/ CH-06
Applicability of Part 61 NESHAP
Air Quality Permit Program
Doc Type: Permit Application

Instructions on Page 3

Complete this form to determine if the proposed change or modification results in new applicability of a Part 61 NESHAP listed in Table 1.

1a)AQ Facility ID No.: / 1b) AQ File No.:
2)Facility Name:

3)Is there a Part 61 NESHAP for a source category which includes the unit(s) you are installing, modifying, or reconstructing?

YesGo to question 4

NoDone with this Form. Answer “No” to question 3c) on Form CH-03.

4)Complete Questions 4a) – 4c) for each new, modified, or reconstructed unit which may be subject to a Part 61 NESHAP following the proposed project (Copy as necessary).

Unit / 4b)
Part 61 Subpart(s) that may apply after project / 4c)
Do all of the NESHAPs listed in column 4b) for the unit listed in column 4a) currently apply (prior to the proposed project)? If this is a new unit, the answer is “no.”
Yes – done with this unit / No
Yes – done with this unit / No
Yes – done with this unit / No
Yes – done with this unit / No
Yes – done with this unit / No

5)Did you check “no” in column 4c) for any unit in the table in question 4)?

NoThis indicates that NESHAP currently applies to all units and there will be no newly applicable NESHAPs as a result of the proposed project. Done with this form. Answer “no” to question 3c on Form CH-03.

YesComplete the remainder of this form for each unit for which you checked “no” in the last column of the table in question 4.

6)Installing new equipment which will cause a Part 61 NESHAP to apply?

NoGo to question 7).

YesComplete 6a) – 6c) for each new unit (Copy as necessary). Use Form CD-01 to document the proposed methods of compliance. Include a highlighted photocopy of the standard.

6a)Emission Unit Number
6b)Emission Unit/Equipment Description
6c)Stack/Vent Number

7)Physical or operational change to an existing unit such that a Part 61 NESHAP will apply?

NoGo to question 9).

YesComplete 7a) for each modified unit (Copy as necessary). Then go to question 8).

7a)Emission Unit ID No.:
Pollutant / Emission Rate after change (lb/hr) / Emission Rate before change (lb/hr) / Change in Emission Rate (lb/hr)

8)Is there an increase in the emission rate of any of the pollutants regulated by the Part 61 NESHAP?

NoGo to question 9).

YesComplete questions 8a) – 8c) for each modified unit (Copy as necessary). Use Form CD-01 to document the proposed methods of compliance.Include a highlighted photocopy of the standard.

8a)Emission Unit/Equipment Description:
8b)Stack/Vent Number:
8c)Date of Modification (expected): / (mm/dd/yyyy)

9)Check all that apply

If you answered “yes” or “no” to question 6) and “no” to question 7) or 8), a major amendment is not needed under Minn. R. 7007.1500, subp. 1.D.Answer “no” to Question 3c) on Form CH-03. Another type of permit amendment may be required.

If you answered “yes” or “no” to question 6) and “yes” to question 8), this change or modification requires a major amendment under Minn. R. 7007.1500, subp. 1.D.Answer “yes” to Question 3c) on Form CH-03.

If you answered “yes” to question 6) or 8), but the total facility potential-to-emit remains below all permit thresholds, you are required to obtain a permit only for the emission unit(s) subject to the Part 61 NESHAP.

Instructions for Form CH-06

1a)AQ Facility ID No. -- Fill in your Air Quality Facility ID Number. This is the first eight digits of the permit number for all permits issued under the operating permit program.

1b)AQ File No. -- Fill in your AQ File Number. This number can be found in the “cc” section of correspondence from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).

2)Facility Name -- Enter your facility name.

3)Is there a Part 61 NESHAP for a source category which includes the unit(s) you are installing, modifying, or reconstructing? -- If you know or suspect one of the standards listed in Table 1 may apply after your proposed change or modification, you should refer to the applicability section of the 40 CFR pt. 61 subpart and read the requirements to make a final determination. If the answer is “no,” then the answer to question 3c) on Form CH-03 is “no.”

4)Which NESHAP? -- For each unit where a Part 61 NESHAP may apply after the proposed project, indicate which NESHAP will apply, and whether it currently applies (it may currently apply to modified or reconstructed units, it will not currently apply to new units).

