November 25, 2016

Dear Exhibitor:

The Georgia Council of Teachers of English is making preparations for our annual conference February10-11, 2017. The conference will be located at theJekyll Island Club Hotel on beautiful Jekyll Island near Brunswick, GA. We want to see you there! Our annual conference attracts teachers from all levels of instruction. This year, the keynote sessions and break-out presentationswill be keyed to the theme, You Have a Story to Tell. Carmen Deedy is our keynote speaker on Friday afternoon, and we have workshops set up for all day on Saturday. Future teachers and instructional supervisors at all levels also will be in attendance.

I am planning some very special activities which will get conference attendees interacting with exhibitors at many levels.We will have the bingo cards again. If you are planning to donate items for door prizes, winners will be required to pick up those prizes at your tables. As in previous years, we will continue to schedule some break time for exhibitors (including some much needed coffee for exhibitors!).

The price structure for tables as well as other options for exhibitor participation is included in this package. We include opportunities for advertisement in the conference brochure and sponsorship of breaks. Even if you choose not to attend the conference, we encourage you to participate in the latter two areas.

The conference will feature presentations and speakers from every area of the state, and will provide a comprehensive representation of the total language arts experience,focusing on reading, writing, and storytelling, and other trends in English/Language Arts.

Please include the GCTE conference in your schedule for the coming year. For additional information, see the enclosed registration materials and conference options. We hope to see you at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel on February 10th!


Carolyn Waters

Exhibit Coordinator

You Have a Story to Tell

Information for Vendors


Set-up is Friday, February 10th, after noon. Breakdown is Saturday, February 21st, five in the afternoon. Registration will begin at 4:00, and the keynote speaker will begin at 5:00.

At your table:

One display table, 30”x 72”. If there are any special needs for your display, please call, text, or e-mail Carolyn.

Advertising in the convention program booklet:

Submit to Kathleen McKenzie the camera-readycopy (email to )

Make your payment on the GCTE website

Half-tones and copy only

Advertisers purchasing inside or outside covers will receive one complimentary table.

Sponsoring a break:

Submit payment on our website and send the formto Carolyn Waters, indicating event (day and time) and the level of sponsorship (full or ½). All sponsors will be recognized at the event sponsored with a sign and also acknowledged in the convention program.

Goodie bags and door prize contributions: If your organization would like to contribute items to the “goodie bags” given out with registration packets, please bring at least 300 of the items. Also, if you would like to contribute items to be given away as door prizes, please bring these as well. These items add significantly to the conference and are always well received by attendees. Your participation in this activity is very much welcomed.

Exhibit Coordinator:

Carolyn Waters


Table, Advertisement, and Break Sponsor Reservation Form

My company wants to be a part of the GCTE Annual Conference, February 10-11, 2017, at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel on Jekyll Island near Brunswick, GA. Enclosed is my reservation request.

Table(s) ______: x $250 per table (Deadline – January 13, 2017)TOTAL $ ______

Advertisements:(Deadline – January 13, 2017)

___ Inside front cover page ($525 / includes one table)

___ Inside back cover page ($525 / includes one table)

___ Outside back cover page ($525 / includes one table)

___ Full page ($275) in booklet

___ ½ page ($150) in booklet

___ ¼ page ($125) in bookletTOTAL $ ______

Break Sponsor:(Deadline – January 13, 2017)

(All Breaks – $600 full sponsor / $350 ½sponsor):

___ AM Coffee/Tea Break (Saturday)

___ PM Coffee/Tea Break (Saturday)TOTAL $ ______

GRAND TOTAL $ ______

___ My company will also provide promotional items for “goody bags.” (Please bring 300)

___ My company will provide one or more door prizes to be given away at the banquet.

Company: ______Phone: ______

Representative(s): ______

Address: ______

City: ______State ______Zip ______

FAX: ______E-mail: ______

Make payments on line at under Vendor/Exhibitor Information. Return this form to