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Geoscience Bulletin Board – 23 April 2018 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

On the anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake – 5:12 am on 18 April 1906

San Francisco building taller & taller structures despite seismic risk of another great earthquake

“Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” – new (final) trailer for the movie

  • Ian Malcolm motives:

ASU Bateman Physical Sciences CenterF-Wing lobby renovated with new rock slab exhibit

Exploring the life forms of the Twilight Zone in the ocean

Geological record & possible solution for Fermi’s paradox and future of humankind

Unconventional “solution” to fix sinking Millennium Tower in San Francisco will cost at least $200M

Evidence of the history of climatic conditions on Earth (with Paleoclimate video)

65 years of deep-sea catch data reveals deep-sea trawling is extremely destructive to fish populations

Deep-sea mining likely as polluting as that on land

  • Paper:

Congregation of octopuses deep in the ocean where humans said they could not survive

“HayWired” Earthquake study released by USGS

  • Fact Sheet 2018-3016:

Tratayeniarosalesi– new species of mid-late Cretaceous carnivorous dinosaur from northwestern Patagonia unveiled

Mesozoic era lepidopterans (moths & butt flies) had iridescent colors

Late Triassic explosive diversification of dinosaurs followed the Carnian Pluvial Episode

  • Paper:

Contemplating what geological evidence might be left by other civilizations – “Silurian Hypothesis”

  • Paper:

This study suggests animals cannot predict earthquakes – calls data unscientific & anecdotal – but that does not mean it is not true

Warming at the end of the last ice age enabled the formation of peatlands

Link proposed between formation of supercontinents and strength of ocean tides – super-tidal cycle

New perspective on Permian-Triassic mass extinction and subsequent recovery of marine life

How the granite-greenstone geometry of the Pilbara continental crust may have formed by “gravitational overturn”

Book Review: “American Eclipse”

Acid rain may have triggered deadly landslide in China in June 2009

Did the Vikings navigate with crystals?

New supercomputer model of the Yellowstone magmatic system

The “gold rush” in China is actually a search for dinosaur fossils

Two studies provide stronger evidence for weaker overturning circulation in the Atlantic

Phase two construction of Oroville Dam scheduled to start in early May

Geologists & epidemiologists find link between heavy metals in soil and cancers

Using satellite imagery to study soil erosion in the Midwest

Measuring devices must withstand extreme conditions in geothermal borehole

Where geothermal boreholes are placed is important – optimizing spacing to reduce seismicity

Mount Io erupts in Japan after 250 year period of quiescence – alert level raised

Two cephalopods battling in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico caught on video

Swarms of tiny marine creatures could cause ocean currents

Human dispersal coincided with reduction in average body size of mammals during the Pleistocene

USGS & partners created new took to ascertain whether vermiculite insulation contains amphibole asbestos


Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 23 April 2018 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

The work of clinical lab scientists is critical to modern health care – MLPW is 22-28 April 2018

Antibiotics persist in treated farm waste & wastewaters & contributes to antibiotic resistance worldwide

Pharmaceuticals (analgesics, antibiotics, anti-platelet agents, hormones, psychiatric drugs, antihistamines) persist in the environment – can harm wildlife as well as humans

Extensively drug-resistant (XRD) typhoid epidemic in Pakistan could spread across the globe

Mycobacterium ulcerans– flesh eating bacteria native to West & Central Africa is causing increasing number of cases of Buruli ulcer in parts of Australia

  • Paper:

Corporate agriculture leads to big production, big profits & potential for big disease outbreaks

Horse owners not always receptive to idea of protecting their animals from Hendra virus

Attracting beneficial bugs to your garden is a good thing

Duh! 20-year study confirms that when it comes to water quality, “sewage bad, stormwater projects good”

Journey vicariously to Wrangell-St Elias National Park in Alaska – largest in the US

USDA/NRCS announces new US soil property maps that meet GlobalSoilMap standards

“City Nature Challenge” continues to grow – Congrats to Lisa & Richard and a successful 3rd year!

