Get Involved with Dove’s Nest

Faith Communities

Keeping Children and Youth Safe

Like many nonprofit organizations, Dove’s Nest ( relies on volunteers who are committed to our mission to help with a variety of tasks and needs. From time to time special needs arise, but it’s often help with the “small things” that have big results. Would you be willing to help Dove’s Nest work toward our goal of keeping children and youth safe? Here are some areas where Dove’s Nest could use your support:

1.  Hold a dinner party or similar gathering to raise awareness and funds for Dove’s Nest.

  1. Make posters about ways to keep children safe and post them around your church, school, or community.
  2. Engage adults or youth in the Circle of Grace card/poster activity.

4.  Develop worship resources, such as children’s stories or sermon outlines.

  1. Mail out the Circle of Grace curriculum.
  2. Contact churches regarding Circle of Grace.
  3. Analyze the Dove’s Nest website for broken links or additional needed information.
  4. Assist with recording videos for online distribution.

9.  Write blogs or personal reflections for Dove’s Nest’s website and newsletter.

10.  Search the web for church websites and children/youth pastor contacts.

  1. Advocate for utilizing Dove’s Nest resources in your own faith community.
  2. Host a training event at your faith community.
  3. Contact churches to ask permission to post protection policies on Dove’s Nest’s website.
  4. Search the web for possible grant opportunities.
  5. Search the web for updated child abuse statistics.
  6. Assist with fundraising efforts.
  7. Develop marketing materials.
  8. Assist with marketing and public relations efforts.
  9. Develop resources for Child Abuse Prevention Month.

20.  Use a calling list and script to contact churches about possible speaking and training opportunities.

21.  Support Dove’s Nest while you shop on Amazon Smiles.

22.  Give financially.

If you are interested in volunteering with Dove’s Nest, please contact our Events and Volunteer Coordinator, Kathy Haake, at 402-577-0866 or . Thank you for your interest in helping to keep children and youth safe!

Shop through Amazon Smile

Support Dove’s Nest while you shop on Amazon! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases when you link to us on Amazon Smile, Amazon’s nonprofit benefit site. Amazon Smile works the same as regular Amazon, but users log in to and link to Dove’s Nest first. To register to support Dove’s Nest, go to and sign into your Amazon account.

Use the Dove’s Nest Code with Covenant Eyes

Dove’s Nest has an agreement with Covenant Eyes Internet filtering software for a percentage of sales to return to Dove’s Nest when individuals use our code. Guard yourself and your loved ones with Internet accountability and filtering. Go to and enter the promo code “dovesnest” to try the services for 30 days for free. A flyer with more information about this service is available upon request.

Give Financially

Dove’s Nest welcomes your gifts to continue our mission of empowering and equipping faith communities to keep children and youth safe. Gifts will be used to offset the costs of training events and resources for churches. Dove’s Nest has 501(c)(3) status, so gifts are tax deductible; a receipt for tax purposes will be provided by e-mail. Online gifts are securely processed through PayPal. Visit

Faith Communities Keeping

Children & Youth Safe

Website: E-mail: