March 31/ April 1, 2018 EasterSunday

John 20:1 – “Now on the first day of the week …” All is made new by the Resurrection of Jesus! Even the day of worship has transitioned from the Old Testament’s Saturday Sabbath to the Lord’s Day of the New Testament. For the Lord has made all things new: He has begun a new week for a new creation in rising from the dead as the New Adam. We are also made new in Him – a new heart, a new life, new desires, a new outlook toward God: all this comes from our Risen Lord’s grace.

A MEASURE OF OUR LOVEAttendance:Saturday6 p.m. =36;Sunday 8 a.m. =74; Sunday 10:30 a.m. = 116; Total for the weekend= 226; Sunday School (2’s) = ; (PK. to 5th grade) = ; Jr. High Bible Class = ; High School = ; Sunday School Easter Party = 35;Adult Bible Class = 35; Moms Morning Mingle =no report; Thurs. Bible Class =no class.All Easter Attendance will be reported next week (April 8).

Contributions: Envelopes $5,825; Plate $195; Lent $828; Building Fund $637; ECC Tuition $3,948.20;Easter Flowers $48.50; Evangelism Workshop $20.00;Total General Fund Deposit = $11,551.70. Other Designated Giving: Missions $10.00;Chapel $19; Delmer Meier Memorial $50;Total Designated Fund Deposit $79.

GF/Connect Financial Update AS OFMarch 18, 2018

Income Update / 16/17 YTD Actuals / 17/18 YTD Actuals / % Change / 17/18 YTD Budget / Projected finish if no change
Envelope and Plate Offerings / $285,839 / $ 301,757 / 5.6% / $302,989 / ($1,866)
Building Fund / $35,746 / $47,365 / 32.5% / $38,860 / $20,294

FY 17/18 Increase of 6% on Envelopes/Plate and 0% Increase on Building Fund.

METRO EAST LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOLAlumni, parents, faculty, students and friends of MELHS are invited to sing in a choir or play in an instrumental ensemble for a worship service celebrating MELHS’ 40th anniversary. One rehearsal will be held on April 8 at 1:00 PM, with the service taking place at MELHS the same day at 2:30 PM. Conductors for bothgroups are musician alumni from MELHS! Please email () or call (656-0043) theschool office byTHURS-DAY, April 5 and let us know you will join in the music making.


EASTER BREAK: The school and church offices will be CLOSED / NO CLASSES ON Monday (4/2/2018).

BLOOD DRIVE – April 3, 3-6:30 p.m.:Contact Kathy Brumm (667-6681) to make an appointment or go online to use Group Sponsor Code 10334 to schedule online. Drop ins are also welcome.

Those involved in the Ministry of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.
New, interested in a particular function or getting involved?
Have a question? Here’s who to talk to at St. Paul’s:

Pastor: Rev. Mitchel Schuessler, 553-3133

Resident Field Education Students: Kendall Davis (2nd year)

Kyle Ronchetto (1st year)

Church Secretary: Kathy Brumm, 667-6681

School Secretary: Linda Craig, 667-6314

Early Childhood Center (Day Care): Michelle Warner, 667-2173

Church Council Chairman: – Jacob Doyle, 618-334-3871

Board of Elders: John Nehrt, Head Elder, 618-334-5200

Board of Stewardship & Finance: Jason Kesterson, 618-407-0304

Financial Secretary: Rebekah Norris, 618-267-7892

Bookkeeper: Cheryl Chrusciel,

Board of Evangelism: Lauren McLaughlin, 618-977-2744

Board of Christian Education: Carla Stille,

Board of Christian Day School: Todd Kenison, 618-980-5656

Board of Trustees: Todd Moore, 618-779-3444

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML): Kathy Nehrt

Youth Group: [7th-12th grade] Rachael Beckemeyer, 618-367-2463

Head Usher: Seth Schaefer, 618-345-6487

Altar Guild: Jeanette Gindler, 667-6852 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357