Atacama Desert is one of the driest spots on Earth – but has incredible landscapes and life

Massive male sex organs have perks – but a little modesty is a good thing when it comes to evolution

Investigating potential chemical spill from explosives storage plant at proposed super dump site

Canada to measure use of marijuana by testing sewage at wastewater treatment plants in major cities

San Jacinto Waste Pits removed from priority NPL toxic site list as cleanup progresses – 3 other sites added

Recognize a situation and humans will figure out how to make money from it – extreme weather

10 largest US grocery companies graded efforts to reduce food waste – no one got an “A”

Alcohol companies funding research to convince us that drinking is healthy – alcohol is poisonous

Scientists accidentally tweak bacterial enzyme process to create improved ability to break down PET

Warnstofiafluitans – floating hook moss – effectively removes arsenic from water

Remodeling your kitchen could result in release of PCBs into your household posing health risks

More than 50% of human population now lives in growing “urban jungles”

US saw increase in rate of pregnancy-related deaths during interval from 2000 and 2015

Zombie GMO myths including “needed to feed a growing world” are wrong but refuse to die

Pot heads are worried about the pesticides on the weed they smoke

Perspective: Poseidon desalination plant was a costly energy-guzzling pollution-causing mistake

Otter poop used to track pollution in Duwamish River Superfund site

As city of Cerro de Pasco grows, it contends with historic and current mining pollution & health impacts

Just how much plastic do you “consume” in a year? 12-mo nth collection became “Mural By The Sea”

“Consensus messaging” is not a good thing – especially when it is untrue

“Curing patients” is not a sustainable business model because it is bad for profits

Analyzing numbers of mosquitoes and frequency of mosquito bites in Baltimore, Maryland

Painkillers taken during pregnancy may have teratogenic effects on offspring

  • Paper:

Monoculture farming is damaging to microbiome of bees – not enough bacterial diversity

Franken-mice? Human brain organoid implants grew inside mice for months

Some cancers unique to humans may be result of evolutionary accidents in evolution of the species

New species Listeria costaricensisisolated from water at industrial drainage area in Costa Rica is currently deemed non-pathogenic

US F&W determines two endangered species of mussels will not be threatened by building NC540 across southern Wake County in North Carolina – construction will likely move forward

Global Virome Project seeks to build a global database of zoonotic viruses

The human cost of building the Panama Canal

Applying “Lazarus ecology” to the Carolina parakeet

Houston County Flood Control District estimate will need to spend $155M to study & fix damage from Hurricane Harvey with $12.5M just to assess damages – discussing $1B referendum – but City still has not spent $33M for Hurricane Ike repairs from a decade ago

Conflicts between shepherds and ecologists over future of the Lake District in Britain – Cumbria is one of my favorite places in England: great glacial geology & beautiful scenery!

Nectar-feeding bat removed from US Endangered Species List – successful recovery of the species

Photographic tour of 59 US National Parks

  • Views from space:

US BLM to start “scoping” process for environmental review of impact of leasing drilling rights in ANWR

Dodo specimen in Oxford Natural History museum did not die of natural causes – was shot by humans – species discovered in 1598 & was extinct by 1662

USGS & USDOE with AWEA release “US Wind Turbine Database ((USWTDB) & Viewer

  • Database:


Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 23 April 2018 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Monitoring the oyster bed of Delaware Bay – are pollutant levels low enough to reopen harvesting?

Giving baby turtles an assist to release into the ocean

Swimming in the ocean puts humans at risk of being stung by deadly jellyfish

Photo-essay: Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao mega-bridge

Perspective: massive offshore wind projects drive domestic jobs & prosperity

Making global warming alarmists happy – designs for new ways to stop Miami Beach from flooding

New flood protection scheme – blasting holes through pebbles on the sea shore

Coastal Alabama coping with tourists & clogged roads – want 2020 census to support federal funding

Del Mar, California, decided to include “managed retreat” as a last-resort option if sea level rises

Saugatuck Dunes Coastal Alliance appeals MDEQ permit for dune development

Economic impact of closure of Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near Avila Beach, California

Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife issues new coastal recreational bottomfish limits

Stormwater management solutions presented to residents of Holmes Beach

Royal Dornoch to protect golf course with rebuilt natural coastal defenses

New US LNG export terminal facility commenced operations near Lusby, Maryland

Kashia Band of Pomo successful in getting their ancestral coastal California lands returned – the tribe now holds a unique private deed and management rights

Coastal hurricane flooding has swamped the National Flood Insurance Program – it is insolvent

South Coast Steelhead Coalition hope to return steelhead to the waster os Southern California

“Danger” signs posted by US Coast Guard to alert boaters along the Potomac – a call for dredging