2 / TOC / TOC / 1
4 / TOC / TOC / 3
6 / Second semester math goals / First semester goal reflection / 5
8 / %-CL p. 401 / Measurement, CL p. 795 / 7
10 / Unit 4 test / Unit 4 test / 9
12 / Unit 5 Vocabulary / Unit 5 Pretest / 11
14 / Crosswalk Coach MGSE6.EE.8 / Winter Break HE $100 / 13
16 / Analyze tables / Independent/dependent Statement / 15
18 / Area Parallelogram MGSE6.G.1 / Real world Geometry / 17
20 / In class Practice Area parallelogram and triangle MGSE6.G.1 / MGSE6.G.1 Area triangle / 19
22 / centimeter ruler / MGSE6.G.1 Pearson 17-03 Measurement: Area of Parallelograms and Triangles / 21
24 / Sort Geometry CL TB 829-831 / Sort Geometry CL TB 829-831 / 23
26 / Practice 8-3 (WS) MGSE6.G.1 / Practice 8-3 (WS) MGSE6.G.1 / 25
28 / MGSE.6.EE.9 (CL TB p. 635-638) / Practice 8-3 (WS) MGSE6.G.1 / 27
30 / MGSE6.G.1 Math Playground / MGSE6.G.1 Area/perimeter / 29
32 / MGSE6.G.2 Pearson’s 18-03 Geometry: Volume of Rectangular Prisms / MGSE6.G.4 Pearson’s 18-02 Geometry: Surface Area / 31
34 / Geometry Project Directions. Friday, Due 2-5-16 / MGSE6.G.4 net/surface area / 33
36 / What’s my Area? / Estimate area polygon / 35
38 / Find Surface Area / Find Surface Area / 37
40 / Find Volume / Find Volume / 39
Georgia Milestones Content Weights
Math DomainsApproximate % of Test
Geometry18% MGSE6.G
Number System30%MGSE6.NS
Ratios and Proportional Relationships12%MGSE6.RP
Statistics and Probability17%MGSE6.SP
Expressions and Equations23%MGSE6.EE
HE for week of 1-25-16 for 6/7A
Read the ENTIREPageand govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record
Information black should be copied as directed and any other color is informational.
Day Assigned / Day Due / ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.M / T / MGSE6.G.1 Find area of quadrilaterals and polygons apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
Part 1: Go to - How Much Space? How did the characters explain the relationship between area and perimeter? IMN page 29
Part 2: Go to - Relationship between area and perimeter -
- Write the video Question.
- Use to print grid paper. Or use your own graph paper.
- Cut out the various dimensions of 36 square feet. Glue to IMN page 30.
- Compute area and perimeter (formula, substitute, solve) for each.
- Answer the video’s question.
Part 4: Unit 5 test Wednesday February 3, 2016
Part 5: Print and glue to IMN page 34. @ Home Geometry Project. Go to math web page video section “Geometry TV411” watch the video on origami real-world geometry. Then explore the world of origami polyhedra ( You may use this site or use your own resource. 1) Decide which polyhedron you wish to recreate. 2) Gather the material. 3) make the polyhedron. 40pts. 4) Write neatly or type a description including: Name 5pts., Identify/name all geometric faces created in the process along with algebraic equation used to determine its area, 15pts., explain which SMP(s) (Math Student Resource link) applicable to this project 20pts., and directional steps (written or visual) 20pts. DUE: Friday, February 5, 2016. If selected for display, double credit.
T / W / MGSE6.G.4 Represent three- dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and use the nets to find the surface area of these figures. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
Part 1: Go to Pearson’s 18-02 Geometry: Surface Area LEARN section to take notes on page IMN 31.
- Write the video’s vocabulary.
- What is a polyhedron?
- Draw and label the box.
- What shape is the box?
- What are the faces of the box?
- What is net? Then Draw the net. Use color.
- Label each part with its dimensions as noted in the video.
- Write the numerical equation for SA.
- Write the formula? Part 2: Complete any class assignments. Se the agenda.
W / Th / IMN page 32. MGSE6.G.2 Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths by packing it with unit cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge lengths, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths of the prism. Apply the formulas V = (length) x (width) x (height) and V= (area of base) x (height) to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
Pearson's 18-03 Geometry: Volume of Rectangular Prisms (Learn)
- What is the video’s vocabulary and main question?
- Define Volume.
- What are the two thing you need to know when computing the volume?