Choirs:Family Choir – Ted Fedder, 667-6250

Glorious Day/Praise Team – Tom Rampold 667-8771

Men’s Ministry: Pastor Schuessler,

Holy Smokers: Dave Meyer, 667-1347

Confirmation Class: Pastor Schuessler, 553-3133

Helping Hands [funeral dinners, social ministry needs]: Grace Cottingham, 618-667-6552 and/or Shirley Rood, 618-667-9256

St. Paul’s PTL: Tiffany James, 618-541-8775

Prayer Chain: Adeline Amen, 618-667-2549 and Debbie Wittenberg,


MEN’S BIBLE STUDY:A men’s Bible study is about to begin. It is specifically geared for men in their 20-40s. Colin McLaughlin and Tim Wittenberg will be leading this study. The study begins with “Godly Men: Men at Leisure.” It will meet on Thursday evenings from 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the church narthex, the area with the couches and chairs. If you have any questions, you may contact Colin (618-975-0782) or Tim (618-401-2482).


1 / Easter Sunday
6:00 a.m. Worship /HC
7:15 a.m. Easter Breakfast in the Ministry Ctr.
9:00 a.m. Easter Festival Service HC
2 / Offices Closed
Easter Break
3 / 9:45 a.m. Moms Morning Mingle
3:00 p.m. Blood Drive, Gym
3:00 p.m. Deadline for Scrip Orders
7:00 p.m. Elders Meeting
4 / 8:30 a.m. Chapel
4:30 p.m. Confirmation for 7th grade
5 / 2:00 p.m. Bible Study
3:30 p.m. Staff Meeting
7:00 p.m. Choir Practice
7:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study
6 / 4:00 p.m. St. Paul’s PTL Fish Fry at Troy VFW
7 / 8:30 a.m. Confirmation 8th Grade
6:00 p.m. Worship with HC
8 / 8:00 a.m. Worship
9:15 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Worship/HC
Holy Saturday, March 31 - 6:00 p.m. Acolyte:Emma Kilzer;Ushers:Brion Boeshans, Kevin Campe, Seth Schaefer and Kyle Sipes; Greeters:Larry & Kathy Brokering; Pianist:Jen Wittenberg;Altar Guild: Todd & Sheryl Moore; Flowers: To the Glory of God (see insert).
Easter Sunrise, April 1 - 6:00 p.m. Acolyte: Abby Kesterson;Ushers: Jason Kesterson, Seth Schaefer, Ken Sipes and Tony Sipes; Organist: Jo White; Altar Guild: Todd & Sheryl Moore; Flowers: To the Glory of God (see insert).
Easter Festival, April 1 - 9:00 a.m. Acolyte: Cayla Wilderman;Ushers: Jacob Doyle, Kyle Norris and Joe Walls; Organist: Claudia Loethen; Altar Guild: Todd & Sheryl Moore; Flowers: To the Glory of God (see insert).
Saturday, Apr. 7 – 6:00 p.m.:Acolyte:Kailtyn Hunter; Commnion Assistants:Sam Italniano &Kendall Davis; Ushers: Brion Boeshans, Kevin Campe,Randy Jones, and Sam Italiano; Greeters:Jim & Shirley Rood;Pianist:Jen Wittenberg; Altar Guild: Grace Cottingham and Bev Wurtz.
Sunday, Apr. 8 – 8:00 a.m.:Acolyte:Logan DiRosa; Ushers:Jacob Doyle, Steve Doyle, Ted Flath and Ken Sipes; Greeter:Yvonne Rieger; Pianist:Jen Wittenberg.
Sunday, Apr. 8 – 10:30 a.m.:Acolyte:Alexsi Clover; Communion Assistants:Kendall Davis & Kyle Ronchetto;Ushers: Bruce McLaughlin, Colin McLaughlin, Tony Sipes and Dave Thomas; Greeter:Ruth Schmitt; Pianist:Jen Wittenberg; Bulletin Collator:; Altar Guild: Grace Cottingham and Bev Wurtz.


