Electricity & Magnetism Project 2017


Students ask questions and design solutions to everyday concepts of electricity and magnetism.


The importance of our understanding of electricity and magnetism cannot be understated. Just a century and a half ago, basic ideas about electromagnetism were being discovered, but soon a modern world began to emerge, and devices like the electric motor changed the way we live. This project is designed to give students an awareness and basic knowledge of important concepts in electricity and magnetism and the challenges our modern world faces in this area.


1.Work in groups of two to create a Google Presentation (Slides) and share with me using . Name the file by first names and topic. For example, John and Sally Electric Batteries.

2.Pick a topic below and come up with a question about it or a problem to be solved about it.

3. Presentationsmust include:

  • yourquestion or problem for this topic
  • background information on topic including
  • history and discovery
  • latest and future research
  • possibleanswers or solutions to your question or problem
  • at least one dynamic visual aid.


  • online “applet” that helps visualize the concepts
  • a linked video to the presentation
  • a small demonstration device for the class
  • Two quiz questions and solutions that will be used in a class quiz

3. Presentations should:

  • be about 10 minutes long
  • emphasizeconcepts rather than equations
  • bevisual!
  • bewell-organized and concise


Pick your first, second and third choice. For each choice, come up with a question or problem. You will be assigned your topicbased on the quality of question/problem. You can getapproval for another topic.


2.Earth’s magnetic field10. Electric generators



5. Electricbatteries13.Particle accelerators and supercolliders

6. AM/FM radio technology14.Ampere’sLaw*


8. Modern sourcesofelectricenergy16.Maxwell’s equations and EM waves*


The presentations will be given over the next couple of weeks, about 3 groups presenting per day.


50 point project. Rubric below.

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
CONTENT / Ques./Prob. / Question/problem is compelling and guides research and presentation / Question/problem is interesting and guides research and presentation. / Question/problem not a central part ofresearch and presentation / Poor quality or missing question/problem
Research/Content / Uses latest research to include history, development and future of topic from a variety of high quality sources in bibliography. / Uses research to includes history, development and future of topic from high quality sources in bibliography. / Incomplete coverage of history, development and/or future of topic. Few sources documented in bibliography. / Poor coverage of history, development and future of topic and research poorly documented.
Slide Show / Excellent use of graphics, visuals, and animations. Slides are well structured, organized and visually appealing. / Good use of graphics, visuals, and animations. Slides are mostly well structured, organized visually appealing / Below average use of graphics, visuals, and animations. Slides are mostly poorly structured, unorganized or visually unappealing. / Poor use of graphics, visuals, and animations.slides are poorly structured, unorganized and visually unappealing..
Delivery / Group members show deep understanding of topics, are eager to present, equally participate, and use good eye contact and voice.
Clear,rehearsed and well-timed oral presentation. / Group members show good understanding of topics, equally participate, use good eye contact and voice.
Mostly aclear,
well-rehearsed and well-timed oral presentation. / Group members unequally participate, and use poor eye contact or voice.
Sometimes an unclear,
poorly-rehearsed and poorly-timed oral presentation / Group members use poor eye contact and voice.
An unclear, poorly rehearsed oral presentation.
QUIZ QUESTIONS / Quiz questions are clever, cover main concepts, are at appropriate level, and can easily be used for a quiz. / Quiz questions cover main concepts, are at appropriate level, and can easily be used for a quiz.. / Quiz questions
donot cover main conceptsorarenot at appropriate level, and cannot be used for a quiz. / Quiz questions do not cover main concepts, and are not atappropriate level, and cannot be used for a quiz.