Multimedia Design
“Get in the Scene-Go Green” Brochure
You are asked to plan, design, and create an informational promotion brochure for FBLA members on “Going Green”. Prepare a brochure that discusses benefits and tips on what they can do to “Go Green”.
1. Use the following stages for creating a graphic design project.
a. Analyze the requirements of the project
b. What are the objectives? ______
c. Who is your audience? ______
d. Means of delivery? Brochure
2. Use the Internet for researching ideas for going green. Make sure what you include is something FBLA members can follow through with.
3. Use graphics: pictures, clipart, Wordart, lines, borders, and shapes.
4. Use font styles and color schemes. Make sure you choose appropriate colors, fonts, and graphics that correspond with the “Go Green” theme.
5. You can use a template in Microsoft Publisher or you may start with a blank brochure.
6. Your slogan is “Get in the Scene-Go Green”. Create a logo for the brochure based on the theme.
7. Use a watermark somewhere in the brochure.
8. Put your name on the back panel of the brochure.
9. Proof read! Have someone else proof read.
10. Print in color on one sheet of paper. (Ask for my help)
“Get in the Scene- Go Green” BrochureRequirement / Points Possible / Points Earned
Correct setup for brochure (six panels, folds properly, printed on one page) / 10
Appropriate information on going green that FBLA members can really complete / 10
Eye-catching front cover that describes the theme of the brochure. “Get in the Scene-Go Green” / 10
Fonts and colors are appropriate for a Go Green brochure. All fonts are sized proportionately to information and to fit brochure. / 10
Internet information is not taken word for word, makes sense, and provides an accurate description of going green. / 10
At least four relevant graphics are used. Pictures, clipart, Wordart, borders, lines, shapes / 20
Watermark is somewhere on the brochure / 10
Logo is appropriate / 10
Graphics are clear, professional, and add to the overall appearance of the brochure / 10
Professionalism/ Instructions followed / 10
Spelling, grammar, proofreading / 10
TOTAL / 120
DATE: ______