Part 2: Complete any assignment from class. See agenda.
Part 3: Unit 5 test Wednesday February 3, 2016
Th / F / IMN page 33. MGSE6.G.4 Represent three- dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and use the nets to find the surface area of these figures. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
Part 1: Net identification - Watch the review video and take the 3 questions quiz.
Part 2: Surface area - Polyhedra
Watch the video if necessary for additional guidance. For each, write equation for the surface area, substitute, and solve. IMN page 33.
Part 3: Unit 5 test Wednesday February 3, 2016
HE for week of 1-19-16 for 6/7A
Read the ENTIREPageand govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record
Information black should be copied as directed and any other color is informational.
Day Assigned / Day Due / ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.T / W / MGSE6.G.1 Find area of right triangles, other triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
Area of parallelogram
. Copy everything on the screen while working with the online instructor.
Area Of Triangles
. Copy everything on the screen while working with the online instructor.
T / W / MGSE6.G.1 Go to Pearson 17-03 Measurement: Area of Parallelograms and Triangles.
Go to Pearson 17-03 Measurement - Independent Practice # 21 estimate and exact solutions (3pp) Problem solving complete # 26-28 (3pp). Draw the diagram and label the measurements.
W / Th / Carnegie Learning Page 829-831. IMN page 15-16. Cut out and glue neatly.
Th / F / Complete class work if any.
Day Assigned / Day Due / ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.
M / T / Part 1: IMN page 5- Write a goal reflection paragraph including if you met or did not meet your goals. Advise yourself on what you need to do second semester to be successful and prepare your seventh grade mathematics. Inform yourself what you need to do differently or what you need to do consistently to maintain your first semester results or improve them.
Part 2; IMN page 6 - Write you Math SMART Goals paragraph for 2nd semester. Include the what, how, when, why, and where of your goal(s).
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford
Start ALL tasks with expectancies of positive results. - Mrs. S. McNabb
T / W / Unit 4 test Parent Acknowledge letter signed.
Unit 5 Vocabulary collage: Area, surface area, and volume, MGSE6.G.1, right triangles,square, rectangle, equilateral triangle, congruent, composite compound polygon,parallelogram, trapezoid, scalene triangle, isosceles triangle, A = 0.5bh, A=bh, A=h(b1 +b2)/2, quadrilaterals, MGSE6.G.2, volume, right rectangular prism, length, cubes, formulas, V = (length) x (width) x (height), V= (area of base) x (height), MGSE6.G.4, three- dimensional figures, perpendicular, and net.
If red draw a neat example.
W / Th / . Go to this weblink to view and respond to the questions/statement.
- Define tessellation and explain how it relate to Ms. Deborah Goletz’s art piece.
- Can dimensions be the different with the same area? Explain.
- Draw an example of a scaled rectangle with an area of 50 cm2.
Th / F / Complete class work if any.
HE for week of 1-5-16 for 6/7A
Read the ENTIREPageand govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record
Information black should be copied as directed and any other color is informational.
Day Assigned / Day Due / ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.T / W /
- Second semester 2016 is continuing to prepare you for seventh grade. Start this semester with an organized IMN (new or the same one from first semester). Note: If you are using a new second semester IMN, please keep the first semester IMN in your locker.
- As started in class complete your IMN TOC and number the TOC and pages to 100.
- Carnegie Learning TB page 324 #1-3 (2pp - SW and Solution), page 354#1-2a-c, page 486#8,9a-b, page 664-665#1-8
W / Th / Carnegie Learning TB page 374-376#1a-d,2a-g, page 446 all, page 796#1a-c, page 489#3 (all) and 4, page 611#2a-c
Th / F / Carnegie Learning TB page 779#1-10, page 789#1,2,3 (all),4-7, page 490-491 all, page 570#4a-c, page 612 (all)
Test will start Friday. IMN check for organization today as well.
F / M / Part 1: IMN page 5- Write a goal reflection paragraph including if you met or did not meet your goals. Advise yourself on what you need to do second semester to be successful and prepare your seventh grade mathematics. Inform yourself what you need to do differently or what you need to do consistently to maintain your first semester results or improve them.
Part 2; IMN page 6 - Write you Math SMART Goals paragraph for 2nd semester. Include the what, how, when, why, and where of your goal(s).
