German 302Frühling 2014Professor Ametsbichler
Office:LA 332
Telefon:243-5001 (Büro)
Sprechstunden: MWF:2 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung
Goals: Development of self-confidence in spoken and written German. Integration of old and new vocabulary and grammar in oral and written assignments. Deepening of cultural awareness on a comparative basis.
Anders Gedacht. Text und Context in the German-Speaking World. Motyl-Mudretzkyj / Späinghaus. Third Edition
Übungsbuch zu Anders Gedacht. Späinghaus. Third Edition
Teaching Format: Emphasis is on reading assignments, discussion between class and teacher, discussion in groups.Discussions are expected to be in German.
Expectations and evaluation:Since the course is intended to be participatory, daily attendance is required. Except under unusual circumstances, if a student misses more than 4 class sessions during the semester, the final grade will be lowered one whole grade: A- becomes B-, B becomes C, etc. The final grade will be based on:attendance and class participation (both are mandatory!), homework, essays, presentations, and midtermand final exams.
Attendance80 points (40 x 2)
Participation200 (4x50)
530 points
Wichtige Daten:Feiertag (President’s Day): 17. Februar
Midterm:19. März
Spring Break:31. März .-3. April
Final:16. Mai (Freitag) um 10:10
Electronic Devices (Cell Phones, Laptops, Music Players, etc.)
If you bring a cell phone to class, please set it either on vibrate or mute. Unless specified for a class activity, personal computers, music players, and messaging devices are not to be used in class.
Students with Disabilities
This course offers equal opportunity in education for all participants, including those with documented physical and documented learning disabilities. For information regarding documentation of disabilities, approaching your instructor with pertinent information, and establishing guidelines for potential accommodation, you may consult the Disability Services for Students (DSS) website at . The DSS Office is located in Lommasson 154; the phone number is 243-2243.
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty
Please refer to the Student Conduct Code of the University as it pertains to your responsibility to hand in work and/or perform activities assigned to be your own as indeed representing your own efforts and research. The Code is available for review online at:
(Tentativer) Semesterplan
Note: A detailed “mini-syllabus” will be handed out for each Einheit!
1. – 4. Woche:27.1. – 19.2. = Einheit 4
4. – 7. Woche:21.2. – 14.3. = Einheit 6
17.3.: MIDTERM
8. – 12. Woche: 19.3. – 16.4. = Einheit 7
31.3. – 4.4. SPRING BREAK
12. – 15. Woche:18.4. – 9.5. = Einheit 8
FINAL: Freitag, 16. Mai um 10:10