Georgia Academy of Science Council meeting

1/17/2008 3:00 PM

Via teleconference

In attendance:

Paul J. Camp

Lisa Hibbard

Bob McDonough

Ed Haddad

John Pascarella

Steve Whittle

Mitch Lockhart

Javier Hasbun

Dennis Marks

John Trefry joined at 3:20 PM

Call to order 3:10 PM

Secretary report

Will submit previous minutes by email later in the week for approval

Treasurer report

Also submitted later. $3500 dues deposited.

Meeting fees – ga academy fla discrepancy; included cost of printing journal.

Tech program Swhittle

Concerns? Few papers are in yet. Bob will remind section officers to get things in.

S Whittle remain technical chair – appointed and then approved. This year’s elections responsibility of tom manning. Bob will contact him. I emailed list of officers up for reelection.

Should we combine vp and pres elect. Refer to academy improvements.

Me propagates through system, nominations committee is past pres would be 2 year commitment.

Any concerns regarding joint meeting to relay to Trefry?

Mitch: Georgia registrations will come to me? Bob yes.

Bob Will have 2 registration desks. Making up common name tags with both logos.

Ed haddad all pre registered have premade name tags. Late registrations blank with logo hand written.

Bob payments for on site registration.

Haddad credit cards processed later.

Mitch no credit cards. For anything.

John trefry joined at 3:20 PM.

Bob we will have one more teleconference prior to meeting.

JT will email latest planning document tonight from September.

Any other meeting concerns?

Haddad what about posters?

Bob will have to ask section chairs. Bring to weekend meeting.

Javier in the past chairs or host sends map and hotel information. No idea yet.

Bob will take care of, send email M or T. Communicate with John Aliff with web page.

Haddad negotiated good fee for howard johnsons.

Javier don’t forget map of area

Haddad information of web site. Will have to discuss parking this weekend meeting.

Dennis will work on constitution and bylaws and all that. Have to sign off for a class.3:30

Whittle one other program question. Jeremy sent tentative list of how to combine sections, almost same as sept 29 draft document. Sectoin 4 split into 2 sections – combine CS from academies, remainder of section 4 with florida physics space science and engineering. How does council feel about splitting up?

Trefry we were going to wait to see how many abstracts, see if need a division.

Me problems with student awards if split section 4.

S whittle hopefully have abstracts in by next week. Will see then.

Bob separate judges for academies.

Trefry up to section chairs to get judges.

Bob we’ll also do.

Bob finished with joint meeting aspect.

John Trefry and Ed Haddad exit 3:35.

Georgia Academy Council Meeting Starts

Bob discuss extended term. Talked to KC. Run into problem with long commitment. Not enough people in attendance to pass motion. Any thoughts?

Javier discussing for a couple of years. Committee hasn’t reported. Needed to have something ready for this meeting in order for membership to vote. Need something drafted for this meeting.

Bob nobody wants to serve for 2 year term.

Executive Report

Bob would like to have clarified terms before annual meeting. One more meeting before annual.

Me need enough people to vote on motion.

Bob authorized improvements committee to allow electronic voting.

Me already amended constitution.

Bob discuss next time.

Science Olympiad and Junior Academy

Bob no more science Olympiad. Propose amendment to delete from constitution. Will be at next meeting.

Me email from Mary Lue, trying to get officers, not much success.

Bob anything with 09 meeting?

Lisa need to game plan, trickier than we thought. Might move to April?

Bob Paul mentioned a common meeting facility. Jekyll island. Will check out on the way back from Florida.

Whittle annual workshop for leaning support always in Jekyll, positive comments, economical.

Any other business?

Motion for adjourn 3:45