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford
Start ALL tasks with expectancies of positive results. - Mrs. S. McNabb
Left Side Assignment / Left Page / Right Side Assignment / Right Page
TOC / 2 / TOC / 1
TOC / 4 / TOC / 3
3pp guide / 6 / Syllabus / 5
6/7A grade math standards / 8 / 6/7A grade math standards / 7
Carnegie Learning registration / 10 / IXL letter / 9
SMART Goals Guidelines / 12 / Smart Goals / 11
Revision Guidelines / 14 / SMART Goals Reflections / 13
IMN Purpose / 16 / Unit 1 pretest / 15
MGSE6.NS.2 - long division / 18 / Learning Style Assessment / 17
MGSE6.NS.2 - long division / 20 / MGSE6.NS.2 - long division / 19
MGSE6.NS.3 - add, subtract decimals / 22 / MGSE6.NS.2 - long division / 21
MGSE6.NS.3 - divide decimals / 24 / MGSE6.NS.3 - multiply decimals / 23
IMN check / 26 / MGSE6.NS.2 - long division practice / 25
MGSE6.NS.3 - multiply decimals practice / 28 / MGSE6.NS.3 - add, subtract decimals TB p. 264-265 / 27
MGSE6.NS.4 LCM / 30 / MGSE6.NS.3 - divide decimals practice / 29
MGSE6.NS.4 GCF / 32 / MGSE6.NS.4 LCM practice / 31
MGSE6.NS.4 GCF/LCM / 34 / MGSE6.NS.4 GCFpractice / 33
MGSE6.NS.1 quotients of fractions / 36 / MGSE6.NS.1 quotients of fractions / 35
MGSE6.NS.1 quotients of fractions / 38 / MGSE6.NS.1 quotients of fractions / 37
Test review #1-14 not #10 / 40 / Test Review # 1-10 / 39
Star math letter / 42 / Geared up MGSE6.NS.1 / 41
Parent letter/unit 1 test / 44 / pearsonsuccessnet.com letter / 43
MGSE6.RP.1 - Ratio / 46 / Pretest Unit 2 / 45
MGSE 6.RP.3a equivalent ratio / 48 / MGSE6.RP.3a equivalent ratio / 47
MGSE6.RP.3a equivalent ratio / 50 / MGSE 6.RP.2 unit rate MGSE 6.RP.3b / 49
MGSE6.RP.1,3a Cardio ratio/rates / 52 / MGSE6.RP.3b rate of speed / 51
MGSE6.RP.1,3a , 3b Race Speed / 54 / MGSE6.RP.1,3a , 3b rate/unit rate / 53
MGSE6.RP.1,3a , 3b Unit rate shopping / 56 / MGSE6.RP.1,3a , 3b Unit rate shopping / 55
MGSE6.RP.3d measurement rules/Metric / 58 / MGSE6.RP.3d measurement rules/GallonBot / 57
MGSE6.RP.3c %of a # / 60 / MGSE6.RP.3d measurement rules/customary / 59
MGSE6.RP.3c %,Tax, Discount / 62 / MGSE6.RP.3c %of a # Practice / 61
MGSE6.RP.3c % CL p. 395 / 64 / MGSE6.RP.3c %, practice / 63
MGSE6.RP.3c %, practice / 66 / Unit 2 test / 65
Unit 2 test / 68 / Unit 3 pretest / 67
MGSE6.EE.1 numerical expression / 70 / MGSE6.EE.1 numerical expressions / 69
MGSE6.EE.2: evaluate algebraic expressions / 72 / MGSE6.EE.1: evaluate numerical expressions / 71
Collage / 74 / Keywords / 73
MGSE6.EE.2a-c expressions / 76 / Collage MGSE6.EE.2a-c expressions / 75
MGSE6.EE.2a-c expressions games practice / 78 / MGSE6.EE.2a-c expressions / 77
MGSE6.EE.3 Properties MGSE6.NS.4 common multiples of two whole numbers / 80 / MGSE6.EE.3 Properties MGSE6.NS.4 common multiples of two whole numbers / 79
MGSE6.EE.1 Common Core Performance assignment / 82 / MGSE6.EE.1 Common Core Performance assignment / 81
84 / MGSE6.EE.4 GCF, distributive Property, LCM Crosswalk Coach / 83
Red TB p.95#31-47 odd MGSE6.EE.1 / 86 / Best Offer / 85
MGSE6.RP.3c Percentage word problems / 88 / MGSE6.RP.3c Percentage examples / 87
MGSE6.EE.2c,3: properties, evaluate algebraic expressions / 90 / MGSE6.EE.2c,3: properties, evaluate algebraic expressions / 89
MGSE6.EE.3 Apply operations to generate equivalent expressions. / 92 / MGSE6.EE.3 Apply operations to generate equivalent expressions. / 91
MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions-geometry / 94 / MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions-geometry / 93
MGSE6.EE.1 Coach / 96 / Working w/ Property / 95
MGSE6.EE.4 CL TB p. 546-47 / 98 / Unit 3 vocabulary word search / 97
MGSE6.EE.4 find area/perimeter / 100 / MGSE6.EE.4 find area/perimeter WS / 99
MGSE6.EE.2c WS input/output tables / 102 / MGSE6.EE.2c WS input/output tables / 101
