1567 E. Dublin Street · Mobile, Alabama36605
Phone: (251) 221-3411 · Fax: (251) 221-3414
Jeffrey Tolbert
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your student has been chosen to participate in the ACT Intervention Program here at Williamson High School.The program is being offered at no charge to each participant. The program will last approximately 5 consecutive weeks 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during their 5th block class). Your student is required to attend all sessions, on time and to participate fully. This service is being paid for out of Title I funds and parent/student commitment is required.
The services are being provided by West Instructional Services, however a Williamson High School Staff member will be present during each session.Last year 65% (81 out of 124) of our students increased after completing 4 weeks of tutoring with West Instructional services.
Failure to sign and return this letter prior to the first assigned session, will automatically remove your student. There are only 150 slots for this school term. Williamson High School will provide all supplies.
- Student must be present for all sessions
- Tardiness will not be permitted
- Zero Tolerance in reference to behavior issues and disrespect
- Eating or Drinking during sessions is prohibited
- Electronic Devices are prohibited
- Sleeping is prohibited
- All students must be in proper uniform at all times
Students will be removed and replaced if any of the above stated rules or any MCPSS or Williamson High School rules are violated. Failure to complete the class will result in a consultant fee.
April Bell-Bush
Williamson High School
Title I Facilitator
By signing this statement, I______agree to the above state rules and regulations set before me this ______day of ______, 2016.
I______the parent or guardian of ______do hereby agree to the above stated terms set forth on ______day of ______, 2016.
Signature of StudentDate
Signature of ParentDate