hostel-admission-application form along with a copy of the permitting her/him to do the programme. Action will be initiated against any inmate found violating this regulation.

2.7 tpLjpapy; jq;fpg; gapYk;; Muha;r;rp khzt/khztpaH cs;gl midj;J khzt/khztpaUk; xt;nthU fy;tpahz;L ,Wjpapy; Nk khjk; 31-Mk; Njjp tpLjp miwfisf; fhyp nra;aNtz;Lk;. kWr;NrHf;if NfhUNthH> Gjpa tpz;zg;gg;gbtj;Jld;> tpLjp epu;thf ika mYtyfj;jpy; fle;j tUlj;jpd; epYitapy;yhr; rhd;wpjo; ngw;W tpz;zg;gk; nra;aNtz;Lk;.

The inmates of the hostels, including Research Scholars, have to vacate the hostel at the end of each academic year / on May 31. Those who seek readmission to hostel should submit a fresh admission-application form along with a “No Dues Certificate” for the period of previous stay in the hostel from the CENTRAL OFFICE FOR HOSTEL ADMINISTRATION

2.8 Muha;r;rp khztu;fSf;F ehd;F mkh;thfr; Nrh;f;if eilngWk; (rdthp, Vg;uy;> [{iy & mf;Nlhgh;) NkYk;> xt;nthU fy;tp Mz;bd; Kjypy; ([{iy khjk;) kWNru;f;if ngwg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;w epge;jidNahL %d;W Mz;LfSf;F kl;Lk; tpLjp trjpapidg; ngw mDkjpf;fg;gLtu;.

Admission to the hostel for Ph. D scholars shall be held in four sessions (January, April, July & October) and the scholars will be allowed to avail hostel-facility only for 3 years subject to the condition of re-admission at the beginning of each academic year. i.e., July.

2.9 tpLjpapy; NrHf;ifg; ngWk; khzt/khztpaUf;F tpLjpapy; NrHf;if ngw;w ehs; Kjy; mtH me;j fy;tpahz;by; filrpahf vOJk; NjHT ehs; my;yJ Nk khjk; 31-Mk; Njjp ,jpy; vJ Kd;dh; epfo;Nth mJ tiu mDkjp toq;fg;gLk;. vtUk; ,jd;gpd;dh; tpLjpapy; jq;f mDkjpapy;iy.

A student is given admission to the hostel can stay for the period from the date of admission to the hostel to the date of the last examination of the academic-year/ end semester or May 31 whichever is earlier. No student is allowed to stay in the hostel beyond this period.

2.10 tpLjpapy; kWr;NrHf;if ngWk; khzt/khztpah;fs; fle;j #d; tiuapyhd tpLjp czTf; fl;lzk; epYitapd;wp nrYj;jp ,Ue;jhy; kl;LNk Nrh;f;if toq;fg;gLk;.

Readmission will be given only to an applicant who has cleared all the mess dues without arrears upto the June month of earlier year.

2.11 tpLjpapy; GJr;NrHf;if ngWk; khzt/khztpah;fs; Nrh;f;if ngw;w xU khjj;jpw;Fs; jq;fsJ ngahpy; ghuj ];Nll; tq;fpap;y; Nrkpg;Gf; fzf;fpidj; njhlq;fp mjd; tpguj;ij tpLjp epu;thf ika mYtyfj;jpy; gjpT nra;jpl Ntz;Lk;.

In respect of Fresh admission the applicant should open an S.B. Account in the State Bank of India within a month’s time and furnish the A/C details to the CENTRAL OFFICE FOR HOSTEL ADMINISTRATION

2.12 NrHf;if Nfhhp tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; vk;./gpy;; Muha;r;rp khzt/khztpah;fSf;F (31.08.XXXX) vd;w tifapy;) xU Mz;Lf;F Nky; tpLjpapy; jq;f mDkjpapy;iy.

M.Phil scholars admitted in the Hostel shall not be permitted to stay beyond a period of one year reckoned ending as 31-08-XXXX.

2.13 NrHf;if NfhWk; xt;nthU khzt/khztpaUk;> gy;fiyf;fof tpLjpapd; tpjpKiwfSf;Ff; fl;Lg;gLNtd; vd;Wk; tpjpKiwfis kPWk; nghOJ epHthfk; vLf;Fk; vt;tpj eltbf;iff;Fk; cl;gLNtd; vd;Wk; cWjpnkhop toq;fpa gpwNf tpLjpapy; NrHf;if ngw mDkjp toq;fg;gLk;.

Every student admitted to the hostel shall give an undertaking in writing that he/she will abide by the rules and regulations governing the hostel and that he/she will accept the disciplinary action if found violating the rules and regulations.