Unit 3 test / 104 / Unit 3 test / 103
Perimeter/area / 106 / Unit 4 pretest / 105
Red TB p. 456 / 108 / Collage unit 4 vocabulary / 107
EnVision 04-00 Solving Equations Introduction / 110 / EnVision 04-00 Solving Equations Introduction / 109
Ten Marks Sign in / 112 / Final exam project letter / 111
Measurement from standard to metric. / 114 / MGSE6.EE.2c and MGSE6.EE.4 Temperature / 113
Pearson 04-04 / 116 / Pearson- 04-02 / 115
MGSE6.EE.8 PHschool notes Inequalities Mr. Scott / 118 / MGSE6.EE.8 PHschool notes Inequalities Ms. Morgan / 117
MGSE6.EE.8 solve inequalities- quiz / 120 / MGSE6.EE.8 solve inequalities / 119
Georgia Milestones Content Weights
Math DomainsApproximate % of Test
Geometry18% MGSE6.G
Number System30%MGSE6.NS
Ratios and Proportional Relationships12%MGSE6.RP
Statistics and Probability17%MGSE6.SP
Expressions and Equations23%MGSE6.EE
HE for week of 12-14-15 for 6/7A
Read the ENTIREPageand govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record
Information black should be copied as directed and any other color is informational.
Day Assigned / Day Due / ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.M / F /
- See agenda note for this week’s HE.
- Bring a new IMN for second semester by Friday, December 18, 2015
- Bring a calculator and a ruler daily.
M / T / If you have not completed part one of the final exam, (see scenarios), complete and submit Tuesday, December 15, 15.
Please note: No revision will be permitted and your highest score is 80/B. If you are taking you previously scenario home as a revision, then the highest you will earn is 75/C.
Part 3 - What If – Choose one of three. Each process/step is needed. You may use a calculator, the IMN conversion table, and 3pp.
- Mathematical scenario #1: You have been asked to create a 180 square feet mural of your cartoon at the Low Museum of Arts. Eight gallons of paint is required to complete the job. Home Deep has a sale about 30% off the regular price of $30 per gallon if you purchase 5 gallons at one time and purchase the remaining for $34.99/gallon. Happy House of Color sells paint for $24.99 per gallon. Problem: Which store offers the better deal? Problem: How much is being saved? Problem: How many liters is 8 gallons.
- Mathematical scenario #2: You have a short period of time to get the mural completed. The job needs to be completed during the day (preferably one day) because of preferred temperatures averaging 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The paint sprayers come in two sizes: pints and quarts. The pints are 4 for $15.50 or one quart for $9.50 each. Problem: Which sprayer will you purchase? Give an explanation for your choice and why it is the best for you. Problem: What is the preferred temperature in Celsius?
- Mathematical scenario #3: You are paid $11.50 per hour for the mural job. You take 10 hours total to paint the mural measuring at 180 square feet. Beyond 8 hours, you are will paid an additional 25% of your hourly wage for every hour over eight you paint. Problem: How much did you earn in total for 10 hours? Problem: How many square centimeters is the mural?
Day Assigned / Day Due / ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.
M / T / Standard: MGSE6.EE.5 Understand solving an equation MGSE6.EE.6 Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real-world or mathematical problem set. MGSE6.EE.7 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations.
IMN p. 115 and 116 Go to Pearson (EnVision Math Premium) Problem Solving section of 04-02 Algebra: Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations. Complete #28-29 (draw neatly the diagrams and use 3pp) and 34-35 (use 3pp).
04-04 Algebra: Solving Multiplication and Division Equations (Problem Solving) . Complete # 24, 26, 30, 31 (use 3pp).
