Professional Geologists of Indiana
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2017:Broad Ripple Brew Pub, Indianapolis, IN
3:30pm – 5:00pm
In Attendance: Andy Wallace, Chris Parks, Dave Busch, Shane Schmidt, Stephen Brellenthin, Bill Karban and Kevin Strunk
- Call to Order/Quorum declaration –Andy called the meeting to order at 3:45 pm. Quorum was declared.
- Review of last Meeting Minutes / Secretary Report–Andy supplied a copy of minutes from 7/12/17 meeting. No edits. There was no quorum at the 7/12 meeting, so these minutes may simply be considered “notes”.
- Treasurer’s Report–Chris presented treasurer’s report. PGI made a deposit to 1911 Grill for ($1,278.75) for the annual meeting, and we gained a new member. Total Assets = $32,540.74.
- Committee updates
- Awards/Annual Meeting – Chris/Rob (not present)
- Chris has secured 1911 Grill. The flyer for the annual meeting has been sent to members, stating that $25 cost to enter.
- Date – 2nd Wednesday of November: 11/8/2017
- Speaker – Action Item:HAS THE SPEAKER BEEN LOCKED UP?.
- Andy discussed one potential option (Janet McCabe-Former Acting Assistant Administrator, USEPA). Janet presented at 38th Annual Indiana Water Symposium at Turkey Run in June and received good reviews.
- Are there any awards this year?
- Notes for considering this year/next year’s event:
- Chris will present the amount of cost PGI will need to cover for this year’s event, based on the number of attendees
- Next year, we should consider how much of the annual meeting dinner should be subsidized for members.
- Earth Science Education – Shane.
- Shane hasn’t seen the GW Model go out lately. Action Item:Scott to put together log of those who have checked out model.
- Milford Elementary 3rd Grade geology introduction. Action Item:Shane/Stephen to contact school about getting pictures for our website.
- Discussion on education outreach and other volunteer opportunities: Action items:
- Chris – modify the membership application to add committees in which you may have interest.
- Stephen – add volunteer opportunities to the newsletter
- Stephen – add volunteer opportunities to the text of the email for the newsletter
- Continuing Education – Rick (not present).
- The group discussed the 7/13 continuing ed event.
- Was it successful?
- How many people attended?
- How many people were present for the ASBOG training?
- Should this event be changed to Spring time? We may be missing out on attendees during summer break.
- Was this the right venue? Ivy Tech worked great, and had free parking. However, we may have missed out on many State employee attendees
- Should this event be full day? Could we provide that much content?
- Legislative – Kevin
- Kevin provided a reminder of the status on our bill language from last year: engineers group provided one comment to remove some phrasing from our bill.
- Is this simple enough to simply remove the clause that bothered the engineers and present it to our state legislator(s)?
- Should we hire a lobbyist – maybe use the same one that has worked for the surveyors? Or, another person who understands professional licensure?
- Action Item: Kevin and Rob will provide a summary of our options with timelines, so that the Board understands our next step.
- Events/Field Trips – Shane/Dave.
- Shane/Dave coordinated Deep Rock Tunnel tour from Citizens’ Energy. Shane has developed the flyer for final review by the board. Several edits suggested. Action Item: Shane -- Finalize the flyer and email members tomorrow.
- Publications/Website – Stephen
- See action items from 7/12/17 minutes
- Stephen has nothing else new to report.
- Note to all members: Action Item:take pictures and publicize any outreach activities you have completed.
- Membership – Andy
- Now up to 83 members.
- Andy sent Stephen updated PGI membership stats/graph on 7/12/17, which is now shown on the website.
- Action Item: Andy to obtain LPG mailing list from IG&Water Survey for mailing post card invitations to PGs for membership. (There should be approximately 400 + in-state). We would like the complete list, and select the recipients ourselves.
- Should this be a postcard? Or a letter with a returnable postcard?
- Target date of October 15th to send all mailers out
- Good of the Order
- Which Board members are up for re-election? How many open spots?
- Stephen, Bill, Rob, and Rick are up for re-election. Scott is rotating off.
- How will the elections be handled during the annual meeting?
- Have the president introduce the agenda of the meeting at the start of the meeting; have prospective board members introduce themselves; complete voting before dinner
- Chris will send an email with information about the election and the meeting agenda to all members prior to the annual meeting.
- Set next meeting time/date. 11/8/2017, 3:30 pm at the 1911 Grill, before the annual meeting starts. Action Item: Bill to send calendar invite to Board.
- Adjourn 5:10pm