3. tpLjpf; fl;lzk; - HOSTEL FEE:

3.1 tpLjpapy; NrHf;if xw;iwg; gUtk; kw;Wk; ,ul;ilg; gUt Kiwapy; eilngWk;nghOJ fPo;f;fz;l tpLjpf; fl;lzq;fis tq;fpapy; nrYj;Jr;rPl;L thapyhfr; nrYj;jp chpa rPl;Lf;fis tpLjp epu;thf ika mYtyfj;jpy; rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

At the time of Odd and Even semester admission to the hostel, the following hostel fees should be remitted through challan at State Bank of India and the same to be submitted to the Central office for Hostel Administration.

Post-Graduate Students/ Research Scholars: gl;l Nkw;gbg;G/Muha;r;rp khztu;fs;

t. vz;/
Sl. No / fl;lz tpguk; / Fees Particulars / Odd Semester/
xw;iwg; gUtk;
Rs. &. / Even Semester/
,ul;ilg; gUtk;
Rs. &.
(i)  / gpizj; njhif
(Kjy; Nrh;f;ifapd; NghJ kl;Lk;)
Caution Deposit
(At the time of Admission only) / 3000 / ----
(ii)  / miw thlif
Room Rent / 900 / 900
(iii)  / tpLjp Copah;fs; khj Cjpak;;
Establishment / 1200 / 1200
(iv)  / njhopyhsh;fspd; ey epjp
Employees Welfare fund / 100 / 100
(v)  / tpLjpg; guhkhpg;Gf; fl;lzk;
Maintenance Fee / 500 / 500
(vi)  / Nrh;f;iff; fl;lzk;
(xt;nthU Mz;Lr; Nrh;f;ifapd; NghJk;)
Admission Fee (Every year of Admission) / 100 / ----
nkhj;jk;/Total / 5800 / 2700

3.2 ,ul;ilg; gUt tpLjpf; fl;lzq;fis elg;G Mz;bd; brk;gh; 31 Mk; Njjpf;Fs; tq;fpapy; nrYj;Jr;rPl;L thapyhfr; nrYj;jp chpa rPl;Lf;fis tpLjp epu;thf ika mYtyfj;jpy; rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

Even semester hostel fees should be remitted on or before December 31st through challan at State Bank of India and the same to be submitted to the Central office for Hostel Administration

3.3 miwthlif tpLjpapy; NrHf;if ngw;wjpypUe;J [{d; khjk; 30 Mk; Njjp tiu tR+ypf;fg;gLk;

Rent is collected up to June 30th from the date of admission.

3.4 fy;tpahz;L jhkjkhf Jtf;fg;gbd; my;yJ [{iy khjj;jpw;Fg; gpwF NrHf;ifngWk; khzt/ khztpaUf;Fr; NrHf;if ngw;w khjk; Kjy; [{d; khjk; 30 Mk; Njjp tiu miw thlif tR+ypf;fg;gLk;.

If the academic year begins late or if admission is made later than July, rent for the period from the month of admission to June 30th (both inclusive) will be collected

3.5 khztH/khztpau; nrhe;jf; fhuzq;fSf;fhf tpLjpapid tpl;L ntspNaWk; NghJ itg;Gj;njhifiaj; jtpu tR+ypf;fg;gl;l ve;jf; fl;lzKk;; jpUg;gpj;jug;glkhl;lhJ

The amount paid, except Caution Deposit is not refundable. The inmate has to forego the rent paid if he /she happen to vacate the hostel in advance for any personal reasons.

3.6 tpLjpapy; jq;fpAs;s khzt/khztpah; vtNuDk; tPl;L thlifg;gb ngWgtuhf ,Ug;gpd; tpLjpapy; Nru;e;jgpwF mjid tpLjp thlifahff; fUjp tpLjpf; fzf;fpy; vLj;Jf; nfhs;sg;gLk;.

Those inmates who are drawing House Rent Allowance from any funding agency have to forego the same after joining the hostel. It would be considered as room rent.

3.7 Nkw;fz;l fl;lzj;Jld; khztH/khztpah; mk; khjj;Jf;Fhpa tpLjp czTf; fl;lzk;> kpd;;fl;lzk; kw;Wk; ghukhpg;Gf; fl;lzk; midj;Jk;; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.

In addition to the above, the inmates have to pay the months Mess fee and the Establishment charges, wherever applicable.


4.1 NrHf;if ngWk; khzt/khztpaUf;F tpLjp epu;thf ika mYtyfk; thapyhfNt chpa miwfs; XJf;fPL nra;ag;gLk;.

Allotment of rooms will be made by the Central Office for Hostel Administration.