T / W / Standard: MGSE6.EE.8 Graphing Inequalities on IMN p. 117-118
Go to the following link to copy ALL notes with the instructors. IMN p. Work with Ms. Morgan on Graphing solutions to one variable inequalities then work with Mr. Scott on Writing inequalities. You may color code.
W / Th / Standard: MGSE6.EE.8 solve inequalities on IMN p. 119. Along with Ms. Chain copy note on Solving one-step whole number inequalities by adding and subtracting. Go to the following link.
Th / F / Standard: MGSE6.EE.8 solve inequalities on IMN p. 120. Complete the inequality quiz (5 problems) by copying each question and answer. Don’t forget to check how well you did.
HE for week of 11-30-15 for 6/7A
Read the ENTIREPageand govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record
Information inBLUE is informational and information in black or red should be copied as directed.
Day Assigned / Day Due / ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.M / T / Part 1: Sign-in to Ten Marks (IMN p. 112) to complete the first assignment. These are review of Unit 3-4 concepts already covered. Your results will automatically be sent to Mrs. McNabb.
Part 2: IMN p. 113. MGSE6.EE.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values for their variables. MGSE6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent
Convert Degrees Fahrenheit to Degrees Celsius; C = (F - 32) * 5/9
Convert Degrees Celsius to Degrees Fahrenheit; F = (C * 9/5) + 32
Note: Leave space so that we can solve using 3pp and draw diagrams for #s 1-4.
- Celsius = 32 degrees
- Fahrenheit = 72 degrees
- Celsius = 19 degrees
- Fahrenheit = 0 degrees
T / W / Part 1: Sign-in to Ten Marks (IMN p. 112) to complete the second assignment. These are review of Unit 3-4 concepts already covered. Your results will automatically be sent to Mrs. McNabb.
Part 2: Carnegie Learning p. 622 Letters g-h and p. 623 #3a-d.
W / Th / Part 1: Sign-in to Ten Marks (IMN p. 112) to complete the third assignment. These are review of Unit 3-4 concepts already covered. Your results will automatically be sent to Mrs. McNabb.
Part 2: Carnegie Learning P. 632 Letters e-g and p. 633 # 3a-c.
Th / F / Part 1: Sign-in to Ten Marks (IMN p. 112) to complete the fourth and fifth assignments. These are review of Unit 3-4 concepts already covered. Your results will automatically be sent to Mrs. McNabb.
Part 2: If you are not on schedule with the Ten Marks practices, complete all before the time period closes.
HE for week of 11-16-15 for 6/7A
Read the ENTIREPageand govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record
Information inBLUE is informational and information in black or red should be copied as directed.
Day Assigned / Day Due / ASSIGNMENTS Each week update your TOC READ and COMPLETE all using PENCIL.M / T /
- IMN page 111. Cartoon due before or on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. Bring a cartoon with appropriate text and pictures. It must be enclosed in a rectangle or a square and colorful. Minimum size: width and length 3 inches and Maximum size: width and length 12 inches. Find cartoon in the newspaper, magazine, or internet. The cartoon will be used for a project and the final exam. Mrs. McNabb will need to approve the cartoon.
- Create a collage with the following words. Many of Unit 3 and 4’s vocabulary words are the same. However, this list contain some new ones. Give examples of everyone that is in red. Squared, cubic, volume, formula, equivalent expression, simplify, value, isolate, inverse operation, dependent variable, independent variable, ordered pairs, inequalities, greater than, less than, greater than and equal, less than and equal, graph, analyze, equivalent table, addition equation, addition inequality, subtraction equation, subtraction inequality, division equation, division inequality, multiplication equation, multiplication inequality
- Bring back parent letter for project/final exam.
T / W /
- IMN p 109-110. Go to Pearson’s EnVision Math Premium to view 04-00 Solving Equations Introduction
- CD cost ______for ______
- Main Question?
- Write the equation words then numbers with variables.
- Solve the equation with the online instructor. Write all parts.
- Review What You Know: (Vocabulary #1-3) Match the correct word with the definition. (Equality #4-6) Write the problem and answer. (Expression #7-9) solve each use 3pp. (Oder of Operations #10) Follow the directions given.
- Bring Unit 3 Parent letter back your next class if sent today.
W / Th /
- Complete Class assignments if any.
- Bring Unit 3 Parent letter back your next class if sent today.
HE for week of 11-9-15 for 6/7A