Mar. 31:Doug & Lynn Fitzgerald, Michael & Nicole McGrievy,

Keri Moore

April 1:Grant Unger, Jo White

2:Danielle Furfaro

3:Sam Italiano, Claudia Loethen, Philip Weatherspoon

5:Aubriella Moody, Joan Spencer

6:James Dexton

PRAYERS FOR: Brione Aden, Aaron Bohnenstiehl, Theresa Campe,Larry Carthy, Bill Clark,Patrick Davidson, Jim Diemer, Steve Doyle,Tom Ebl,Justin Eckert, Jennie Egan,Nancy Erlich,David Ezell,Dawn Ezell,Jerry Ferrill,Sarah Frey, June Helle, Patience Kitowski, Shawn Kitowski, JoAnn Kutzner,Lisa Linders, Valerie Meyer,Mary Ann Miller, Judy Morgan, Julie Nosbisch,Alicia Raynor, Linda Roschnafsky, Hank Rubards, Carla Samson, Kim Shores, Lyle Suedmeyer, Ruth Thompson, Bill Wittmaier, and Christy Youngblood.

PRAYERS FOR: Pastor Schuessler, considering a call, Lindenwood, IL; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Troy during this deliberation process.

Also, the family of Delores (Dee Dee) Prott, Grandmother of Sara & Whitney Meier passed away Sunday, March 25th.

PRAY FOR ALL those that are serving in the military: Nate Alvis(Korea), Aimee Alvstad, Carolyn Brynildsen, Jared Brynildsen,Austin Counts(Bahrain), Natalie Emmons, Tonya Hupp, Jacob Kohl, Nathan Kohl (Qatar),Cole Long, Chris Payne, Kelly Sawielski,Jason Schlechte, Daniel Schorfheide and Ian Sikes.

We are always glad to pray for the needs of your family, friends, co-workers and others in our worship services. Normally, we will include a request for four weeks. If you would like prayers to continue beyond four weeks, please renew your request. You may call or email the church office.

COMING SOON…KIDS BARGAIN BONANZA on Saturday, April 14 from 8-noon in the Ministry Center gym; E-RECYCLING EVENT on Saturday, April 28, 2018 9 a.m. to noon.

YOUTH GROUP:The Youth Group will have a monthly gathering on Sunday, April 15 at 6:30 p.m.

PTL FISH FRYis this Friday, April 6thfrom 4-7 p.m. at the Troy V.F.W. Come out and support the St. Paul’s PTL and enjoy the good fish and fellowship.

CONFIRMATION is on April 21/22. The public questioning is during the Saturday evening worship service. The rite of Confirmation is Sunday morning during the 10:30 a.m.

OnDeck This Week at Saint Paul’s

Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, School and ECC Troy, IllinoisChurch Phone: 618-667-6681 School Phone: 618-667-6314

March31April 1, 2018

“Born anew in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit in the Gospel, St. Paul’s Lutheran congregation learns, lives and shares the living Gospel of Jesus Christ”.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School, Mission Statement.

We offer both the common cup and individual up to those who commune. The

center individual cups are white grape juicefor those who are not able to have wine.Children are welcome to come forward with their family to receive a blessing. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper in every Saturday service, in the Sunday 8:00 a.m. on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday, and in the Sunday 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday.

New or visiting today? Please be sure to sign our Guest Register in the narthex. You’ll findplenty of useful information in this OnDeck (published weekly). You may also go to and find the monthly newsletter and other information about the church, school and daycare.

APRIL TROY LUTHERAN:The April edition of the Troy Lutheran is now available on line ( via email and in hard copy (in the narthex). If you have not been receiving the Troy Lutheran via email, please email Kathy Brumm at the office to request it (). This monthly newsletter gives you all the information about the events and activities of St. Paul’s. When you receive it, please be sure to read it so that you will know what is taking place.

QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING:The next St. Paul’s Quarterly Voters’ Meeting is Sunday, April 15th at 11:45 a.m. following the 10:30 a.m. service. The agenda and reports will be available in the narthex the weekend of April 7/8 or via email. We will be electing the new officers and board members at this meeting. The 2018-2019 fiscal year budget will also be discussed (it will be voted on in a special June Voters’ Meeting).

PASTOR SCHUESSLER has received a call to serve as pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Lindenwood, IL. No decision will be made until mid-April. If you have any discussion about the ministry of St. Paul’s, now is the time to discuss that with him. Please keep Pastor and his family in your prayers at this critical time.