RESOURCE 2014-2015
Teacher: Gauri Shirali-DéoClassroom/Office:307 B
Phone: 236-3334
Resource Class Requirements and Grading Policy
Resource class is primarily a time to work on the specific goals and objectives that are a part of each student’s IEP. It is not a “homework” period. However, when possible and appropriate, we may use actual assignments for part of the goal work. Additionally, all students will work on organization and time management skills. Direct instruction in the identified area of need takes priority over daily homework assignments. It is my goal that all students will increase in an understanding of themselves as individual learners and will improve their learning/study skills as a result of that awareness.
Activities such as studying, test taking, conferencing, computer work, peer tutoring and classroom learning all occur in the Resource Room.
- Each student will be expected to maintain an individual three ring binder or a binder with clearly marked sections for each academic subject (for dated notes and handouts), assigned reading books, a composition book for note taking, paper, pens, and a scientific calculator (when applicable)
- Each student will keep a calendar, day planner, IPad, Smart Phone or assignment book that will be checked daily by a teaching staff.
- Always treat others with respect and kindness
- Be on time to class.
- Maintain an honest level of effort in your work.
- No food in classroom without teacher permission or special exceptions
- iPods and iPads are for instructional purposes ONLY. No gaming, movies or listening to music.
Daily Planning -33%
Learning Target1
- 1-1 Student will record details and due dates for daily assignments, projects, quizzes and tests in a planner (student choice) It is highly recommended that students use a planning tool on his/her IPad
- 1-2 Students will monitor progress on Skyward
Time management and productivity -34%
Learning Target 2
- 2-1 Student will acquire employability skills of arriving on time and working productively for a period of time
- 2-2 Student will manage materials given in general education classes
- 2-3 Students will use self-advocacy skills to contact and meet with general education teachers (when applicable to IEP goals)
- 2-4 Student will self-start
Individual Goals -33%
Learning Target 3
- 3-1 Student will complete weekly practice and formative assessments for each Individual IEP Goal
- 3-2 Student will record/chart progress for each goal (if applicable)
An assignment book, daily planner or online calendar needs to be completed BEFORE you enter resource. You need to record your assignment BEFORE you leave your classes. If the teacher gives you no time during class, spend 30 seconds after class to record the assignment. Please understand that this is your nightly assignment for my class. If you come to class without your calendar completed, you come to my class with your work incomplete.
In order to get credit for Assignment Books it must be recorded on either:
- An IPad calendar or Daily List APP (Notes, My Homework)
- A pad of paper with consecutive days listed on it CLEARLY and LEGIBLY
- A binder reminder or daily planner of any kind CLEAR and LEGIBLE
- A PDA or other electronic device with the assignments CLEARLY noted
- A photo of the class assignment from the board – CLEARLY dated
What will not count for an assignment book
- Single sheet of paper with the date on it and a list
If your teacher provides you with a weekly or running list of assignments, you will recordthem in your planner. The more times you view the assignment the less likely you are to forget it. I do not want you to have to look in 3 or 4 places to get your daily list of work. I understand that this requires effort.
Please do not write “NO Homework” in your assignment books. You always have something to work on!
Students will learn that “study” is an active verb. We will work on a variety of strategies to help students acquire and implement effective study techniques such as: RCRC (read, cover, recite, check); make and review flashcards; rewrite notes; self quiz; and study with a buddy.
Your grade in this area will reflect the extent to which you worked on your goal area, not the progress you made towards your goals. Progress will be reflected in your quarterly IEP progress reports.
In addition to IEP goal work and daily assignments, you will always have prep and review work for your general education classes.
Data Collection
It is our job together to collect and report data on your IEP goals and objectives.
Most of you, have extended time listed as an accommodationon your IEPs. You will either be given up to 50% extended time (1/2 period), or you will be given up to 100% time (1 additional period) to complete the test/quiz or assignment.
For all extended time testing you will be required to complete the work on that same day.
Options to complete the work:
- Extended time for assignments must be arranged prior to the date the assignment is due.
- Come during 1st lunch to complete the test
- Finish during Resource
- Remain in class to complete the test (if this is an option)
- Stay after school on that same day to complete the test
- Arrange time with me prior to the date assignment is due
Please note that I will turn all tests in to your teachers at the end of the day. It is your responsibility to see that your work is completed in timely manner. I will not hold your tests longer than the day they are assigned.
Student and Parent Communication
Please re-read the syllabus and sign below to confirm your understanding of the student expectations, and responsibilities for this class. Please return this signature page to me by Friday September 5, 2014. Thank you, I am excited about starting this school year and reaching our goals.
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Please fill out the best way to contact you by email and phone.
Email: ______
Phone: ______
Gauri Shirali-Déo
2014-15 Resource Syllabus