CMSC 4003


Total points: 100points

Brief Assignment Description: Professional development recognition, strategy and engagement.

Due dates:See Due Date in WebCT


Write an essay that addresses the following two questions:

1. How do you recognize the need for continuing professional development in your discipline?

2. Which appropriate learning strategy will you choose?

3. How have you been engaged in continuing education while you are pursuing your degree at UCO?

In the essay, you need to include the following items:

1. Discuss the rapidly changing character of computing and software and reference at least one article that quantifies the amount on change that has occurred or is likely to occur in computing and software;

2. Discuss the increasing breadth of the computing and software disciplines and reference at least one article that characterizes the breadth of the computing and software disciplines;

3.Discuss your strategy to pursue an advanced degree or engage in continuing professional development;

4. Discuss your ability to program in a programming language that you learned while you are a student at UCO but was not taught in any class at UCO;

5.Discuss your experience applying knowledge gained from sources other than those specifically given in courses to craft a solution to an assignment.

Beware of plagiarism. Write in your own words. The assignment will be graded based on both its content and spelling and grammar. Try to write the essay such that it is a coherent and integrated article rather than an assembly of answers to the requirements. Make sure to use a writing style that is appropriate for the intended audience of the article.

For references, use the UCO library and database search facilities for articles published by the Association for Computing Machinery or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Your essay should be one and only one completely filled typed page using one-inch margins, single spaced lines, and 12 point, Courier, Courier New, or Times New Roman fonts. The references section can be placed on a separate page. You should use the following format:

Student Name: ______

Day/Time Class Meets:______

Essay: ......

See guidelines on the next page.
Written Communication Rubric

Context/Purpose (1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • The essay demonstrates understanding of professional development in the computing and software disciplines
  • The writing style of the essay is appropriate for its intended audience

Content Development(1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • The essay contains introductory and concluding paragraphs
  • The essay contains a clear and obvious organization
  • Each paragraph makes a focused statement and contributes directly to the theme of the essay

Conventions(1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • The essay demonstrates a mastery of English equivalent to a college graduate
  • The essay contains references presented in standard bibliographic form

Sources & evidence(1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • The essay contains no factual errors
  • The essay contains relevant references

Syntax & mechanics(1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • The essay contains few spelling errors
  • The essay contains few punctuation errors
  • There are few errors in grammar

Continuing Education Scoring Sheet

Understanding the issue (1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • The write-up reflects the student’s understanding of continued education

Evidence/Reference(1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • Reference and discuss at least one article that quantifies the amount on change that has occurred or is likely to occur in computing and software
  • Referenceand discuss at least one article that characterizes the breadth of the computing and software disciplines.

Context/Assumption(1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • Discuss your strategy to pursue an advanced degree or engage in continuing professional development.

Students Ability/Position(1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • Discuss your ability to program in a programming language that you learned while you are a student at UCO but was not taught in any class at UCO.
  • Discuss your experience applying knowledge gained from sources other than those specifically given in courses to craft a solution to an assignment.

Proper Conclusion(1-4 pts)

Things to consider:

  • Proper conclusion with regard to the necessity of continued education.