United States History to 1865

United States History to 1865

United States History to 1865

Ms. Alyse Cruickshank

Class Description:

In this class, we will explore the early history of America. You will develop and understanding of the regions of the United States and how geography impacts where people live. You will learn about the earliest Americans and discuss how their lives changed when Europeans landed in America. You will explain the importance of inventions and innovative thinkers in the development of the country. You will look at historical shifts of power that resulted from the American Revolution and Civil War. Throughout the year, you will learn the stories of individual people who worked to change the story of the United States.

Essential Questions

In our quest to learn more about American history, we will strive to answer two essential questions:

  1. What is culture?
  2. How does culture develop?
  3. How do different cultures interact with one another?

Curriculum Outline:

First Nine Weeks: Geography, Early Cultures

Second Nine Weeks: Exploration, Early Settlers, Regional Characteristics, Early America

Third Nine Weeks: Road to Revolution, American Revolution, New Nation

Fourth Nine Weeks: Westward Expansion, Social Reform, Sectional Differences and Compromises, Civil War

Required Materials:

  • Spiral notebook (at least 150 pages)
  • Colored pencils/regular pencils
  • 2 rolls of clear tape
  • Eagle Ridge agenda

Classroom Policies:

Absences: YOU are responsible for picking up, completing and turning in any missed assignments or work due to an absence. All handouts will be posted on the class website. They will also be available in the classroom.

Participation: You are expected to come to class prepared to learn and to contribute to the learning environment. Make sure you come to class with all required materials, complete your assignments on time, and are actively engaged in class discussions and activities.

Late Assignments: It is YOUR responsibility to turn your work on time; however, if you are unable to meet the deadline, you have a responsibility to complete your work. All late work will be accepted for two class periods. All missing work will be entered into the grade book as a 50%.

Grading: The grading scale is a 10-point scale:

A 100-93 A- 92-90 B+ 89-87B 86-8 B- 82-80

C+ 79-77 C 76-73 C- 72-70D 69-60 F 59 and below

Grades will be calculated on a point system and will incorporate the following:

  1. Tests and Quizzes
  2. Daily Tasks (class assignments and homework)
  3. Essays, Projects and Presentations
  4. Notebook Checks

Classroom Expectations:You are expected to come to class ready to participate and be respectful of the teacher, students, and school materials.

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the expectations outlined in the above course overview.

Student Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature: