How Well do You Know the Nervous System? – Honors Exam

Part I. Fill in the blank.

b. / 1. Name 2 regions of the brain stem?
2. Name the protective connective tissues which cover the brain. (general name)
3. Which system is called the “emotional brain” which imposes emotions to behaviors, experiences, & memories? (hypothalamus is part of it. Begins w/”L”)
b. / 4. Name 2 structures of the diencephalons.
5. What part of the diencephalons is the relay area for all sensory impulses except smell. (is the middle man)
6. Name the liquid/fluid that gives buoyancy to the CNS organs.
7. What is the largest portion of the brain?
8. What part of the brain looks like a cauliflower when cut in half?
(aka: the ballerina)
9. What part of the diencephalons controls body tempt., thirst, metabolism, pain, pleasure, fear, & sex drive?
b. / 10. Name 2 meninges of the brain.
11. The folds/ridges in the cerebrum are known as what?
12. How much does the average adult human brain weigh?
S input
M output / 13. List 3 functions of the nervous system. (not homeostasis) {Starts w/ S, I,.& M}
14. Which subdivision of the N.S. contains the brain & spinal cord?
15. Which division of the PNS carries sensory impulses towards the brain & spinal cord?
16. Which part of the A.N.S. is known as the “fight or flight” system?
17. What is the functional unit of the nervous system?
18. Which nerve cell process carries impulses toward the nerve cell body?
Word Bank for 1-18 (some may be used more than once):
Epithalamus, Thalamus, Gyri, Dura Mater, Hipdothia, 3 Pounds; 8 Pounds; Dendrites, Dendromites, Iokoka, Mother’s output, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Axon, / Midbrain, Pons, Medulla Oblongata , Limbic System, Hypothalamus, Neuron, Ganglia, Grey, Meninges, Arachnoid Mater, Pia Mater, Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Afferent N.S., Efferent N.S., Sensory Input, Sympathetic NS, Parasympathetic NS, Motor Output, Integration, Some input, Central N.S., Peripheral N.S
19. What are non-excitable cells that help & support neurons? (AKA: nerve glue)
20. What are bundles of axons & dendrites outside the PNS?(don’t over think it.)
21. Small masses of neuron cell bodies located outside the CNS are called what?
22. What type/color of matter is made of unmyelinated axons & cell bodies?
23. During a what**** potential the cell is negative outside & positive inside?
24. During depolarization the blank *** channels open.
25. The Na/K pump reestablishes the what *** potential.
26. A bruise to the brain which could be mild to severe is called what?
27. The substance released at axonal endings to iniate a nervous impulse is called what?
28. Neuroglia, in the CNS, that produce the myelin sheath are the what?
29. Synaptic vesicles store what? (ex. AcH, dopamine)
30. The site of communication b/w 2 neurons is called what?
31. Gaps in the myelin sheath are called what?
32. The factor most affecting the speed of impulse conduction is the?
33. The collection of spinal nerves attached to the end of the spinal cord traveling down the vertebral column is called the what? (2 words- translated means horse’s tail)
34. A neural pathway where reflexes occur is called a what?
35. The blank *** neuron connect the sensory neurons to the motor neuron.
Word Bank for 19-35(some may be used more than once): Sodium Channels, Chloride Channels, Nerves, Neurotransmitter, Oligodendrocytes / Cauda Equina, Interneuron, Association Neuron, Action Potential, Resting Potential, Neuroglia, Ganglia, Grey Matter, White Matter, Concussion, Nodes of Ranvier, Reflex Arch, Synapse, Myelin Sheath

Part II. Labeling Label the parts on the illustration for #36-43.

Tell what type of polar neuron is shown for # 44-46. (Dipsipolar, Bipolar, Multipolar, or Unipolar)

Word Bank:








Spinal Accessory





Name The brain for questions 59-65.