Renewable Energy Insurance: Wind Energy

Marine Transit & Delay in Start-Up Application

Project Information:

Project Site:
Facility Start Up Date - expected on: / Completion Date:
( DD / MM / YYYY ) / ( DD / MM / YYYY )
Does project contract specify late delivery penalties? No Yes / If Yes, details:
Transport Dates: / Begins: / Ends:
( DD / MM / YYYY ) / ( DD / MM / YYYY )
Forwarding Agent (Freight forwarder & previous experience with this type of project):
Terms of delivery:
Will unloading at project site be done before final lifting? No Yes
Is any Charter Party Agreement being entered into? No Yes / (If Yes, are waivers/releases given? No Yes)
Is cargo stored at an interim location prior to final assembly? No Yes If Yes, where:
Port(s)/Places of Shipment/Destination:
Shipment Dates
(DD/MM/YYYY) / From / To / Cargo / Volumes


Maximum transit exposures - any one conveyance
Vessel / $
Vessel - On Deck / $
Barge / $
Air / $
Rail / $
Truck / $

Project Manager

Please identify:
State past windfarm project experience:

Last 2 projects

Project Description / Commencement Date
(DD/MM/YYYY) / Projected Completion Date
(DD/MM/YYYY) / Actual Completion Date
(DD/MM/YYYY) / Completed on Time?
No Yes
No Yes

Spare Parts & Repairs

What is the spare parts position and when will they be shipped?

Describe capabilities for on-site repairs at final destination:


Is any cargo insurance being provided by suppliers/manufacturers? No Yes If Yes, state transit insurance details:

Loss Experience: Prior Transit Losses / Claims:

Have you previously incurred a transit related Delay in Start Up claim? No Yes If Yes, when and what type of claims?

Delay in Start-Up


Is indemnity to be made in Canadian currency? No Yes / If No, what currency?
Deductible /Waiting Period (in days): / Liability Period (max. period of Indemnity - per calendar month or weeks):
Total Project Limit - Maximum per liability period (sum insured):
Daily Indemnity: / (Loss of Profit or Additional Costs + Special Costs + Penalties = Total Daily Indemnity)

Critical Component Information

Main (Substation) Transformer:

Type / Prototype / Special Mfg / Stock / Other
Condition / New / Used / Other
Place of Origin & Shipment Date / From: / On:
(DD / MM / YYYY)
Arrival Date at Site / Will transformer be containerized / No Yes
(DD / MM / YYYY)
Shipping Conveyance
Ocean Vessel / On Deck / Break Bulk Vessel / Air / Truck / Rail / Barge / (other)
Installation Time:
Estimated Replacement Time (weeks) if Expedited: / Can Replacement Item be Expedited by Air? No Yes
Can repairs be effected locally? No Yes / Can repairs be effected by the insured’s personnel? No Yes
What type of Bill of Lading is Used with Carrier? / Uniform/Standard / DeclaredValued / Released (Held Harmless)


Type / Prototype / Special Mfg / Stock / Other
Condition / New / Used / Other
Place of Origin & Shipment Date / From: / On:
(DD / MM / YYYY)
Arrival Date at Site
(DD / MM / YYYY)
Shipping Conveyance
Ocean Vessel / On Deck / Break Bulk Vessel / Air / Truck / Rail / Barge / (other)
Estimated Replacement Time (weeks) if Expedited:
Can repairs be effected locally? No Yes / Can repairs be effected by the insured’s personnel? No Yes
What type of Bill of Lading is Used with Carrier? / Uniform/Standard / DeclaredValued / Released (Held Harmless)
Nacelle: / - Manufacturer: / Will nacelle be fully assembled and equipped? No Yes
Type / Prototype / Special Mfg / Stock / Other
Condition / New / Used / Other
Place of Origin & Shipment Date / From: / On:
(DD / MM / YYYY)
Arrival Date at Site / Will nacelle be containerized / No Yes
(DD / MM / YYYY)
Shipping Conveyance
Ocean Vessel / On Deck / Break Bulk Vessel / Air / Truck / Rail / Barge / (other)
Estimated Replacement Time (weeks) if Expedited: / Can Replacement Item be Expedited by Air? No Yes
Can repairs be effected locally? No Yes / Can repairs be effected by the insured’s personnel? No Yes
What type of Bill of Lading is Used with Carrier? / Uniform/Standard / DeclaredValued / Released (Held Harmless)
3 / Marine Transportation / Printed in Canada
on recycled paper /

31609 (R.7/2010) Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada