March 10th, 2011 7:20 pm
Attendance: Robin Cino, Joyce Carbonneau, Linda Adams, Linda Bresnahan, Bridget Swift, Beth Lippold, Bill Raycraft
Minutes: February Minutes Approved
Treasurer Report: Statements and financials reviewed and accepted. (See attached)
Team Liaison Report: Robin Cino reports positive feedback for email blasts on team standings and stats.
- Water requests for Sports Recognition night done.
Scholarship Committee Report: Laurie Liddy reports that committee is in process of mock scholarship process. They are using a number rating system to rank applicants. Long process and the mock review is helping to work out the kinks. The team hopes to be done by next meeting.
Website Coordinator Report: 52,000 hits
- Beth went to coaches meeting and talked about the site and how to best utilize it for the coaches.
- Website is a diamond in the rough and needs to be better utilized for communication as well as an income generating entity.
- Local Local a group buying organization has contacted the boosters for a discussion on donations and sponsorship. Beth is following up on it.
Athletic Director Report: Bill reminded Booster of Sports recognition night on the 15th.
- Bill will set up video of pictures. Robin will email teams for pics.
- Leadership conference on March 17th and 18th not doable due to schedule conflicts. We will be sending athletes to the northeast conference in summer.
- Volleyball coach has been hired.
- Spring registration is open.
- Winter sports went well.
- State Championship Athletes – banners for the gym, plaques for athlete and trophy cases have been taken care of as well as for the coach of the year award for Tom Darrin. Boosters voted and approved embroidered sweatshirts for both athletes.
Sports Recognition Night: March 15th 5:30
- Email request for water – Robin
- Balloons – Laurie Liddy
- Varsity Jackets will be available for order
- Jagwear available for sale….new items as well
- Linda Adams ordered the ice cream through Waterhouse country store
- Comedy night tix will be a big push
- Membership table
- Program is done for Academic Achievement recognition
- Beth will send out blast for a reminder
- Donna Miller will be there for cleanup
- Encourage volunteering
- Winter concessions went well, but slowed as season progressed.
- May not have been huge $$ but people missed having it open if we were unable to open for games
- Wolverine football organization has advertised “concessions” there is a large concern as to how this would work since Boosters concessions is in full swing and our inventory and equipment will be in the building. Policy is being developed for the purpose of developing boundaries of how outside groups can utilize these concession areas.
Comedy night
- Donations are coming in
- Ticket sales are slow but PR push is on
- List the event on the town website – Beth will email to Holly
- Membership table should be there
Expenditures & Equipment Requests
- Flagpoles – Received 3 quotes from L&R equipment
- $1178 – 2 heavy duty poles – 25 feet
- $1058 – 2 heavy duty poles – 1/25’ 1/20”
- $864 – 2 standard poles - 1/25’ 1/20”
- All quotes include: Retractable poles anodized aluminum 18 gauge 3” width with harnesses, 10 year warranty along with a 3 year warranty on theft. Solar lights with 3year warranty. 4 flags (2 American Flags & 2 NH flags), includes shipping
- Upon discussion Beth made motion to purchase # 2 quote ($1058 – 2 heavy duty poles – 1/25’ 1/20”) Joyce Carbonneau seconded
- Unanimous approval
- Ice machine – Medco Scotsman 91306A Flake Ice Machine (as recommended by Bill Raycraft) $3,254.17 – no shipping charge
- Upon discussion and review of other quotes- Beth Lippold made motion/ Robin Cino seconded
- Unanimous approval
- Back drop and Table cover for Booster events through Sports Decal $378 includes poles, shipping, artwork and storage bags
- Upon discussion – Beth Lippold made motion to purchase/Robin Cino seconded
- Unanimous approval
- Equipment cage- Global Industries model WB334529 for use of Jagwear apparel and storage $827 includes wheels and shipping.
- Upon discussion and quote comparison Beth makes motion to purchase/Laurie Liddy seconds
- Unanimous approval
- Classic Sign Stands with printed signs- budget for $400
- Beth made request for the purchase of 2 double sided stand signs similar to what is used for restroom signs with 4 double sided printed signs for concessions and jagwear
- Beth made motion/ Laurie Liddy seconded
- Unanimous vote
- Miscellaneous agenda items
- Fundraiser page on website to showcase individual team fundraisers. These will not be blasted out due to conflicts in Boosters fundraising but we will make them available as a resource for teams to highlight their fundraisers.
- Followup on cheerleader request – due to NHIAA regulations regarding summer camps we declined request for summer camp money. Encouraged the cheerleaders to come forward with choreography requests.
- Summer camp/clinic registration – coaches are requesting the utilization of website for camp/clinic registration and payment. WE did it last year and glitches included – 2.1% credit card fee would have to be incorporated into cost of camp. Discussion tabled for next meeting
- Elections will be in May for:
- President – Linda Adams has expressed interest in position which makes the VP position open
- Vice President
- Membership Coordinator
- Concessions Coordinator
- Website Coordinator
- Positions should be made public and recruitment begun, Positions will be mentioned at Sports Recognition night.
- Manual of operations is being compiled by Beth
- Membership Drive….moving ahead with all teams. Do we include levels of membership allowing game entrance? Discussion tabled.
- Outreach is needed for incoming 8th grade parents….invite to next meeting
- Meeting adjourned 8:45