4.2 khzt/khztpah; jq;fSf;F toq;fg;gl;Ls;s miwfspNyNa jq;Fjy; Ntz;Lk;. Jiz tpLjpf; fhg;ghsh;/Kjd;ik tpLjp eph;thf mYtyhpd; Kd; mDkjpapy;yhky; mtHfs; tpUk;Gk; miwf;F khw;wk; nra;af;$lhJ.

Inmates should occupy and stay in the room allotted to him/ her. They should not exchange rooms without the permission of the Deputy Warden/Chief Hostel Administrator.

4.3 vt;tpjr; R+o;epiyapYk;> tpLjp miwfspy; cs;s nghUl;fis kw;nwhU miwf;F khw;wf;$lhJ. tpLjp miwfspy; cs;s nghUl;fs; midj;jpw;Fk; miwapy; jq;fpAs;s khzt/khztpaNu nghWg;Ngw;fNtz;Lk;. miwapd; kpd; tprpwpapNyh my;yJ kpd; tpsf;FfspNyh gOJ Vw;gbd; miwapy; jq;fpAs;NshH gOJ ePf;ff; Nfhhp tpLjp epu;thf ika mYtyfj;jpw;Fj; jfty; njhptpf;fNtz;Lk;. tpLjpapy; kw;w ,lq;fspy; cs;s kpd; cgfuzq;fis ,lkhw;wk; nra;jy; $lhJ. miwfspy; jq;fpAs;NshH jq;fSila nrhe;j kpd; cgfuzq;fis (kpd; mLg;G>kpd;rhur; ryitg; ngl;b kw;Wk; ,ir njhlh;ghd N`hk; jpNal;lh; Kjyhd kpd;;rhjq;fis) gad;gLj;jpf;nfhs;s mDkjp fpilahJ. ,t;tpjpfis kPWNthu; kPJ xOq;F eltbf;if Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk;.

Hostel furniture shall not be transferred from one room to another under any circumstance. Occupants are responsible for the furniture and fittings in their respective room. If a light or fan does not function in a room, the inmate shall intimate it to the Central Office for Hostel Administration for replacement. The inmates are not permitted to replace the items by taking similar items from anywhere else in the hostel. The inmates are not allowed to keep and use any electrical appliances (Induction stove, Iron box and Home Theater etc.,) of their own in the hostel. Action will be taken against those found violating these regulations.

4.4 miwapypUe;J ntspNaWk; khzt/khztpah; chpa gbtj;jpid G+Hj;jpnra;J tpLjp eph;thf ika mYtyfj;jpy; rkh;gpj;j gpd; miwfspy; cs;s nghUl;fis Jiz tpLjpf; fhg;ghsuhy; epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;s mYtyhplk; rhpahf xg;gilj;j gpd; nry;yNtz;Lk;.

Inmates who leave the hostel shall be submitted the necessary form duly filled and submitted in CENTRAL OFFICE FOR HOSTEL ADMINISTRATION Office and hand over the furniture and fitting of their rooms intact to any hostel-authority authorized by the Deputy Warden.

4.5 miwapy; cs;s nghUl;fs; VNjDk; Nrjkile;jhNyh my;yJ fhzhky; NghdhNyh> mg;nghUSf;Fhpa njhif miwapy; jq;fpapUg;Nghhplk; tR+ypf;fg;gLk;.

If any furniture/fitting in a room is/are found damaged/ missing, the cost will be collected from the inmates of the room.

4.6 Nfhil tpLKiwapy; gy;fiyf;fof tpLjpfspy; guhkhpg;Gg; gzpfs; Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;bapUg;gjhy;> tpLjpfspy; jq;fpg; gapd;W tUk; khzth;fs; jq;fspd; Jiwj;Njh;Tfs; Kbe;jgpwF tpLjpia Nk khjk; (31-Mk; Njjpf;Fs;) fhypnra;a Ntz;Lk;. ,jid jtph;j;J tpLjp miwfisg; G+l;br;nry;Yk; khzth;fSf;F mLj;j Mz;bw;fhd kWNrh;f;if tpz;zg;gk; toq;fg;glkhl;lhJ vd;Wk;> me;j miwfspd; G+l;Lfs; cilf;fg;gl;L mth;fspd; cilikfs; ntspNaw;wg;gLk;;. NkYk;> G+l;ba miwf;Fs; cs;s khzth;fspd; cilikfSf;Fg; gy;fiyf;fofk; kw;Wk; tpLjp eph;thfk; ve;jtpjj;jpYk; nghWg;Ngw;fhJ.

Inmates have to vacate the hostel in the month of May (before or on 31st May) to enable the authorities to carryout maintenance and repair works. The hostel management reserves the right to break open any room which is not vacated during summer vacation. No complaints of breakage or loss of contents will be entertained.

