JUMP: Pathway to Success
Jan 12-23 from 2-5 pm
Course #: AS.280.105.60Instructor: Dr. Daniel Teraguchi
Classroom: Hampton House, Rm 901HH
Phone: 410-614-8759
TA: Alejandra Rodriquez, / Course Credit: 2 (S/U)
Mailbox: JHUSOM, MRB, 733 N Broadway, Suite 137 (East Baltimore Campus)
Description: This course for sophomores provides important aspects of medicine including interviewing skills, historical and environmental factors affecting health, and team work in a health care system. Students will have an opportunity to practice simulated medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine’s Simulation Center and through the CPR training office. A key part of the course is also having a variety of physicians from different specialty areas share their journeys to medicine, why they love medicine, and be available for questions. There will be faculty speaker at the end of the class on almost every day. Lastly, to simulate patient interviewing, student teams will interview and video record current Hopkins medical students. Similar to a patient history, students will have to generate a medical student oral history about their pathway to medicine. Final oral histories are presented the last day of class.
Course Goals:
- Introduce students to different medical careers through presentations from Hopkins physicians from different areas of medicine and simulations atdifferent medical training centers at Hopkins Medicine;
- Demonstrate interviewee-centered communication skills by conducting oral histories with current Hopkins medical and MD/PHD students;
- Be trained in CPR;
- Introduce to the culture of health care including topics such as team work, communication, and professionalism;
- Introduce complex connections and distinctions between medicine and public health;
- Introduce the intersection of privilege and health outcomes.
Grading: To receive a Satisfactory, you must receive a C- or above (70% or above). Any grade below a C- earns you a mark of Unsatisfactory.
Final Project: 100 pts
Homework Assignments: 20 pts each
Readings: 10 pts each
Professionalism: 50 pts (based on attendance, thoughtful engagement, and respect for classmates, speakers, and guests)
Precourse Homework:
- Homework Assignment #1: Submit Bios (See previously sent email.)
- Homework Assignment #2: Sign up for sharing via this google doc.
- Homework Assignment #3: View Patient Stories
- Reading: Compassion & What do you prefer to be called?
- Reading: PEARLS
- Video Equipment Training at Digital Media Centerby Tuesday, January 13 (earlier the better)
Monday, January 12 from 2 to 5 pm
Location: Hampton House, 901
Foci: Course Overview, Introductions, Final Projects, Patient Stories (Danny Teraguchi)
Guest Speakers: Jacob Sama & Charles Farmer, MSII -- PEARLS
Alejandra goes over syllabus and does her sharing
Leadership: David Verrier (need to change to assessing health)
Faculty speaker:Bashir Zikria (invited – sports medicine)
David – will be there confirmed: 10/14/2014
- Homework #4: Personal Statement: “Why you want to be a doctor?” Essay [Due Thurs, January 17]
- Homework #5: Submit a picture that defines you, patient story, and one together
Tuesday, January 13 from 2 to 5 pm
Location: Hampton House, 901 (then walk over to SIM Center)
Foci:SIM Center
Medical students 2-4 pm medical interview and physical exam (invited: 10/19 –Daren Simkin)
Alejandra absent to take MCATs
4-5 pm Jackie – public health (confirmed bacteria)
Faculty speaker
SIM center emailed 9/13 and 10/11
David will be there confirmed: 10/14/14
- Homework #6: Patient Promise Reaction:
- Contact medical student to set up a time to interview
- Reading:
Wednesday, January 14 from 2 to 5 pm
Location:Armstrong Medical Education Building, 270
Guest Speakers:Dr. Anastasia Rowland-Seymour, MD – Restorative Medicine
Bed to bedside
Invited Anastasia 10/11/14
Need to reserve AMEB for this.
- Scheduling/finalizing interview with medical student
- CPR books
- Homework Assignment #7: Situational Judgment Tests
Thursday, January 15 from 2 to 5 pm
Location:Meet at Hampton House, then walk to 550 Building, Suite 401
Foci: CPR
CPR confirmed.
- Homework Assignment #8:HIPAA
- Reading Josie King:
Friday, January 16 from 2 to 5 pm
Location:Hampton House 901HH
Foci:Public Health and Medical School Admissions
2Medical students – clinical skills/medical history
Invite faculty speaker: Maria Oliva-Hemker (ped nutrition) (invited 10/11; confirmed)
- Homework Assignment #9: Rewrite of Personal Statement (due Monday, Jan 19)
- Reading:
Tuesday, January 20 from 2 to 5 pm
2:30 – 4 pm Jackie public health confirmed – dirty water module
Doug and John Hughes
Wednesday, January 21 from 2 to 5 pm
Location: Group A meet at Barnes and Noble; Group B: Hampton House 250
Foci:Group A: Arden Courts; Group B: Ethics and Decision Making
- Group A – Homework #10: Reflection
- Group B – Homework #10: Case Study
- Work on oral histories.
Thursday, January 22 from 2 to 5 pm
Location: Hampton House, 901
Foci: Group A: Ethics and Decision Making; Group B: Arden Courts
Guest Speakers: Doug Hughes and Son (family members of a resident at Arden Courts)
- Group A – Homework #11: Case Study
- Group B – Homework #11: Reflection
- Work on oral histories.
- Finalize Projects
Friday, January 23 from 2 to 5 pm
Location: Hampton House, 901HH
Foci: Sharingand Final Projects