5)Did you check “no” in column 4c) for any unit listed? -- If you didn’t check “no” (you checked “yes” in 4c) for every new, modified, or reconstructed unit), this indicates that all of the Part 61 NESHAPs that may apply after the project already apply now, prior to the project. If that is the case, then the answer to question 3c) on Form CH-03 is no. If this is not the case, go on with this form for any unit for which “no” was checked in 4c).

6)Installing new equipment which will cause a Part 61 National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) to apply? -- If you determine that a Part 61 NESHAP will apply, complete items 6a) – 6c). Use Form GI-05B to provide details about the emissions unit (EU), and Form GI-04 to provide details about the stack (SV). Number both the EU and SV consecutively following the last number used for your total facility permit.

7)Modifying an existing unit such that a Part 61 NESHAP will apply? -- If the proposed change or modification involves physically modifying or changing the method of operation of an existing unit which may be subject to the NESHAP(s) identified in Question 4), go on to 7a).

7a)For each existing emission unit that is being changed, or for which the method of operation will be changed, determine if there will be an increase in hourly emissions. When doing the calculations, do not take air pollution control equipment into account except as allowed by the standard or Minn. R 7007.1200.

8)Is there an increase in the emission rate of any of the pollutants regulated by the Part 61 NESHAP? -- A modification for Part 61 NESHAP purposes is a physical change or change in method of operation which results in an increase in emission of one or more pollutants regulated by the individual NESHAP. If you determine that there is an increase in an emission rate of a pollutant regulated under the Part 61 NESHAP, the change is a “modification” under 40 CFR pt. 61, and you should complete items 8a) – 8c).

9)Check the appropriate box showing what permitting requirements the above questions have established.

If you answered “no” to question 7) or 8), indicating that you are not making any changes to existing units that result in increase in hourly emission rates, this means that the change is not a Title I modification under Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 26(D), and you can answer “no” to question 3c) on Form CH-03. The change may still require a major amendment or another type of amendment.

If you answered “yes” to question 8), indicating that you are modifying an existing unit as defined at 40 CFR § 61.15, this means the change is a Title I modification under Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 26(D) and a major amendment is needed under Minn. R. 7007.1500, subp. 1(D), and you should answer “yes” to question 3c) on Form CH-03.

If you have previously determined that the potential to emit from this facility is below permitting thresholds, and will remain below permitting thresholds following this change, you need only provide information about the unit that becomes subject to the Part 61 NESHAP.

Table 1

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

Pollutant / Facility or Emission Unit Type / Minn. Rules / 40 CFR 61 Subpart
Radon / Underground Uranium Mines; Department of Energy Facilities; Phosphorus Fertilizer Plants; and Facilities Processing or Disposing of Uranium Ore and Tailings / 7011.9960 / B, Q, R, T, W
Beryllium / Beryllium Extraction Plants; Ceramic Plants, Foundries, Incinerators, Propellant Plants, and Machine Shops that Process Beryllium Containing Material; and Rocket Motor Firing Test Sites / 7011.9940 - 7011.9945 / C, D
Mercury / MercuryOre Processing; Manufacturing Processes Using Mercury Chloralkali Cells; and Sludge Incinerators / 7011.9950 - 7011.9955 / E
Vinyl Chloride / Ethylene Dichloride Manufacturing Via Oxygen, HCl and Ethylene; Vinyl Chloride Manufacturing; and Polyvinyl Chloride Manufacturing / 7011.9980 / F
Radionuclides / Department of Energy; Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensed Facilities; Other Federal Facilities; and Elemental Phosphorus Plants / 7011.9970 / H, I, K
Benzene / Fugitive Process, Storage, and Transfer Equipment Leaks; Coke By-Product Recovery Plants; Benzene Storage Vessels; Benzene Transfer Operations; and Benzene Waste Operations / 7011.9930 / J, L, Y, BB, FF
Asbestos / Asbestos Mills; Roadway Surfacing with Asbestos Tailings; Manufacture of Products Containing Asbestos; Demolition; Renovation; and Spraying and Disposal of Asbestos Waste / 7011.9920 -7011.9927 / M
Inorganic arsenic / Glass Manufacturer; Primary Copper Smelter; Arsenic Trioxide and Metallic Arsenic Production Facilities / 7011.9910 / N, O, P
Volatile Hazardous Air Pollutants (VHAP) / Pumps, Compressors, Pressure Relief Devices, Connections, Valves, Lines, Flanges, Product Accumulator Vessels, etc. in VHAP Service
(As of 11/30/94 only vinyl chloride and benzene are regulated by 40 CFR 61, subp. V) / 7011.9990 / V

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