4.7 NfhiltpLKiwapy; gy;fiyf;fofj; Jiwfspy; Ma;T Nkw;nfhs;stpUf;Fk; gy;fiyf;fofk;> ntspA+h; kw;Wk; ntspehl;L kzth;fSf;Fj; Jiwj;jiyth;fspd; gupe;Jiuapd; NgupYk;> tpLjp ,ltrjpapidf; fUj;jpy; nfhz;Lk; mDkjp mspf;fg;gLk;.

Accommodation will be provided in summer vacation. On request and depends on availability. This facility is only for students who are doing their project in University Departments.

5. tpLjp cztf tpjpfs; - MESS RULES:

5.1 tpLjpapd; cztfk; “,yhg-el;lkpd;wp” elj;jg;gLfpwJ. cztUe;Jk; khzt/khztpahplkpUe;J czTf; fl;lzq;fs; rhprkkhf gphpj;J tR+ypf;fg;gLfpwJ. tpLjpapy; jq;fpAs;s xt;nthU khzt/khztpaUk; fz;bg;ghf tpLjp cztfj;jpy; czT cz;zNtz;Lk;.

The hostel mess is run on “No Profit, No Loss” basis as dividing system is followed in calculating the mess-rates. Joining the mess is compulsory for all the inmates of the hostel.

5.2 tpLjp cztfk; xt;nthU fy;tpahz;bd; [{iy Kjy; [{d; khjq;fspy; jPghtsp> MAjG+i[> uk;[hd;> fpwp];Jk];> GJtUlg;gpwg;G kw;Wk; nghq;fy; Mfpa tpLKiwfisj; jtpHj;J midj;J ehl;fspYk; ,aq;Fk;.

The hostel mess will be run from July to June in an academic year with breaks during festivals like Deepavali, Pooja, Ramzan, Christmas, New Year and Pongal.

5.3 tpLjpfspy; jq;fpAs;s khzt/khztpahpd; vz;zpf;if 50f;Ff; fPo;f; FiwAk; nghOJ tpLjp czTf;$lk; %lg;gLk;. khw;W cztf trjp vf;fhuzk; nfhz;Lk; nra;ag;glkhl;lhJ.

If the inmate’s strength falls below 50, the mess will be closed. Special mess will not be run under any circumstances.

5.4 khzt/khztpaiuf; nfhz;l tpLjp cztff; FO tpLjpf;fhg;ghsu;/Kjd;ik tpLjp eph;thf mYtyh;/tpLjp Jizf; fhg;ghshpd; top fhl;Ljypd; Ngupy; tpLjp cztfj;ij top elj;jpr; nry;Yk;.

Student’s mess-committee will manage the mess under the guidance of the Warden / Chief Hostel Administrator / Deputy Warden.

5.5 cztfj;jpy; czT cl;nfhs;s ,ayhj tpLjp khzt/khztpah; czTr; nrytpypUe;J tpyf;Ff; Nfhhp chpa gbtj;jpid G+Hj;jpnra;J tpLjp mYtyfj;jpy; Fiwe;jsT xUehSf;F Kd;djhfj; juNtz;Lk;. mjpfgl;rk; njhlHr;rpahf Ie;J ehl;fs; czT cl;nfhs;shj epiyapy; Ie;JtJ ehspypUe;J tpyf;F mspf;fg;gLk;.

For absence from the mess, reduction will be allowed only from the fifth day of absence provided application for reduction is made in the prescribed form at least one day in advance and the inmate absents herself or himself for at-least five consecutive days.

5.6 czT ghpkhWk; fhy ml;ltiz fPof;;fz;lthW tiuaWf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.

Food will be served in the mess during the below mentioned hours of the days

fhiyr;rpw;Wz;b / Breakfast / : / 7.30 – 9.30 a.m
kjpa czT / Lunch / : / 1.00 – 2.00 p.m
khiy / Tea / : / 4.00 – 5.00 p.m
,uT / Dinner / : / 7.30 – 9.30 p.m

5.7 ve;jr; R+o;epiyapYk; czT gupkhWk; Neuk; ePl;bf;fg;glkhl;lhJ. Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;Ls;s Neuq;fis fle;J cztspf;f ,ayhJ.

Under no circumstance will the timing be extended. Food will not be served after the stipulated time

5.8 tpLjp cztfk;/rkayiwapypUe;J ahnjhU ghj;jpuj;ijAk; ntspNa nfhz;Lnry;tjw;F mDkjp fpilahJ. ,NjNghy; tpLjp miwf;Fs; khzt/khztpah; cztpid vLj;Jr; nry;y mDkjp fpilahJ.